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102 Cards in this Set

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What is the only force of resorption in the lymphatic system?
Colloid Osmotic Pressure (concentration of proteins)
How is the lymphatic system monitored?
By WBC's like macrophages and lymphocytes,
How is dietary lipid absorbed?
via lacteals in the small intestine. The molecules are too large to enter the intestine via capillaries, therefore they combine with proteins to transfer to the interstitial fluid and then move through the lymphatic capillaries. Milky appearance.
Why is lymph called lymph?
It is called blood filtrate before it leaves the capillary and becomes interstitial fluid and then when it enters the lymphatic capillaries, it becomes lymph. Same fluid without the proteins.
Describe the composition of lymph.
Less proteins than blood filtrate, but maintain balance for resorption. High lipid content near Sm. Intestine. WBC's are found in lymph, and pathogens and cancer cells can be transported here.
Which parts of the body doesn't have lymphatic vessels?
Epidermis, cartilage, cornea, and other place sof tight CNS control of blood vessels.
What are the two veins that drain the lymphatic vessels?
subclavian veins and the jugular veins.
Describe the pathway of lymph.
lymphatic capillaries --> collecting vessels --> lymphatic trunks (6 primary) -> lymphatic ducts (2) --> subclavian veins
How do the lymphatic capillaries stay in place?
They are teathered to surrounding tissue, and anchored to surrounding tissue.
Describe the structure of lymphatic vessels.
Similar to veins. Have smooth muscles to aid in pushing the fluid. Larger vessels contain valves to prevent backflow, which are spaced together, and as they fill create a beaded appearance. Small vessels become larger and larger when traveling toward source.
What does the right lymphatic duct do?
Drains the head, neck and upper body. Drains into the right subclavian vein.
What does the thoracic duct do?
Drains the lower body. Larger of the two.
Cysterna Chyli
Where the 3 trunks in the abdominal cavity converges and where the thoracic duct originates.
What is the primary way in which lymph flows through lymphatic vessels?
Rhythmic contractions of lymphatic vessels. The endothelial cells that line the lymphatic vessels also have contractile fibers.
What are the five other ways in which lymph flows through lymphatic vessels.
1. Valves in larger vessels prevent backflow.
2. Skeletal muscle pump.
3. Arterial pulsation.
4. Thoracic (respiratory) pump
5. Physical exercise.
How can a lymphatic blockage occur and what are the risks?
Scar tissue, pathogens, lymph node removal in surgery. Can cause swelling and possible infection.
What are the three types of lymphocytes?
T cells, B cells, and Natural killers.
What do T lymphocytes do?
Attack foreign cells and infected body cells. Attack cells directly. "Thymus dependent," "immuno competent." Able to identify a particular pathogen when in the thymus gland. Need a specific T lymphocyte for each pathogen.
What do B lymphocytes do?
become "plasma cells" that produce antibodies. immunoglobulin that produce antibodies, mark pathogens for destruction. Stimulate activity by macrophages.
What do natural killers do?
nonspecific. immunological surveilance. Travel through lymph tissue and when they encounter a foreign substance, attack it. Come from the same line of cells as B lymphocytes without specificity.
What do macrophages do?
Engage in phagocytosis. Also do antigen presentation -- take something into the cell, process the marker, and present it to lymphocytes. If they recognize the combination, will become activated.
Where does lymphopoesis occur?
In the bone marrow. T cells differentiate in the thymus, B cells remain in the bone marrow. Retain the ability to divide after they leave bone marrow.
What is immunocompetence?
the ability to differentiate between the body's cells and foreign cells. If T cells and B cells don't complete immunocompetence, autoimmune disease occurs. Occurs in bone marrow and thymus.
Why do lymphatic tissues lack distinct boundaries and the organs are encapsulated?
The tissue can increase in size in the event of an infection, and organs are encapsulated bya fibrous capsule, which is more permanent.
Describe lymphoid nodules
Contain germinal centers where lymphocytes can undergo cell division. Located in the mucosa of tracts that are open to the exterior. (most likely where pathogen will enter). Also found in lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and Peyer's patches.
Describe the anatomy of a lymph node.
Contain networks of sinuses that lymph flows and is filtered. Type of drainage system. Lymph is filtered and cleansed several times before returning to venous system.
What are the roles of a lymph node?
Contain lymphocytes and amcrophages to activate an immune response (surveilance), weigh station for migrating cancer cells, and can thus help diagnose cancer. Can also serve as lymph glands when infected at certain parts of the body (groin, armpit, neck)
Where can dense clusters of lymph nodes be found?
at attachment points for limbs, head/neck and associated with major tracts such as digestive, respiratory, reproductive, etc.
What is the role of the spleen?
Highly vascularized organ that cleans the blood.
What is white pulp?
Tissue associated with the spleen, high number of macrphages and lymphocytes that trigger an immune response and monitor the blood for pathogens.
What is red pulp?
A tissue in the spleen associated with blood sinusoids. Macrophages take out and destroy old RBC's.
What are the three processes during respiration?
ventilation, gas exchange, use of O2 in cellular metabolism.
What are the major function of respiration?
External gas exchange, vocalization, olfaction, and regulating blood pH.
How is the respiratory system divided functionally?
Conducting and respiratory
What is the conducting system made up of and what does it do?
nostriles, nose, pharynx, larynx, down to the smallest branches in the lungs. Brings in air, warms it, humidifies it. Also consists of ciliated cells, mucous producing cells that trap debris and pathogens.
What does the respiratory division of the respiratory system consist of and what does it do?
Where air exchange happens --> bronchioles and alveolar sacs. There is lots of blood covering these structures.
What does the upper division of the respiratory division consist of?
nose, pharynx, larynx.
What does the lower division of the respiratory system consist of
trachea, bronchial tree, alveoli.
What is the purpose of the respiratory mucosa?
Located in the nose. Contains pseudostratified, ciliated columnar epithelium. Warms, cleanses, humidifies air. goblet cells. Very rich blood supply in the lamina proporia. Very opening of nostrils has thicker, more durable stratified squamous epithelium.
Where is the nasal conchae and what does it do?
Three tissue folds supported by bone that protrude from the lateral wall from the nasal cavity. Increases air turbulance and ensures contact with the walls; aids in warming the air and humidifying the air.
What are the three regions of the pharynx?
nasopharynx-- pseudostratified columnar epithelium, tonsils, down to uvula.

