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158 Cards in this Set

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The socket in the ban-and-socket joint that connects the pelvic girdle and the lower extremity.
acromioclavicular (AC) joint
The point at which the clavicle attaches to the acromion process.
acromioclavicular separtaion
One or more torn ligaments in the AC joint, resulting in a separated shoulder.
acromion process
The tip of the shoulder and the site of attachment for both the clavicle and various shoulder muscles.
alveolar ridge
The ridges between the teeth, which are covered with thickened connective tissue and epithelium.
Small pits or cavities such as the sockets for the teeth or air sacs in the lungs.
anulus fibrosus
A ring of fibrous or fibrocartilaginous tissue that is part of the intervertebral disk.
appendicular skeleton
The upper and lower extremities and the girdles that attach them to the axial skeleton.
appositional growth
The formation of new bone on the surface of a bone.
atlanto-occipital joint
The location where the atlas articulates with the occipital condyles.
The first cervical vertebra (C1), which provides support for the head. The only movement of this joint is flexion, extension, and later bending.
auditory ossicles
The bones that function in hearing and are located deep within cavities of the temporal bone.
axial skeleton
The portion of the skeletone that includes the torso.
The second cervical vertebra, the point that allows the head to turn/rotation.
Battle sign
Bruising over the mastoid process usually from a basilar skull fracture.
blowout fracture
A fracture of the floor of the orbital usually caused by a blow to the eye.
bone marrow
The substance located within the medullary cavity of a bone that consist of adipose tissue (yellow marrow) or red-blood-producing cells in bones in the axial skeleton and girdles (red marrow).
Grinding together of the uppper and lower teeth.
bulging disk
A circumferential ballooning of an intact intervertebral disk.
A small fluid-filled sac located between a tendon and a bone that cushions and protects the joint.
The zone of repair in which a mass of exudates and connective tissue forms arround a break in a bone and converts to bone during healing.
A minute canal in a bone.
cancellous bone
Bone that is made up of a lacy network of bony rods called trabeculae.
carpal tunnel sydrome (CTS)
Compression of the median nerve within the carpal calal at the wrist.
Plates of shiny connective tissue that are lubricated by synovial fluid to provide a slippery surface over which bones may move freely.
central disk herniation
The most serious disk rupture that occurs when nuclear material protrudes straight back into the spinal cord, possibly resulting in permanent loss of bladder and bowel control.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
The fluid that bathes and provides hydraulic cushioning to the brain and spinal cord.
A cell that produces cartilage.
The collarbone, which is located on the anterior chest and is an integral part of the shoulder girdle.
closed fracture
A fracture in which the bone ends have not been exposed by a break through the skin.
The last four/five vertebrae, which are fused together to form the tailbone.
comminuted fracture
A faracture in which the bone end is fragmented.
compact bone
Bone that is mostly solid, with few spaces.
compression fracture
A fracture in which t he bone collapses.
coronal suture
The point where the parietal bones join together with the frontal bone.
Inflammation of the costocartilage, which attaches the ribs to the sternum.
cranial vault
The bones that encase and protect the brain, including the parietal, temporal, frontal, occipital, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones.
A grinding sound or sensation.
cribriform plate
A horizontal bone perforated with numerous faoamina for the passage of the olfactory nerve filaments from the nasal cavity.
crista galli
A prominent bony ridge in the center of the anterior fossa to which the meninges are attached.
The part of a tooth that is external to the gum.
Point at the top of a tooth.
degenerative disk disease
A progressive form of arthritis that causes deterioration of the intervertebral disk.
The principle mass of the tooth, which is made up of a material that is much more dense and stronger than bone.
The shaft of a long bone.
A state of abnormally small bone.
endochondral growth
The growth of cartilage in the epiphyseal plate, which is eventually replaced by bone.
The lining of the inner surfaces of a long bone.
An inflammation of the muscles of the elbow joint; more commonly known as tennis elbow.
The ends of a long bone.
external auditory meatus
An opening in the temporal bone that contains the ear canal.
A smooth, flat circumscribed anatomic surface of a bone.
facial nerve
The seventh pair of cranial nerves that supply sensory and morto nerve funtions to the face and jaw.
The long bone in the thigh.
A cell that secretes proteins and collagen to form connective tissue between broken bone ends.
The long bone on the posterior surface of the lower leg.
flat bone
Type of bone that is relatively thin and flattened.
