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44 Cards in this Set

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What are the two parts of the central nervous system?
Spinal chord
What are the parts of the peripheral nervous system?
1. cranial nerves
2. Spinal nerves
3. Ganglia
Nerves that extend from the brain?
Nerves that extend from the spinal chord
What do you call clusters of neurons outside the CNS
What do you call the division of information coming in from the periphery to the CNS? And different types?
Sensory or AFFERENT
1. somatic
2. special senses
3. visceral
Information about pain, skin temp, touch, pressure and position of body parts
Somatic sensory
Visual, taste, smell, sound and equilibrium information
Special senses
Information about core body temperature, stretching of internal organs. Like bladder or stomach, blood pressure and pH, queasiness
Visceral senses
What division in the NS contols Motor commands going from the CNS
Motor or efferent
control of skeletal muscle
Controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
What are the large number neurons, primarily in the CNS, that are devoted to processing info & making plans
Integrative and cognitive Division
How many neurons are in a human?
about 1 billion
What are some characteristics of neurons?
1. high metabolic rates
2. Long lived cells (lifetime)
3. transmit impulses
4. many shapes
What does the cell body of a neuron have?
mitochondria, ribosomes, & other organelles, nucleus
What do you call the regions of a neuron that Gathers incoming information and can be quite numerous?
The part of the neuron that Transmits action potentials to send info to other cells
What do you call branches of axons on a neuron?
axon collaterals
Extreme tips of axon that is half of a synapse?
Synaptic knobs
What type of neuron
Transmits sensory information into the CNS?
Sensory neurons
Entirely within the CNS, these neurons retrieve, process and store info?
what type of neruron Transmits motor commands outward from the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands)
Motor neurons
How many glial cells in a person
900 bilion
The role is to support and protects neurons and do not transmit nerve impulses?
Glial cells
Types of glial cells in CNS
1. astrocytes
2. Ependymal
3. microglia
4. oligodendrocytes
These glial cells are star shaped, most abundant, help form blood brain barrier, which protects the neurons in the CNS from many toxins in the blood
These glial cells line the ventricles and make cerebrospinal fluid?
Ependymal Cells
These are small glial cells that scavenge dead or damaged tissue. Only about 5% of glial cells
Form myelin sheaths around axons of CNS which makes them travel faster
What are the two types of PNS glial cells?
1. satellite
2. neurolemmoctyes
Protect the PNS neurons from the harsher environments of the body?
Satellite cells
Myelinate axons of many PNS neurons?
Bundles of axons that run together
seen macroscopically
Present only in the PNS
What are the three layers of a nerve?
1. endoneurium
2. perineurium
3. epineurium
Surround an individual axon and its myelin sheath?
Surrounds bundles of axons called fassicles
Surrounds entire nerve
What are the different types of nerves
1. Sensory
2. motor
3. mixed
Contain axons of sensory neurons
Sensory nerves
contains axons of motor neurons
Motor nerves
Contain axons of both sensory and motor neurons?
Mixed nerves
What do you call the neuron that is transmitting signal?
Presynaptic cell
Neuron, muscle, or glandular cell that is receiving the signal?
postsynaptic cell