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89 Cards in this Set

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2 parts of the cranium
Neurocranium (cranial vault)
Viscerocranium (facial skeleton)
Dome-like roof of neurocranium (a.k.a. skullcap)
Floor of neurocranium (a.k.a. basicranium)
Cranial Base
8 bones of the neurocranium:

ethmoidal (only a minor contribution, this is mostly a part of the viscerocranium)



temporal (x2)

parietal (x2)
The 3 bones forming the calvaria, the _______, _______, and _______ are primarily _______ bones.
2 bones that connect via hyaline cartilage (synchondroses) in childhood

Opening in the cranial base where the spinal cord and brain are continuous
Foramen Magnum
The viscerocranium consists of 15 _______ bones. Name them.

Maxilla (x2)
Inferior nasal concha (x2)
Zygomatic (x2)
Palatine (x2)
Nasal (x2)
Lacrimal (x2)
Bones that house the teeth.
Maxillae & Mandible
Where the mandible articulates with the cranial base.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
4 Pneumatized bones
Smooth, slightly depressed area between superciliary arches
Upper rim of eye socket, just superior to the supraorbital margin, a prominence deep to the eyebrows.
Supraciliary arches
Intersection of the frontal and nasal bones. Is usually depressed.
"Cheek bones"
"bridge of the nose"
Pear-shaped anterior opening in the cranium.
Piriform aperture
The _______ divides the nasal cavity into right and left spaces. The _______ are curved bony plates on the lateral wall of each cavity.
Nasal septum, nasal conchae
6 empty spaces of the skull.
frontal sinuses, ethmoidal cell, sphenoid sinuses, nasolacromial duct, orbit, maxillary sinuses
3 suture boundaries.
Sagittal (parietal) --> "the archer"
Coronal (frontoparietal)
Lambdoid (occipitoparietal)
Five layers of the scalp
Connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Periosteum of calvaria
mnemonic "SCALP"
Cranium = Skull - _____________
The scalp has the greatest concentration of hair and ________ glands in the whole body.
3 unpaired midline _________ bones make up the base of the neurocranium. Name them.

1.) ethmoid (anterior)
2.) sphenoid (central)
3.) occipital (posterior)
Paired lateral dermal (intramembranous) bones form the ________. Name them.

1.) Frontal (anterolateral)
2.) Temporal (lateral)
3.) Parietal (superior/posteriolateral)
Bone, name means "the wall"
Parietal bone
Bone, name means "Time"
Temporal ("timekeeper" --> where white hair grows)
4 Diploic vein trunks
posterior temporal
anterior temporal
2 synovial joints of the cranium
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Alanto-occipital joint
Squamous bones form via ____________
Intramembranous ossification
6 childhood fontanelles (shape and locations)
Anterior (diamond)

Posterior (triangular)

Anterolateral (a.k.a. "Sphenoidal") --> located at the pterion.

Posterolateral (a.k.a. "Mastoid")
6 Childhood fontanelles
anterior, posterior, sphenoidal (x2), mastoid (x2)
Bony plates consist of compact inner and outer ______ separated by cancellous ______.
tables, diploe

(think corrugated cardboard)
Smooth prominence immediately superior to bridge of nose (aka nasion).
Point at which the supraorbital artery and nerve leave the orbit and run onto the forehead.
Supraorbital notch (foramen)
4 frontal bone landmarks
Superciliary crest
Supraorbital notch
Supraorbital margin (& ridge)
More pronounced in men and monkeys (prevents them from wearing their face off when they chew).
Supraorbital margin (& ridge)
Lies immediately posterior to the articular tubercle. The two form an articular surface for mandible.
Condylar notch
Temporal bone landmarks
Articular tubercle

Condylar notch

Tympanic plate

External auditory meatus

Mastoid process

Supramastoid crest (continuance of zygomatic arch)

