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47 Cards in this Set

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When embryonic connective tissue tissue (mesenchyme) differentiates into bone directly, it is considered ______
This is seen mainly in the _____
-Intramembranous ossification
When embryonic connective tissue tissue (mesenchyme) differentiates into a hyaline cartilage model of bone, it is considered ________
Hyaline cartilage model then turns into _______
-endochondral ossification
The skeletal and muscular system develop mainly from the (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) of the embryo
During development, the mesoderm differentiates into what three parts on each side of the midline neural tube and notochord (from medial to lateral)
-paraxial mesoderm
-intermediate mesoderm
-lateral plate mesoderm
The _____ is a thickened band of mesoderm on each side of the neural tube. This becomes segmented into paired blocks of _____ which differentiate into spinal
-paraxial mesoderm
The somite differentiates into what 4 parts and what do these turn into?
1) sclerotome (ventromedial) - contributes to vertebral column
2) epimere (dorsomedial myotome) - intrinsic back muscles
3) hypomere (dorsolateral myotome) - muscle of limbs and body wall
4) dermatome - skin
_____ migrate medially to surround the neural tube and notochord to form 2 adjacent vertebrae
Describe how sclerotomes form a vertebrae:
Also, how are intervertebral discs formed?
-caudal half of one sclerotome and cephalic half of sclerotome below form body of vertebra
-intervertebral discs form between these formed halves
During development, _____ bridge the intervertebral discs
_____ results when half a vertebra is missing, which results in scoliosis
Spina bifida is a defect in the ______
vertebral arches of adjacent vertebrae
______ is protrusion and/or defect of the spinal cord
______ is when the defect is not apparent and is covered by hair and/or pigmented skin
-spina bifida systica
-spina bifida occulta
Lateral plate mesoderm is divided into two layers by development of ______
What are these two divisions and what do they contribute to?
-intraembryonic cavity

1) Somatic/parietal mesoderm - ventral and lateral body walls
2) Splanchnic/visceral mesoderm - gastrointestinal, respiratory, and other systems
Somatic mesoderm migrate to form upper and lower _____ at approximately opposite segments of _____ and _____ respectively
-limb buds
-C5-T1 and L2-S3
Somatic mesoderm cells form _____ that undergo _______
-hyaline cartilage models
-endochonral ossification (give rise to bones of limbs)
The ______ is a thickened ectoderm at the distal border of limb bud. This induces adjacent mesoderm to _____ while the more proximal mesoderm ______
-apical ectodermal ridge (AER)

-remain undifferentiated and proliferate rapidly *progress zone*
-condenses and differentiates into hyaline cartilage models of bone
Bone first starts to appear in the embryo at about ____ weeks and primary ossification centers are present by ____ week
In 6-week-old embryos, the termal portion of the limb flatten to form _____
handplates and footplates
Mesenchyme at handplates and footplates condense to form ______ and between these, the cells undergo ______ to separate fingers and toes from each other
-digital rays
-programmed cell death
During the ____ week, the upper limbs rotates laterally and lower limbs rotate medially 90 degrees
Total absence of one or more extremity is ____ while partial absence is _____
This could be caused by maternal digestion of _____

Extra fingers or toes is _____
Abnormal fusion of fingers and toes is _____
This is due to _____
-failer of apoptosis between digital rays
The skull is divided into what two parts?
-neurocranium - encloses, protects brain
-viscerocranium - forms skeletal face
Neural crest cells is unique because:
it is ectoderm that gives rise to skeletal and connective tissues that only occurs in anterior portion of head and neck
The anterior portion of the skull develops from _____ and the posterior portion of skull develops from ______
-paraxial mesoderm (red)
-neural crest cells (blue)
The skull develops partly by ____ ossification and partly by _____ ossification
The flat bones forming the sides and roof of the neurocranium are the _____ which develops ______
The roof (skullcap) is the _____
-cranial vault
The cranial base of the neurocranium is called the _______ because it develops mainly by _____
-endochondral ossification
The _____ are important sites for growth of the skull, which undergo _____ growth
____ are wider areas where two or more bones meet
-appositional growth

The _____ is the soft spot on a baby's head
anterior fontanelle
_____ is premature closure of one side of patients coronal and lambdoid sutures
_____ is premature fusion of the sutures which causes restricted growth and compensatory overgrowth on remaining open sutures
Most common craniosynostosis is ____, which is narrowing of the skull from premature sagittal suture
Craniosynostosis can results from ____ such as growth constraint of the fetal head by uterine malformation or triplet pregnancies. This usually results in a ____ forehead
-mechanical factors
-wedge shaped
Mutations in _____ have been shown to cause syndromes involving craniosynostosis and limb deformities
fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs)
_____ is the most common, nonfatal form of dwarfism
This results in what type of features?

-large cranial fault
-small midface (due to abnormal chondrocranial growth)
-short and bowed extremities
-short fingers
Skeletal muscle develops from the _____ of the ______
somites of the paraxial mesoderm
The hypomere (dorsolateral region of somites) is innervated by the _____ of spinal nerves
anterior rami
The epimere (dorsomedial region of somites) is innervated by the ____ of spinal nerves
posterior rami
The _____ divisions of the anterior rami innervate the flexor compartments of the upper extremity (musculocutaneous, median, and ulnar nerve)
The _____ divisions of the anterior rami innervate the extensor compartments of the extremities (radial nerve)
The _____ are innervated by the anterior rami and migrate to the superficial back muscles
Skeletal muscles are (uninucleated/multinucleated)
Skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the fusion of percursor cells called ____
These form long multinucleated _____ and synthesis of contractile proteins
Skeletal muscle fibers differentiate into different types largely due to:
-properties that innervate them
What are the three types of muscle fibers?
-slow oxidative (SO) (more numerous in postural muscles)
-fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) - intermediate
-fast glycolytic (FG)
Partial or complete absence of the abdominal musculature results in _____
This usually results in urinary tract obstruction, which causes ______ which compresses the lungs resulting in _____
-prune belly syndrome

-pulmonary hypoplasia