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124 Cards in this Set

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MAP Equation

(Systolic + Diastolic + Diastolic) /3

Blood Pressure equation

Heart rate * Stroke volume * Resistance

Cardiac Output Equation

CO= (HR * SV)

Respiratory pump

Aids venous return by creating a pressure gradient when we breathe. Forces blood back toward the heart.

Muscular Pump

Skeletal muscle surrounding the veins contract milking blood back to the heart and prevent backflow

3 Vessels entering the right atrium

Superior and Inferior Vena Cava, Coronary Sinus

4 Vessels entering the left atrium

4 Pulmonary Veins

Right ventricle pumps blood out..

The pulmonary trunk to the lungs

Left ventricle pumps blood out...

The aorta to the body

Layers of the heart

Epicardium (serous layer of Pericardium), Myocardium, Endocardium

What vessels supply the heart itself?

Left and right Coronary arteries and the Circumflex artery

Vessel returning heart blood

Cardiac veins (Great, middle and small) empty into Coronary Sinus (RA)

Layer of heart that is nourished

Myocardium during diastole

Atrioventricular valves

Tricuspid (right) and Mitral (left)

Pulmonary and Aortic Valves

Semilunar Valves - prevent backflow when valves relax

Structure of cardiac muscle cells




Myofibrils consisting of sarcomeres

Cardiac cell connections

Connected by intercalated discs containing desmosomes and gap junctions which provide electrical connections

Action Potential in Cardiac Cells

Depolarization opens Na+ channels and slow Ca2+ channels (plateau). Releases Ca2+ into the cell causing myofilaments to slide past eachother (contraction)

Can Cardiac Muscle enter tetanus?

No because of its prolonged refractory period

In what way does cardiac muscle produce ATP?

Extra Mitochondria and AEROBIC respiration

Explain Pacemaker Cells

Noncontractile muscle cells

Automaticity & Rhythmicity

Independently generate AP

Unstable resting potential

Gradually depolarizes (drift toward threshold)

Form the intrinsic conduction system of the heart

Conduction System

SA & AV Nodes, the AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje Fibers

Purpose of the Conduction System of the heart

Coordinates depolarization to make sure heart contracts as a unit

Node that sets Sinus Rhythm

SA node because it has the fastest rate is spontaneous depolarization

Problems with conduction system can cause..

Arrhythmia, fibrillation and heart block

Cardioacceleratory centers in the brain


Cardioinhibitory centers in the brain

Vagus nerve

P wave

Atrial depolarization

QRS Complex

Ventricular depolarization/atrial repolarization

T wave

Ventricular repolarization

Normal and abnormal heart sounds

Normal = shutting valves

Abnormal = faulty valve

Cardiac Cycle

One heart beat

Ventricles fill, contract (isovolumetrically contract) and ventricular ejection phase

Stroke Volume

The amount of blood pumped out a ventricle with each contraction


Typical cardiac output

5 L per minute. Aka all the blood in your body. (8% of your weight in Liters)

End Diastolic Volume

The amount of blood in the ventricles just before contraction

End Systolic Volume ESD

The amount of blood left in the ventricle after contraction

Sympathetic Nervous System causes

Increased heart rate


Parasympathetic Nervous System causes

Decreased heart rate

Vagal tone

No effect on contractility

Hormones affecting the heart

Catecholamines (Epinephrine) (⬆) , Thyroxine - Thyroid hormone (⬆) and Nicotinics (Acetylcholine) (⬇)

Ions affecting the heart

Calcium (⬆), Potassium (⬇) and Hydrogen (⬇)

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

The left ventricle does not pump adequately for bodily needs

Right heart failure

Also called Cor Pulmonale

High BP in the pulmonary circuit

Causes systemic edema

Left heart failure

Aka CHF, results in pulmonary edema

Where does the heart sit?

Between the 2nd and 5th ICS in the Mediastinum (sac between lungs)


Fibrous sac layer outside the heart

Serous Pericardium

Allows for smooth movement of the heart


Superficial layer of atria

Hold blood

Heart hole between atria

Fossa Ovalis in fetus

Patent Foramen Ovale when it remains in an adult (defect)


Carry blood away from the heart. Typically oxygenated blood


Carry blood to the heart. Typically deoxygenated

Papillary Muscles

Open atrioventricular valves

Chordae tendonae

Anchor valve flaps to the papillary muscles

Superior Vena Cava

Brings blood from top half of the body to the right atrium

Has no backflow valve

Inferior Vena Cava

Brings blood from the lower body to the right atrium

Has no backflow valve

Pulmonary Arteries

Left and right divisions of the pulmonary trunk coming from the RV

Go to the lungs

Have semilunar valves to prevent backflow

Trabeculae Carneae

"Crossbar of flesh" - muscle pattern inside the valves

Pulmonary Circuit

From (R) heart to lungs to (L) heart

Systemic Circuit

(L) heart to body

Coronary Circuit

Left Coronary: to left ventricle

Right Coronary: to right ventricle

Circumflex: branch of LC. Goes to the back

Right Coronary Branches

Marginal and Posterior descending

Coronary Sinus

Return of blood from the surface of the heart to the RA


Chest pain from cardiac ischemia


The convergence of blood vessels for the purpose of having alternate routes for blood flow aka collateral circulation