Styloid process
The _______, a surgical landmark for the mastoid antrum, is made up of the ______ spine and ______ crest.
small suprameatal triangle
The Zygomatic Arch becomes the __________ which continues laterally and superiorly to become the _______, which is the point of origin for the ______ muscle.
supramastoid crest
temporal line
The _________ is the long, pointy thing that projects from the base of the cranium inferior to the ____________. It is a remnant of the ___________.
styloid process
external auditory meatus
second branchial arch
2 Ligaments from the styloid process:
Mastoid process is found _________ to the styloid process.
2 muscles insert into the posterolateral aspect of the mastoid process.
splenius capitis
longissimus capitis
Mastoid air cells communicate with the middle ear cavity through the __________.
Mastoid antrum
This stout part of the skull is not present at birth.
Mastoid process
Fills the gap between the squamous portion of temporal bone and frontal bone.
Greater wing of sphenoid bone.
H-shape suture, junction of sphenoid, parietal, frontal, and temporal.
Pterion (remember: where "Hermes" had his wings)
The pterion is the location of the ___________ in children.
Anterolateral fontanelle
_________ processes arise from the inferior surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
The ______ and _______ extend along the posterior sagittal plane to the foramen magnum. The _______ attach to the occipital bone along this line.
external occipital protuberance (inion)
external occipital crest
ligamentum nuchae
The superior nuchal line connects the _____ with the ______ and gives origin to the ______ muscle.
mastoid process
trapezius muscle
The inferior nuchal line divides the insertions of the ______ muscle from the insertion of the ______ muscle
splenius capitis
posterior rectus capitis
The highest nuchal line provides origin for the ______ muscle.
occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle
The ______ is the point at which the sagittal and coronal sutures meet. It is the location of the ______ in children.
Anterior fontanelle
The ______ is the point at which the sagittal and lamboid sutures meet. It is the location of the _____ in children.
Posterior fontanelle
Sutural bones (a.k.a. ______) (tiny bones that form in sutures) are most common in the ______ suture.
lamboid, wormian, or Incan bones
The ______ portions of the temporal bones consist of two columns of dense bone that abut the anterolateral edges of the basal part of the occipital bone.
The infratemporal fossa is formed by the ______ and ______. It is bound by the _____ and _________ laterally and the _______ posteriorly.
Greater wing of sphenoid bone
Squamous portion of temporal bone
Zygomatic arch
Mastoid process
The infraorbital fissure lies between _______ and _________ and transmits _______.
Greater wing of the sphenoid
Infraorbital branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V2) & infraorbital vessels
The ______, which arise from _______ form the lateral boundaries of the nasal choanae.
Pterygoid processes
Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5 Components of pterygoid process
Medial plate
Lateral plate
Scaphoid fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa
The medial pterygoid plate gives rise to the __________ and terminates in the _______.
Superior constrictor of the pharynx
The hamulus functions as a trochlea for the tendon of the _______ muscle.
Tensor veli palatini
The lateral pterygoid plate gives rise to ______.
Pterygoid muscles (lateral and medial)
Arteries and nerves gain access to the nasal cavity, palate, orbit and face via the __________. The _________ opens into this fossa.
Pterygopalatine fossa
Pterygomaxillary fissure
Boundaries of the pterygomaxillary fissure.
Maxillary tuberosity (anterior)

Pterygoid process of sphenoid bone (posterior)

Infratemporal crest of sphenoid bone (superiorly)

Perpendicular plate of palatine bone (medially)
3 foramina that lie along posterior border of sphenoid bone and their locations.
Pterygoid (vidian) canal (base of medial pterygoid plate)

Foramen ovale (anteromedial)

Foramen spinosum (posterolateral)
The pterygoid (vidian) canal lies at the base of the ______ and caries the ____ nerve (which made up of the ______ nerve and _____ nerve conjoined) to the ________.
Medial pterygoid plate
Vidian nerve (a.k.a. nerve of the pterygoid canal)
greater superficial petrosal
deep petrosal
pterygopalatine fossa
5 things that pass through the foramen ovale
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3)

Accessory meningeal artery

lesser superficial petrosal nerve

recurrent meningeal branch of trigeminal nerve

emissary vein
What passes through the foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal artery
Fracture of skull that passes through foramen spinosum may result in _____ hematoma or ______ hemorrhage due to the severing of ________.
middle meningeal artery
Three rows (name them) of foramina can be found **here** in the temporal bone.
1.) lateral row, 2.) intermediate row, 3.) medial row.

**petrous portion and adjacent edges of the squamous portion.
The lateral row of foramina lies along the _____ edge of the ______ portion of the temporal bone. Name the three components.

1.) middle ear cleft
2.) tympanic plate
3.) mastoid process
The tympanic plate forms the vertical _____ wall of the _______.
external auditory meatus
The middle ear cleft continues anteriorly as the ________. The bony portion emerges from the _______.
tympanic (auditory, eustachian) tube
tympanic plate
The mastoid process is groved on its medial side for the _____ muscle and _____ artery.
The intermediate row lies ______ in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Name the three components.

1.) Petrosquamous (tympanosquamosal) fissure (and its medial portion, the petrotympanic fissure)

2.) Stylomastoid foramen

3.) Styloid process
The petrosquamous fissure lies between the ______ and _____ portions of the ______ bone. Its medial portion, the ______ fissure transmits the _______ nerve.
chorda tympani
The stylomastoid foramen lies between the _____ and ____ processes. It is the termination of the _____ and transmits the ____ nerve (CN ___)
facial canal
The shaft of the styloid process gives origin to 3 muscles and 2 ligaments. Name them.
Stylohoid muscle
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Styloglossus muscle
Stylomandibular ligament
Stylohoid ligament
The medial row lies along the ______ edge of the _____ portion of the temporal bone. Name the 3 components.

1.) foramen lacerum
2.) carotid canal
3.) jugular foramen
The foramen lacerum results from superior and inferior defects in the _______. It separates the _____ bone from the _____ bone. The ______ is the only thing that passes through it.
carotid canal
petrous temporal bone
sphenoid bone
greater superficial petrosal nerve
The jugular foramen runs _______ into the cranial cavity. Name the 4 things it transmits.

internal jugular vein
glossopharyngeus nerve (CN IX)
vagus nerve (CN X)
spinal accesory (CN XI) nerves
Name the two parts of the occipital bone.
Y-shaped basilar part (basi-occiput)
Squamous part (occipital squama)
The Y-shaped basilar part of the occipital bone forms the anterior boundary of the _______. Paired occipital condyles articulate with _______.
foramen magnum
The _______, at the _____ end of each occipital condyle transmits an emissary vein.
posterior condylar canal
The ________ contributes to the posterior boundary of the foramen magnum. The ______, which lies ______ to the mastoid process transmits an emissary vein.
occipital squama
mastoid foramen
immediatly posterior