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70 Cards in this Set

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extracellular material that surrounds cell.
matrix is composed of
fibers and ground substances
types of tissue preparation
fixation, section, stain and observations
phermedahide so tissue doesn't rott.
planes of section
long, cross, transverse and oblique
primary tissue classes
epthelial, connective , nervous and muscular
epthelial tissue clas
cover or line body parts and form glands
connective tissue class
diverse and connect things together
specialize cell. allows communication from one cell to another
specialized for contractions and able to shrink
epithelial tissues
one of more layers. very little space. exposed surface. basement membrane connects to another tissue to get supplies because it avascular.
epithelial tissue is characterized by..
number of layers and shape of cells
simple cell is
one layer
stratified cell is
more than one layer.
pseudostratified columar
... looks like a bunch but all connects to base. has goblet cells.
goblet cells
secretes mucus
simple squamous are
endothelium and mesothelious
lining lumina of blood and lymphatic vessels
covers visceral organs and lines body cavities
simple cuboidal are in
most kidney tubules and salivary ducts
pseudostratified cells are in
mucosa of the trachea and respiratory tract from the nasal cavity to bronchi
keratinized strat. squamous
foot epidermis and palms. cells becoming flat and scaly toward front. surface is dead cells with no nuclei. resist abrasion, water loss and penetratration
non keratinized strat. squamous
vaginal mucosa, tounge , esophagus and anal canal. no dead layer of cells. resist abrasion and penetratration
strat. cuboidal in?
sweat glands, ovaries and testies
transtional epithelium
resembles strat. squamous. except surface layer is round. stretches by flattening cells-bladder... urinary tract
connective tissue categories
fibrous connective tissue, adipose tissue, supportive connective tissue, and fluid connective tissue.
extracellular space..
takes up more room than the cell. no free surface
connective tissue functions
binding organs, support, protection , movement, storage,heat production, and transport
fibrous connective tissue is
most diverse, nearly all contain fibers and consist of ground substance
components of fibrous connective tissue
fibroblasts, macrophages, leukocytes, plasma cells, mast cells and adipocytes
fibroblast produce
fibers and ground tissue
macrophages is
large phagocytic cells. wander though connective tissue
plasma cells does what?
synthesizes disease fighting proteins called antibodies
mast cells does what?
inhibits blood clotting. secrets histamine.
histamine does..
increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels
fibroblasts produces what types of fibers
collagenous fibers, reticular fibers and elastic fibers
collagenous fiber
tough and flexible and resist stretching. 25% of the body's protein
reticular fibers
from a spongy like frame work for such organs and spleen and lymph nodes
elastic fibers
thinner than collagenous fiber. made up of protein called elastin.
elastin ...
coiled structure allows it to stretch and recoil like a rubber band
type of fibrous connective tissue
loose and dense
loose connective tissue
areolar and reticular
dense connective tissue
regular and irregular
abundant, binds epthelial to deeper tissue. mostly collagenous but also elastic and reticular. underlying epithelia, surrounding blood vessels, nervous between muscles and skin. binging and packing material. flexible and strong in any direction
supports lymphatic organs. spleen. lymph node and bone marrow. loose net work of reticular fibers and cells.
dense regular conective tissue.
parallel collagen fibers. slender fibroblast nuclei and compressed between collagen bundles. little open space. avascular. tendons and ligaments
irregular connective tissue
random arrangement . strong and multiple directions. most dermis. protective capsules- kidney testies and spleen
adipose tissue
adipocytes. nucleus pressed against membrane. empty looking.
cartilage is
chondroblasts, rubbery matrix, lacunae, chondrocytes and avascular
three types of cartilage
hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
hyaline cartilage
clear and glassy matrix. collagen fibers Fine and not visible. chondrocytes enclosed in lacunae. functions. ease joint movement, holds airway open,forms growth zones for babies
elastic cartilage
external ear. elastic fibers form Web like mesh amid lacunae. provides flexibility
parallel collagen fibers. rows of chondrocytes in lacunae between fibers. where? pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs and menisci. function resist compression and absorbs shock in some joints
bone tissue
spongy bone and compact bone
compact bone stuff
osteon bone tissue cell as a whole. central canal in the middle. canaliculi give supply to cells. lamellar are the rings.
blood is
a liquid connective tissue. consist of ground substance called plasma and formed elements
formed elements are
cells and cell fragments
nervous tissue
communication with electric and chemical signals. consist of neurons and neuroglia.
protect and assist neurons
receive signals from other cells and transmits it the soma
sends outgoing signals
muscle tissue
skeletal cardiac and smooth. all move from contractions
skeletal muscle tissue
muscular fibers, striations, voluntary and multiple nucluei
cardiac muscle tissue
striations but different direction. intercalated disc space where striations split.
smooth muscle tissue
non striated, fusiform, involuntary. in stomach
secretes substance for use in body or waste disposal. digestive enzymes. mostly epithelial tissue some connective tissue
exocrine glands
maintian contact with surface way of duct. maybe be released to body surface.
4 types of extocrines glands
serous glans- thin watery fluid
mucous glands- absorb water for mucus
mixed glands- both serous and mucous
cytogenic glands- whole cells testies and overies
endocrine glands
no contact with surface. use hormones not ducts.
unicellular glands
isolated gland cells found in epithelium example goblet cells