oropharynx -- food, air passage. stratified epithelium. tonsils. uvula to epiglottis.

laryngopharynx -- stratified epithelium. Food and air. becomes lower respiratory tract.
Describe the larynx
cartilaginous chamber that contains vocal chords to create sound. contains glottis and epiglottis.
Describe the difference between the glottis and epiglottis.
The glottis is the opening itself which consists of vocal chords on either side of it (adducted). The epiglottis consists of elastic cartilage and covers the trachea when you swallow.
How do you change the pitch of your voice?
Altering the tautness/vibration frequency of the vocal chords. Larger vocal chords = deeper voice. Laryngitis causes thickening of the vocal chords = lower sound.
Describe the anatomy of the trachea.
highly cartilaginous tube anterior to esophagus. C-shaped structure of hyaline cartilage (keeps from collapsing). Lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium to aid in mucous secretion.
Describe the anatomy of the lung.
rest on diaphragm, compress against clavicles. Blood vessels and bronchi pass through medial surface. Lymphatic vessels and nerves pass through medial surface. "roof of lung." Stroma contains elastic tissue, and therefore lungs compress automatically.
Describe how the lungs are subdivided.
Left: 2 lobes --> 8 lobules --> bronchopulmonary segments.

Right: 3 lobes --> 10 lobules --> bronchopulmonary segments.
What features change as the bronchi become bronchioles?
Cartilage disappears, smooth muscle becomes prominent, cilia thins, mucous production lessens.
Describe how the bronchi are divided.
2 bronchi --> 5 secondary (lobar) bronchi (3 on right, 2 on left) --> 18 tertiary bronchi (1 to each bronchopulmonary segment) Maintain elasticity but go from c-shaped to plate cartilage.
What do bronchioles consist of?
smooth muscle, no cartilage, capable of constriction and dilation. *Primary way in which we regulate air flow* ciliated cuboidal epithelium.
What do the terminal bronchioles consist of?
Mark the end of the conducting division. Ciliated epithelium, but no mucous production.
Where it the difference between the respiratory and the conducting division of the respiratory system?
Terminal bronchioles and the respiratory bronchioles.
Describe the respiratory bronchioles.
Mark the beginning of the respiratory division. Alveoli protrude from the wall, and thus gas exchange occurs. Branch and produce alveolar ducts--> alveolar sacs --> alveoli. Consist of simple squamous epithelium.
What are alveolar ducts?
Elongated structures that are thin-walled and have alveoli along the wall.
Describe the general alveolus.
small, thin-walled pouches. simple squamous epithelium. Surrounded by capillaries. Comprise a majority of respiratory division.
What are the three primary types of alveoli, and what do they do?
Squamous alveolar cells -- flat cells in which gas diffuse -- majority of alveolus.

