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57 Cards in this Set

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division of cell that produces two identical daughter cells
cell division that produces gametes- contain one half chromosome of original cell
production of spermatozoon or sperm from spermatogonium to permatozoon
process of spermatid developing into a spermatozoon; nurse cells/ sustentacular cells must be present
spermatozoon loses its attachment to nurse/ sustentacular cell and enters lumen of seminiferous tubules
activation process that occurs before a sperm can fertilize an egg

1. sperm becomes motile when mixed with secretions of seminal vesicle
2. successful penertration of egg when exposed to the conditions inside the vagina (sperm cell membrane changes)
engorgement of the erectile tissue in the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum
- controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system
mixing of the components of the seminal fluid
- controlled by sympathetic nervous system
ejection of semen from penis resulting from contrations of bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles
- controlled by somatic nervous system
what are the functions of the male reproduction system? (2)
1. produces gametes (sperm)
2. produces sex hormones
what is the male reproductive organ (gonad)
what is the male reproductive tract?
epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct and urethra
what are the male accessory glands and organs that secrete into ducts?
seminal vesicle and prostate gland
what are the 2 parts to the male external genitalia (perineal structures)
scrotum and penis
found in the scrotum
- first develop inside abdominal cavity near kidney
- move inferiorly and anteriorly
- move through anterior abdominal musculature
each testis is in a separate compartment called...
scrotal cavity
what is the name of the serous membrane that lines the scrotal cavity and covers the testes
tunica vaginalis
smooth muscle of the scrotum that causes wrinkling of skin
dartos muscle
skeletal muscle that moves the testis toward or away from the body as needed ( cremasteric reflex)
cremaster muscle
what is the dense fibrous layer of the testis called?
-- covered by serous tunica vaginalis
tunica albuginea
testis is divided into lobules by what?
consists of layers of fascia, tough connective tissue, muscles enclosing the blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics supplying the tests
-starts at testis and continues into abdominopelvic cavity
- contains:
...ductus deferens
...testicular artery and vein
...pampiniform plexus of veins
spermatic cord
where does sperm production take place?
seminiferous tubules
what do seminiferous tubules connect to?
straight tubule
what does the straight tubule connect to in mediastinum?
rete testis
what does the rete testis connect to by means of the efferent ducts?
spaces with seminiferous tubules contain blood vessels and interstitial cells that secrete the male sex hormone...
this hormone stimulates spermatogenesis
- promotes maturation of spermatozoa
- maintains accessory organs
-aids in development of secondary sexual characteristics
-stimulates body growth
- stiulates sexual behavior
formed in embryonic period and are dormant until sexual maturity
type of spermatogonia which undergoes meiosis

two cell divisions which produce gametes which has half the number of chromosomes
- each has 23 pairs of chromosomes
primary spermatocyte
what does the 1st division of meiosis of spermatogonia produce?
secondary spermatocyte
what do 2nd division of secondary spermatocyte produce?
how many spermatids will be produced from 1 primary spermatocyte?
how many sets of 23 chrmosomes doe each spermatid have?
development of a spermatid into a spermatozoon or sperm
these cells support spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis, and maintain blood testis barrier- maintain stable environment for spermatocytes and spermatids
nurse cells. sustenacular cells
what part of spermatozoon contains chromosomes?
part of spermatozoon that plays important role on fertilization
acrosomal cap
part of spermatozoon that has a flagellum which moves it from place to place
part of reproductive tract-
- has head, body, tail
- monitors and adjusts composition of fluid
- gets rid of damaged spermatozoa
- stores spermatozoa- mainly in tail
- facilitates spermatozoa maturity- (takes about 2 weeks)
- spermatozoa leave it immobile
part of reproductive tract-
- extend from epididymis to the pelvic cavity
- expanded portion in pelvis near urinarry bladder is ampulla
- transports and stores spermatozoa
- joins with duct from seminal vesicle to form ejaculatory duct
ductus deferens- vas deferens
this is an accessory gland
- tubular gland on posterior aspect of urinary bladder
-active secretory gland
- contributes about 60% of the volume of semen
- secretions cause spermatozoa to become mobile
seminal vesicle
- accessory gland
- encircles urethra as it leaves bladder
- produces 20-30% of semen
- empties into the prostatic urethra
prostate gland
this accessory organ is located at base of penis
- secretion helps to neutralize substances left in urethra after urination
- secretion lubricates tip of penis
- empties into the penile urethra
bulbourethral gland
accessory organ that extends from urinary bladder to tip of penis
-composed of
...prostatic portion
...membranous portion
...penile urethra
male urethra
part of male urethra that passes through prostate gland
prostatic portion
part of urethra that passes through urogenital diaphragm
membranous portion
part of urethra that ends at external urethral meatus
penile urethra
contains urethra and conducts urine and semen
fixes penis to rami of ischium
contains erectile tissue -- three cylindrical columns
- 2 dimensional maze of vascular channels with elastic tissue and smooth muscle
body/ shaft
what happens when arterial muscles relax (under parasympathetic control)
two columns of erectile tissue with a central artery
corpora cavernosa
single column of erectile tissue which form the glans penis at its distal end
- contains penile urethra
- forskin coverts tip of penis and surrounds external urethral meatus
corpus spongiusum
contains spermatozoa, seminal fluid, and enzymes
this follows erection
- peristaltic waves along ducts and glands mix their secretion
- under sympathetic control
starts with contraction of ischiocavernosus ( compresses erectile tissue) and bulbospongiosus ( causes ejection of semen) muscles