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71 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
extrinsic back muscles (2)
1. superficial back muscles
2. inermediate back muscles
superficial back muscles (4)
1. trapezius
2. latissumus dorsi
3. rhomboids
4. levatar scapulae
trapezius (NFAR)
N. spinal accesory
F. superior fibers- elevate scapula
middle fibers- retract scapula
inferior fibers-depress scapula
sup/inf- superior rotation of scapula
A. occipital bone, C7-T12 vert., lig. nuchae, clavicle, scapula-acromion/spine
R. most superficial, upper back, posterior neck/shoulder
latissimus dorsi (NFAR)
N. thoracodorsal
F. extends, adducts, medially rotates humerus
A. T7-T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, ribs 10-12, humerus- bicipital groove
R. partially under trapezius, fan-shaped, mid/lateral region of back
rhomboids (NFAR)
N. dorsal scapular
F. retracts and inferiorly rotated scapula
A. lig. nuchae, C7-T5, scapula- middle border from spine to inferior angle
R. deep to trapezius, inferior to lev. scapulae
levatar scapulae (NFAR)
N. dorsal scapular
F. elevates and inferiorly rotates scapula
A. C1-C4, scapula- superiomedial border
R. deep to trapezius, superior to rhomboids
serratus posterior superior (NFA)
N. T1-T3 intercostal
F. elevates ribs
A. lig. nuchae, C7-T3, ribs 2-5
serratus posterior inferior (NFA)
N. T10-T12 intercostal
F. depresses ribs
A. T11-L2, thoracolumbar fiscia, ribs 9-12
intrinsic/deep back muscles, otherwise known as...
superficial layer of deep muscles (2)
1. splenius capitis
2. splenius cervicis
inermediate layer of deep muscles (1)
erector spinae
deep layer of dep muscles (1)
transversospinalis muscles
splenius capitis (NFAR)
N. dorsal rami
F. extend and laterally bend head
A. lig. nuchae, C7-T4, mastoid process, occipital bone
R. deep to trapezius, serratus posterior superior, thoracolumbar fascia
splenius cervicis (NFA)
N. dorsal rami
F. extend and laterally bend head
A. T3-T6 spinous processes, C1-C4 transverse processes
3 groups of erector spinae (where they are)
1. iliocastalis-lateral
2. longissimus-middle
3. spinalis-medial
erector spinae (NFA)
N. dorsal rami
F. extend column and head, laterally bend column
A. cervical, thoracic, inferior lumbar vert., sacrum, iliac crest, ribs, mastoid process
4 groups of transversospinalis muscles
1. semispinalis
2. multifidus
3. rotatores
4. interspinous/intertransverse
transversospinalis (NFA)
N. dorsal rami
F. extension and lateral flexion of column,
stabilize vertabrae, assist with extension/rotation
A. transverse processes and spinous processes
tissue that covers deep muscles
thoracolumbar fascia
# of vertabrae, how many of each type?
33; 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacrum (fused), 4 coccyx (fused)
types of curvatures (4), where is the greatest degree of movement?
flexion (cervical), extension (lumbar), rotation (thoracic), lateral bending (lumbar)
abnormal lateral curvature
abormal thoracic curvature
Primary curvatures? Secondary Curvatures?
thoracic and sacroccygeal.
cervical (holding up head) and lumbar (walking).
typical vertebra has.. (2)
body, arch
4 parts of vertebra arch
spinous process, laminae, transverse process, pedicles
parts of vertebrae that articulate with e/o
superior and inferior articular process
special features of cervical vertebra
bifid spinous process, transverse foramen
special features of thoracic vertebrae
costal facets (rib pass by), demi facets (ribs stops here), spinous processes pointed inferiorly
special features of lumbar vertebrae
lack facets, quadrangular spinous process
C1 vertebra
C2 vertebra
C1 vertebra features
no body, no spinous process, has anterior/posterior arches, transverse ligament, facet for dens
C1 joint, function
atlanto-occipital joint, head flexion/extension
C2 features
odontois process (dens) for atlas rotation, no intervertebral disc b/t C1 and C2
C1/C2 joint
median atlantoaxial joint
parts of anterior sacrum (4)
S1 body, ala, promontary, anterior sacral foramina (ventral rami)
parts of posterior sacrum (3)
sacral canal, sacral hiatus, posterior sacral foramina (dorsal rami)
caudal anasthesia given through
sacral hiatus
L4 special feature
lined up with iliac crest-identify spinous process . landmark for CSF sampling (no spinal cord here!)
zygopophyseal (facet) joint type, location
synovial joint, between articular processes
synovial joint features (4)
1. fibrous capsule
2. synovial membrane
3. synovial fluid
4. hyaline cartiladge
intervertebral joint type, location
cartilaginous, b/t vert.
intervertebral disc parts (2)
anulus fibrosus, nucleus pulpolus
what happens that results in herniated disc
nucleus pulpolus herniates through anulus fibrosus affecting nearby nerves, roots
intervertebral foramen house the..
spinal nerves
spinal canal houses the..
spinal cord
bony growths that can narrow foramen, affecting nerves
anterior longitudinal ligament: course, function
runs on anterior surface, prevents hyperextension
posterior longitudinal ligament: course, function
runs on posterior surface, prevents hyperflexion
ligamentum flavum: course, function
unites adjacent laminae, preserves curvature
supraspinous ligament: course, function
runs on tips of spinous processes, stabilizes column
interspinous ligament: course, function
runs b/t spinous process, stabilizes column
meninges (3)
spinal cord layers:
1. dura mater
2. arachnoid mater
3. pia mater
spaces b/t meninges (3)
1. epidural
2. subdural
3. subarachnoid
denticulate ligament: course, function, made of
b/t dorsal/ventral roots, anchor spinal cord in dural sac, pia mater
spinal cord end
L2 vert.
# spinal nerves, segments
31; C1-C8, T1-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, Co1
spinal cord enlargements and what arises from them (2)
1. cervical enlargement (brachial plexus)
2. lumbar enlargement (lumbosacral plexus)
which roots emerge above their vert.? which roots emerge below their vert.?
C1-C7, C8 and T1-Co1
spinal cord ends as the _____ which becomes the_________. these are surrounded by nerves called________
conus medullaris,
filum terminale, cauda equina
end of dural sac
end of filum terminale
blood supply to spinal cord and where they are from (3)
1. 1 anterior spinal artery (vertebral arteries)
2. 2 posterior spinal arteries (vertebral arteries)
3. radicular arteries (posterior intercostal arteries)
blood supply from spinal cord (2). general term
1. 3 anterior spinal veins
2. 3 posterior spinal veins
(internal vertebral venous plexus)
anatomical classification system-3 types of joints
1. synovial
2. fibrous
3. cartilaganeous
spinal cord breaks into ______. these fuse into ______ which again break into __________
dorsal/ventral root.
spinal nerve.
dorsal/ventral rami
dorsal root contains
sensory fibers
ventral root contains
motor fibers
dorsal rami nerves innervate
posterior 1/3 of soma
ventral rami nerves inervate
anterio-lateral 2/3 of soma