Great alveolar cells -- cuboidal cells that produce a pulmonary surfactant. break up water so lung doesn't collapse.

Alveolar macrophages -- collect up debris and take up pathogens.
What is the respiratory membrane and what does it do?
membrane across which gas exchange occurs. Consists of two layers of squamous cells and a shared basement membrane.
What is the respiratory membrane composed of?
Alveolar wall, single layer of squamous cells, and a basement membrane. Air also needs to go through the boundry of the RBC
Describe the pleurae.
Serous membranes that covers the lungs. Visceral covers lungs and pleural covers thoracic cavity. Inferior end of the pleural pleurae attaches to diaphragm to pull lungs with inhalation. No air in-between.
What are the three functions of the pleurae?
1. Reduce friction so there is no pain.

2. Assist with lung inflastion so there is no collapse. Surface tension between the two pleura enable lungs to stay open.

3. Compartmentalize the lungs. Each lung is separate from every other organ.
What is a pneumothorax?
pathological condition in which you introduce air into the pleural cavity. The seal will break between the two cavities and lungs will collapse. Life-threatening. Caused by knife wound, infection from inside lung, gunshot, etc.
What are some general principles to pulmonary ventilation?
A pressure gradient must be present. Air flow is directly proportional to this pressure gradient. Air flow is inversely proportional to resistance. (Boyle's law) Air pressure is inversely proportional to it's volume.
What changes in the respiratory system to create air flow?
The volume of the lungs, and therefore the pressure inside the lungs.
What happens during inspiration?
Inspiratory muscles contract -->thoracic cage enlarges --> lungs enlarge --> pressure drops --> air flows in(diaphragm, intercostals). Parietal pleura adhere to thoracic cage, visceral pleura adhere to parietal and lungs, with pressure of about 757mmHg. Pressure in lungs drops to 754 mmHg.
Why does the film in-between the pleurae cause cohesion?
The film is polar and therefore causes H-H bonding, cohesion between water molecules.
What happens during expiration?
Inspiratory muscles relax --> elastic tissues recoil--> thoracic cage returns to normal --> lung volume decreases --> pressure rises above atmospheric pressure. Intrapulmonary pressure: 763 mmHg, interparietal 756 mmHg.
What is the difference between active and quiet breathing?
Quiet breathing is a more passive process. During active breathing, the pressure in the lungs can be up to 30 mmHg higher in order to maintain O2 rate.
What is the residual volume?
"stale air" left in the lungs that has less O2 concentration.
Describe the diaphragm and what it does.
The prime mover of passive pulmonary ventilation. Divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities. When relaxed, it is dome shaped, and when contracted, it flattens.
Describe the intercostals and what they do.
The expand the rib cage and assist with inspiration. They are short muscles, extending rib to rib. External and internal layers run perpendicular to each other.
Describe some of the accessory muscles used during active expiration.
Used to further expand thoracic cavity. Part of internal intercostals pull vigorously down on ribs. Abdominal muscles push against the organs, which presses on the diaphragm, which compresses lungs.
Describe some the acessory muscles used during active inspiration.
Muscles elevate the ribs/sternum.
1. Sternocleidomastoid
2. Scalenes
3. Pectoralis Minor
How does the diameter of the bronchioles influence the resistance of airflow?
As the tubes get smaller, resistance increases. These are the primary control of resistance due to the smooth muscle in the wall. (sympathetic division).
What can cause dilation and constriction of the bronchioles?
Dilation can be stimulated by increased CO2 levels, EP, and NOR. Constriction can be caused by parasympathetic division, cold air, asthma, irritants.
How does pulmonary compliance influence the resistance of airflow and how is it reduced?
Affects the ease at which lungs expand as the rib cage expands. Can be reduced by a degenerative disease, such as tuberculosis, black lung, and emphysema.
How does surface tension in the alveoli influence airflow?
Alveoli are covered in a surfactant that is necessary to prevent alveoli from collapsing in on one another. If this surfactant is not available, the alveoli will collapse due to the hydrogen bonding of the water molecules in the alveoli and reduces surface tensions. Infants can have reduces surfactant.
What are three ways in which air resistance is influenced in the lungs?
*Diameter of bronchioles, pulmonary compliance, surface tension in alveoli.
Why does residual volume stay in the lungs?
So the alveoli won't collapse. Mixes with fresh O2 air, so slightly lower O2 levels.
What is the alveolar ventilation rate? (AVR)
The amount of air entering the alveoli per minute. Amount of air potentially used for gas exchange .
What is the average alveolar ventilation rate?
Tidal volume 500 mL. Dead space 100 mL. 350 mL AVR per breath x 12 breaths per minute = 4200 mL per minute. Edema will decrease this number.
What is partial pressure of a gas as opposed to atmospheric pressure?
Partial pressure is the measure of the proportion of a given gas in a mixture. The gradient for gas diffusion is based on it's partial pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the sum of all partial pressures in the air (Dalton's law)
How does the composition of air change as it moves through the respiratory tract?
Partial pressure of water vapor increases. Partial pressure of oxygen decreases. Partial pressure of Carbon dioxide increases.
What is the efficiency of alveolar gas exchange affected by?
Steepness of the pressure gradient (higher pressure, easier gas exchange)

