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30 Cards in this Set

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Vaginal atresia
failure of sinovaginal bulbs to develop or vaginal plate to canalize
undescended testes
-decreased testosterone causes failure of one or both testicles to descend in the scrotom
gubernaculum persists as the
scrotal ligament
Congenital inguinal hernia
persistence of connection between processus vaginalis and scrotal sac after 1st year of birth causing passage of intestinal loops in the scrotum
Congenital Hydrocele
partial persistence of a cystic cavity during obliteration of processus vaginalis that will be filled with serous fluid causing hydrocele of testis and or spermatic cord
incomplete fusion of urethral folds leading to abnormal openings along the inferior aspect of shaft of hte penis (VENTRAL SIDE)
too far caudal genital tubercle causes opening on the dorsum of the penis with exposure of the urethra, Ususally exstophy of the bladder (DORSAL SIDE)
insufficient androgen stimulation
-endocrinal causes
-hypogonadism, hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunction
male sex chromosomal disorders
-testicular atrophy
Female sex chromosomal disorder
Turner Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
ovarian dysgenesis due to oocyte loss and not germ cell abnormalities
True Hermaphroditism
External genitalia- ambiguous or predominantly female
Both testes and ovaries (uterus is normally present)
46XX (70%)
Female Pseudohermaphroditism
Ovaries present but excess androgen which leads to variable masculinization of external genitalia (enlargement of clitoris to almost male genitalia)
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome/ Male pseudohermaphroditism
external genitalia is female
-lack androgen receptors(testosterone cant stimulate male differentiation)
- Testes PRESENT but NO spermatogenesis
-abscent uterus and uterine tubes with short blind vagina
Urogenital system develops from
intermediate mesoderm (urogenital ridge)
mesoneohros developes into
genital system in males
what forms the permanent kidney
(starts working around week 10)
exretory unit (nephrons) develop from
metanpheric blastema
collecting system of the kidney develop from
ureteric bud
ureteric bud forms
renal pelvis --> major calyces--> minor calyces--> collecting tubules and renal papilla and forms a renal pyramis
the babies kidney starts to produces urine at
10 weeks
kidney failure to ascend is called
pelvic kidney
the kidney may fuse caudally to form a horseshoe kidney which is arrested in its ascend by the
inferior mesenteric artery
renal agenesis
kidney not form
-can happen unilaterally or bilaterally
-due to failure of the ureteric bud to contact metanephric mesoderm
Bilateral renal agenesis results in
decrease amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) and is incompatible with postnatal survival
Newborn spinal cord ends at
Metanepheric mesoderms forms
renal glomerulus+capillaires
Bowmans capsule
Proximal convoluted tubules
loop of henle
distal convoluted tubules
Urinary bladder develops from
outgrowth of mesopnephric duct; terminal end becomes bladder wall
urachial fistula
lumen of the allantois persists as the urachus forms. Urine dribbles from the umbilicus when the baby cries