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30 Cards in this Set

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Label and recgonize fluid mosaic model
Functions for membrane proteins
Function of membrane proteins 2
Name this membrane junction
Name this membrane junction
Tight Junction
Name this membrane junction
Gap Junction
Plasma membrane seperates __________ from _________
intracellular, extracellular
Fluid Mosaic
double bilayer of lipids with imbeded, dispersed protiens
Functions of Membrane Proteins
1) Transport
2) Enzymatic Activity
3) Receptors
4) Intracellular Adhesion
5) Cell-Cell Recognition
6) Attachment to extracellular Matrix
________ are formed only in the __________ surface
Glycolipids, Cholesterol
_______% of all membrane lipids is ______
20, Cholesterol
Tight Junction
Impermeable junction that enters the cell
What junction contains the spot wield
Junction that allows chemical substance to pass
Gap Junction
Simple Diffusion
nonpolar and lipid solution substances
Simple Diffuses _______ through the _______ bilayer
Directly, Lipid
Diffusion known as Taxi Cab diffusion
Facilitated diffusion transports
glucose, amino acids, and ions
Facilitated diffusion binds _______ _______ or passes through ______ ________
carrier protons, protein channels
Draw diffusion through the plasma membrane
Osmosis occurs when _________ of a solution is different on _______ sides of the __________
concentration, opposite, membrane
Osmosis is the _______ of _______ across a semipermeable membrane
diffusion, water
Total concentration of solute particles
________ is the process of water and solutes through a membrane by ________ _________
Filtration, Hydrostatic, Pressure
Solutions with the same solute concentration
Hypertonic solutions have _______ solute concentration
Solutions having lesser solute then that of the cystol
Active Transport
Uses ATP to move solutes across a membran in the same direction
Hydrolysis of ATP phospohoylas to transport protiens
Primary Active Transport
Secondary Active Transport uses an exchange pump _________ to drive the transport of ______ _________
Indirectly, Other, Solutions