The soft spots in the skill of a newborn and infant where the sutures of the skull have not yet grown together.
foramen magnum
The large oppening at the bottom of the skull through which the brain connects with the spinal cord.
Small opening, perforations, or orifices in the bones of the cranial vault.
A state of bony overgrowth.
The gums; connective tissue that covers the alveolar ridge.
The bony belts that attach the extremities to the axial skeleton.
glenoid fossa
The part of the scaupula that forms the socket in the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder.
gliding joint
A joint where the opposing surfaces of bone glide over each other to articulate.
greenstick fracture
An incomplete fracture in which the bone is bent and only the outer arc of the bend is broken.
hard palate
The bony anterior part of the palate, which forms the roof of the mouth.
haversian system
A unit of compact bone consisting of a tube (haversian canal) with the laminae of bone that surrounds it.
herniated disk
A tear in the anulus fibrousu that results in leakage of the nucleus pulposus, most commonly against exiting nerve roots.
The bone of the arm.
A meneral compound containing calcium and phosphate that, along with collage, comprises the structural element of bone.
hyoid bone
A bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles. The bone "floats" and is not attach to any other bone, and is not part of the skull or spine.
impacted fracture
A fracture in which one fragmented bone eind is wedged into the other fragmented bone end.
intervertebral disk
A mass of fibrocartilage between vertebral body of the spine, composed of the anulus fibrosus and the nucleus pulposus.
intervertebral foramen
The opening between each vertebra through which the spinal (periphearal) nerves pss from the spinal cord.
The point where two or more bones come together allowing movement to occur.
An excessively concave thoracic curve. Also called hump back.
One of the minute cavities in bone or cartilage occupied by osteocytes.
lambdoid suture
The point where the occipital bones attach to the parietal bones.
Thin sheets or layers into which bone tissue is organized.
lateral malleoulus
An enlargement of the distal end of the fibula, which forms the lateral wall of the ankle joint.
Tough white bands of tissue that bind bones together. Composed of collagen, rope-like protein, which less compact than those in tendons. Also flattened, forming sheets or bands of tissue.
long bone
Type of bone that is longer than it is wide.
An exaggerated lumbar curve or hollow back.
The movable lower jaw bone.
mastoid process
A cone-shaped section of bone at the base of the temporal bone.
A severe infection involving the air cells of the mastoid process.
medial malleoulus
The distal end of the tibia, which forms the medial side of the ankle joint.
medullary cavity
The internal cavity of the diaphysis of a long bone that contains bone marrow.
The three layers of membranes, the dura, arachnoid, and pia, that surround the brain.
metacarpal bones
The bones that form the hand, between the wrist and phalanges.
The area of a long bone where the diaphysis and epiphysis converge. The epiphyseal plate is located here.
nasal cavity
The chamber inside the nose that lies between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth.
nasal septum
The separtion between the right and left nostrils.
nucleus pulposus
The gelationous mass that makes up the center of each intervertebral disk.
oblique fracture
A fracture that forms an angle to the shaft of the bone.
occipital condyles
Articular surface on the occipital bone where the skull articulates with the atlas on the vertebral column.
olfactory bulb
The cranial nerve for smell.
open fracture
A fracture in which a bone end has penetrated the skin; also called a compound fracture.
Bony cavity in the frontal skull that encloses and protects the eye.
The three small bones in the middle ear: the malleus, incus, and stapes.
A bone-forming cell.
Large, multinucleated cells that dissolve bone tissue and play a major role in bone remodeling.
An osteoblast that becomes surrounded by bony matrix.
osteogenesis imperfecta
A genetic disorder in which the patient lacks sufficient collagen for proper strength of the bones.
An abnormal softening of bones because of a loss of calcium.
An inflammation of the bone usually resulting from bacterial infection.
Unit within a compact bone in which blood vessels are located; also called the haversian system.
A reduction in the actual quantity of bony tissue.
palitine bone
An irregularly shaped bone found in the posterior part of the nasal cavity.
paranasal sinuses
The sinuses, or hollowed sections of bone in the front of the head, which are lined with mucous membrane and drain into the nasal cavity.
The kneecap.
The foot of each vertebra in the vertebral arch.
The attachment of the lower extremities to the body, consisting of the sacrum and two pelvic bones.
periodontal membrane
The membrane that attaches the teeth to the alveolar bone.
