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36 Cards in this Set

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this aspect of the PNS brings nerve impulses to the CNS-- sensory fibers from receptors
this aspect of the PNS takes nerve impulses away from CNS-- motor fibers to muscles or glands (exit)
-made up of brain and spinal cord and responsible for:
- integration
- processing
- coordinating sensory data and motor commands
-seat for higher functions
central nervous system
all nerual tissue outside of CNS
- composed of different types of nerve fibers (afferent and efferent)
peripheral nervous system
cytoplasm around the nucleus of a neuron
- has various organelles like all cells
- aggregates of ribosomes (Nissl bodies)
- neurofilaments (give 3D structure to cell)
part of neuron that recceives information from other neurons
- composed of _______ic spines
part of neuron that takes information away from neuron to another neuron; nerve fiber
end of axon... communication between neurons
synaptic terminal
numerous dendrites and one axon arising from soma
multipolar neuron
one dedrite and one axon with soma in between
bipolar neuron
continuous dendrite and axon with soma off to side
unipolar/ pseudopolar neuron
type of neuroglia in PNS that surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia; regulate 02 and CO2, nutrients, and neurtotransmitter levels aroud neurons in ganglia
satellite cells
type of neuroglia in PNS that produces myelin for axons
Schwann cell
type of neuroglia in CNS that lines ventricles (brain) and central canal (spinal cord); assist in producing, circulating, and monitoring cerbrospinal fluid
type of neuroglai in CNS that removes cell debris, wastes, and pathogens by phagocytosis
type of neuroglia in CNS that maintains blood-brain barrier, provides structural suppoer; regulate ion, nutrient, and dissolved gas concentrations; absorb and recycle neurotransmitters ; form scar tissue after injury
type of neuroglia that myelinate CNS axons; provide structural framework
controls and adjusts activities of other systems of the body
- chemical communication with targeted tissue
-response is quick and brief
- response disappears quickly
- response modifies activities of other systems
nervous system
part of the neuron that contains nucleus, mitochondria, free ribosomes (Nissl bodies), perikaryon (cytoplasm surrounding nucleus), neurofilaments, neurotubules, various other organelles
cell body/ soma
connects initial segment of axon with cell body of axoplasm
axon hillock
type of afferent/ sensory neuron

- input from an external source - skin
cell body of neurons in posterior/ dorsal root ganglia
- cranial nerve ganglia

motor- efferent : output to skeletal muscles
neurons- cell bodies in CNS
type of afferent/ sensory neuron
- input from internal source- organs
- cell body of neuron in
- posterior/ dorsal root ganglia
- cranial nerve ganglia

motor/ efferent:
- Autonomic Nervous System
- output to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands, neurons (cell bodies in CNS), neurons (cell bodies in ganglia)
receptors in skin- bring info from outside world to CNS such as pain, touch
receptors in muscle and joints - tells CNS the position of the body
receptors in organs- tells CNS about status of internal organs
collection of neuronal cell bodies outside CNS
around whole nerve
around fascicles- bundles of axons
around individual axons
supporting cells for neurons
- isolate neurons
-provide framework for support
-maintain intercellular environment
-5 times more glia than neurons
- can divide and reproduce
- called glue that keeps nervous system together
the following neuroglia are associated with CNS or PNS?
- astrocytes
- oligodendrocytes
- microglia
- ependymal cells
the following neuroglia are associated with CNS or PNS?
- satellite cells
-schwann cells
in the PNS, what makes up the gray matter?
in the PNS what makes up the white matter?
in the CNS, what makes up gray matter?
in the CNS what makes up white mattr?
tracts and columns