Solubility of gases themselves. CO2 is very soluble in water.

Membrane thickness -- alveoli and capillaries are very thin. Edema causes thickness

Membrane surface area -- more SA better diffusion rate. Emphesema causes alveoli to rupture and scar tissue to form, thus lower SA.
What is ventilation perfusion coupling?
Coupling in order to have the best oxygen supply to the best blood flow. More oxygen goes is unloaded to active parts of the body. Matching alveolar ventilation and blood flow in capillaries.
What happens during poor ventilation?
Partial pressure of oxygen in the blood will decrease. Local vasoconstriction will occur in the areas where poor ventilation is occuring. This will minimize blood flow to that part of the lung.
What happens during good ventilation?
Partial pressure of blood oxygen will increase. An automatic response of vasodilation occurs to increase flow. High O2 levels are a sign of inactive tissues.
What are the two ways oxygen is transported in the blood?
In the plasma (1.5%) and through hemoglobin (98.5%)
What affects the affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin?
Partial pressure of oxygen. High partial pressure of oxygen leads to loading and low partial pressure of oxygen leads to oxygen unloading. 4 oxygen per hemoglobin. 40 mmHg in resting systemic tissues and 15 mmHg in active tissues.
How is CO2 transported in the blood?
CO2 + H2O forms carbonic acid --> bicarbonate. This reaction is reversible and and 90% of CO2 is transported this way.
What is systemic gas exchange?
Diffusion of O2 and CO2 across systemic capillary wall along their pressure gradients.
What happens to CO2 during internal (systemic) gas exchange?
CO2 diffuses into the blood capillary as O2 diffuses out. CO2 then reacts with the water in the plasma to create bicarbonate and H+. This occurs mostly in the RBC due to availability of anhydrase. Bicarbonate is moved out of cell with the chloride ion shift.
What happens during the chloride shift and why does this happen?
Keeps the bicarbonate levels low in the cell so more bicarbonate can be created. Chloride enters via antiport. This keeps the cell in electrical equilibrium. H+ binds to Hemoglobin and prevents further binding of O2 until the partial pressure gradient shifts. Enhances CO2 loading and unloading.
What happens during external respiration as CO2 returns to the alveoli?
Reverse directions --> bicarbonate to carbonic acid to CO2, then affinity for O2 increases as partial pressure for O2 increases and H+ is released from hemoglobin. Reverse in the chloride shift.
What are some conditions favoring oxygen unloading?
Low partial pressyre oxygen and high partial pressure carbon dioxide. Elevated temperature (more ATP, higher demand O2), presence of 2,3-bisphosphogylcerate (important part of fermentation), GH, EP, NP, testosterone, T4 all increase metabolism, and a low pH.
What are the conditions favoring CO2 loading?
Haldane effect -- deoxyhemoglobin binds more CO2 than oxyhemoglobin. Deoxyhemoglobin also buffers more H+ than oxyhemoglobin which promotes carbonic acid to bicarbonate.
Why is the respiratory system considered rhythmic?
Receives signals from somatic nervous system that repeatedly stimulate the ventilatory muscles (diaphragm, intercostals) for continual respiration.
What nerves are the signals carried along for respiration?
phrenic and intercostal nerves.
Describe the unconscious control of the respiratory center.
Medulla and pons contain integrating centers that send signals for muscle contraction and relaxation. Generate the basic depth and rate of ventilation.
What are the three types of receptors that receive input for the unconscious control centers?
Stretch (resist overinflation), chemo, and irritant (coughing mechanism).
Where is the conscious control center of the respiratory center located?
motor cortex of the cerebrum.
When does the conscious control center override the unconscious control centers?
speaking, forming words, holding breath, etc.
What nerve causes the unconscous control center to override the concious control center?
Phrenic nerve.