The membrane, made up of a double layer of connective tissue, that covers all bones, except the articular surfaces.
The small bones of the digits of the fingers and toes.
The major site of bone elongation, located just proximal to the bone ends. Also called the growth plate.
pituitary gland
An endocrine gland, lacated in the sella turcica of the brain, responsible for directly or indirectly affecting all bodily functions.
plantar fasciitis
An irritation of the tough band of connective tissue extending from the calcaneus to the pooximal phalange of each toe.
Soft tissue within the tooth.
The posterior vertical parts of the lower jaw that join the mandible.
A disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.
The five sacral vertebrae, which are fused together to form the posterior portion of the pelvic structure.
saddle joint
Two saddle-shaped articulating surfaces oriented at right angles to each other so that complementary surfaces articulate with each other, such as is the case with the thumb.
sagittal suture
The point of the skull where the parietal bones join together.
The triangular shaped bone that comprises the shoulder blade, which is a integral component of the shoulder girdle.
An abnormal bending of the spine to the side.
sella turcica
A depression in the middle of the sphenoid bones where the pituitary gland is located.
short bone
Type of bone that is as broad as it is long.
shoulder girdle
The attachment point of the upper extremity to the body, consisting of the scapula and clavicle.
shoulder joint
A ball-and-socket joint consisting of the head of the humerus and the glenoid fossa.
Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
The structure at the top of the axial skeleton taht houses the brain and consists of the 28 bones that comprise the auditory ossicles, the cranium, and the face.
spiral fracture
A fracture that twist around the shaft of the bone.
The breastbone in the center to the anterior chest.
styloid process
Several long, slender, and pointed bones that project downward and forward from the temporal bone. Also, the small bony protrusion to which the ligaments of the wrist are attached.
Attachment points int eh skull where the cranial bones join together.
synovial fluid
The transparent viscous lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane in an articulation, helping bones to move freely at joint cavities. Contains white blood cells to infections and provide nourishment to the cartilage covering the bones.
temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
The joint between the temporal bone and the posterior condyle that allows for movements of the mandible.
Specialized tough cords or bands of dense white connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone. Composed of densely packed fibers of collagen, a twisted rope-like protein.
The long bone of the anterior surface of the leg.
A ringing in the ears.
Bony rods that make up cancellous bone and are oriented to increase weight-bearing capacity of long bone.
transverse fracture
A fracture straight across the shaft of the bone.
Spasm of the muscles of chewing.
vertebral arch
The posterior portion of a vertebra, which contains the bony processes, facets, and pedicles.
vertebral column
The spine, or primary support structure of the body, which houses the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. Consist of 5 regions Cervical 7, Thoracic 12, Lumbar 5, Sacrum 5, and Coccyx 4 vertebra.
vertebral foramen
A hole through which the spinal nerves pass from the spinal cord.
zygomatic arch
The bone that extends along the front of the skull below the orbit.
The skeletal system is compose of how many bones?
sprain vs strains
Sprain deals with the stretching or tearing of a joint and its ligaments.
Strain deals with the stretching or tearing of a muscle.
collagen and mineral balance within the bone
The collagen fibers in bones act like reinforcing rods in a concrete structure, lending flexible strength.
Bones without enough collagen are extremely brittle.
The mineral components supply strength for bearing weight, much like concrete does within a structure. Bones without enough mineral are very flexible.
Hormone release by the parathyroid gland that helps to regulate the bone remodeling and control of the blood calcium level.
Hormone release by the thyroid gland that helps regulate the bone remodeling and control of the blood calcium level.
bone repair
When bone breaks damage blood vessels release blood, forming a clot. Within days cells known as fibroblast secrete proteins and collagen to form a network of connective tissue between the the break, while other cells, chondroblasts, produce cartilage within the network. Callus is formed, a mass of connective tissue, converting to bone during the healing process. Osteoblast from surrounding normal bone then invade the area to form cancellous bone, which is later replaced by compact bone. The usually take 4 to 6 months.
The breastbone which divides into three parts. The manubrium top portion, containing the jugular notch, elongated body , middle portion of sternum, and the xiphoid process, lower end of sternum made of cartilage that attaches to the inferior portion of the sternum.
The carpals include the:
triquetrum, pisiform, capitate, lunate, hamate, trapezoid, trapezium, and scaphoid.