Cardiac Nodes

Where pacemaker cells occur and send impulses

Sinoatrial Node

70 bpm. Tells heart to contact. Membrane potential

Atrioventricular Node

60 bpm. Slower than SA node to send out impulses

Atrioventricular Bundle (Bundle of His)

50 bpm. Sends impulse from atria to ventricles

Bundle Branches

Sends impulses to right and left ventricles

Purkinje Fibers

30 bpm. Extend to the Myocardium

PR Interval

Impulse sent from atria to ventricles

ST Segment

Baseline between S and T waves

QT Interval

Time ventricles are de/repolarizing

First heart sound

Lub - AV valves closing

Second heart sound

Dub - semilunar valves closing

Atrial Kick

After passive filling of the ventricles, the atria contract and push the last 10-15% of blood into the ventricles

Frank Starling Law

Aka preload. The more a vessel is stretched, the more blood is ejected. And the greater the blood volume, the greater the stretch

Contractility is driven by..

SNS causes stronger contractions

Ca2+: The more in, the more out = stronger contractions


The resistance the ventricle has to overcome to push out the blood

Atrial Reflex (Bainbridge)

The more blood returning to the atria, the faster they will pump (HR)

Heart rate alters as you breathe


HR < 60 bpm


HR >100 bpm

Ventricular Septal Defect

(1 in 500) Hole between ventricles

Corarctation of the aorta

Narrowed aorta

Tetralogy of Fallot

(1 in 2000) 4 problems.

Small pulmonary trunk

Large R ventricle

Ventricular Septal Defect

Aorta opens from both ventricles

3 layers of blood vessels

Tunica Intima

Tunica Media (largest layer)

Tunica Externa

Vasa Vasorum

Blood vessel feeding blood to a larger blood vessel (Tunica Externa)

Classifications of arteries

Elastic - largest & nearest the heart

Muscular - distributing. Mostly muscular layer

Arterioles - contribute the most to BP because they are so numerous


**One layer. Exchange vessels. Super tiny. Blood cells in single file

3 classifications of capillaries




Continuous Capillaries

Least permeable and most common

Serve skin and muscle

Fenestrated Capillaries

Pores in capillaries for rapid exchange.

Serve lungs and kidneys

Sinusoidal Capillaries

Largest holes.

Serve liver, spleen, bone narrow


Bypasses capillaries. Goes directly from artery (metarteriole) to vein (thoroughfare channel)

How much blood is in the venous system at any given time?

60%. Veins are called the blood reservoir

Which has a larger lumen, artery or vein and why?

Vein to decrease resistance and get blood back to the heart

Varicose veins

Incompetent valves and stretched out veins

Resistance in blood vessels is caused by...


Length of vessel

Diameter of vessel (R = 1/r^4)

Flow equation

Flow = Pressure/Resistance

Diastolic time as compared to Systolic time

Diastolic is generally twice as long

Pulse Pressure

Systolic - Diastolic

Purpose of calculating MAP

To compare the pressure in arteries to the pressure in veins

In which vessels do we calculate Systolic and Diastolic BP?

Only arteries

Where is the highest concentration of Baroreceptors and Chemoreceptors?

Aortic arch and divisions of the carotid artery

Short term neural BP maintenance





Medulla (cardiac) - sympathetic


Cells responding to pressure


pH, oxygen, carbon dioxide

CO2⬆= H+⬆= pH

Chemicals affecting BP

Norepinephrine - vasoconstriction

⬇Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

ADH - stops urine

⬆Angiotensin II - strong vasoconstrictor

⬇Nitric Oxide - vasodilator

Long term renal BP maintenance

Alters blood volume (SV)

Direct renal affect of BP

Changes blood to the kidneys


⬇Urine Output


Indirect (RAS) renal response to low BP

Renin is released releasing Angiotensin II (vasoconstriction) which retains sodium, releases ADH


Systolic < 90 mmHg


Systolic >139

Diastolic > 89

Autoregulation of blood flow

Metabolic - Higher needs more blood

Myogenic - Contract when stretched

Skeletal blood flow

Oxygen - Sympathetic

Brain blood flow

Oxygen, pH/CO2, myogenic

Skin blood flow

Oxygen, temperature - neutral

Heart blood flow

Oxygen, Myogenic

Lung blood flow

Oxygen, pH

When O2 goes down in tissues...

We vasodilate so that BP goes down and brings blood more easily

When O2 goes down in lungs...

We vasoconstrict raising BP

Hypovolemic Shock

Low blood volume

Vascular Shock

Abnormal vasodilation

Cardiogenic shock

Pump failure