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143 Cards in this Set

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Form bilirubin

Synthesize plasma protein

Metabolize carbohydrates

Are all functions of

The liver

What nerves are in the tongue?

Never 7, nerve 9, nerve 12

Colon absorbs

Water, minerals, and vitamins

What is the first part of the small intestine?


Where does MOST digestion occur

In the duodenum

Where does MOST absorption happen?


The duodenum neutralizes stomach acid and does not have

Gastric pits

Duodenum had what kind of digestion


Glucose is broken down into what

Pyruvic acid

Lipids can be broken down into either

Fatty acids or glycerol

One gram of fat is equal to how many kilocalories


One gram of carb or one gram of protein is equaled to how many kilocalories


Enzymes that are involved in pancreatic digestion

Protease, amylase,lipase

Alimentary tube consists of

Esophagus, stomach, colon

The breakdown of glucose stage 1 is

Cytochrome transport system

Oxygen is needed for what stages of cellular respiration?

All three

Dentin is within enamel and forms


What is the digestive function of the the liver

Production of bile

What is the food reservoir in the alimentary tube


Where is the pyloric sphincter located?

Bottom of the stomach

What prevents backup food from going back into the stomach

The pyloric sphincter

Facial cranial nerve activates the

Secretion of saliva

The vagus cranial nerve increases the

Intestinal peristalsis

What Digestive organ has microvilli on the cells of it's lining?

Small intestine

What tissue is responsible for peristalsis of the intestines

Smooth muscles

What organ contains an enormous population of bacteria that produces vitamins to be absorbed

Large intestine

Protein, catalyst, specific to it's substrate are all characteristics of

An enzyme

Amylase from the pancreas, in saliva digests


Sucrase from the small intestine digests


Trypsin aids n what kind of digestion


What converts pepsinogen into pepsin

Hydrochloric acid

Where is bile stored


Where is bile produced?


Enzymes are produced to detoxify

Potential poisons

Bile emulsifies fats where

Small intestines

What stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder


Sympathetic impulses to the ailmentary tube inhibit


Monosaccharides and positive ions are absorbed into capillary networks by

Active transport

The instrinsic factor is needed for the absorption of

Vitamin B12

The stomach lining has _______ to permit expansion


What valve prevents backup of feces to the ileum

ileocecal valve

What is hydrolysis?

Breaking down with enzymes

What are the three places that digestion does not take place

Esophagus, colon, rectum

What are the four tissue layers of the GI Tract?

Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa

The mucosa is found where

Inner tube of GI tract

What's the function of the mucosa?

Mucous secretion/ lubrication

Mucosa is the _______ most layer


Submucosa can be found where

Around the mucosa- next layer out

What's the function of the submucosa?

House lymph vessels/nerves to the mucosa

Where can the muscularis be found

Between the submucosa and the serosa

Muscularis main function is to move


How many layers does the muscularis have


Serosa is the outer most layer, aka

The visceral paritoneum

What does the serosa secrete?

Serous fluid covering for GI tract

The enteric Nervous System is aka

The second brain or the brain in the gut

Mesenteries are folds of

Serosa/visceral paritoneum

The parietal paritoneum attaches to the

Inside walls of the abdominopelvic cavity

Omentum is located covering the front of abdomen, what's its primary function

Fat storage

Place for macrophages to be

Supports immune system

Omentum is a connective tissue membrane with

Adipose tissue deposits

Mastication is


We have how many permanent teeth


The tongue is a skeletal muscle covered in mucous membranes that attaches to

The bottom of the mouth

Dry mouth can lead to


Salivary amylase is the digestion of


Dentin is _______the enamel


Pharynx reflex controlled by the


Oropharynx is between the nasopharynx and the


LES stands for

Lower esophageal sphincter

The LES used to be known as

Cardiac sphincter

Bolus turns into a liquid substance called


The stomach holds 50mL to

1 1/2 liters

Majority of digestion takes place in

The small intestines

Mucous neck cells protect

Lining from hydrochloric acid

Chief cells secrete


Ghrelin is

The "hunger hormone"

Gastrin is a peptide hormone that stimulates the secretion of

Gastric acid

The Fundus expands

Ten times it's size

The Fundus lays above the


The pylorus is the narrowing part of the

Stomach base

The muscularis allows for


Three divisions of the small intestine are

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What enzymes begin chemical digestion in the duodenum?


The jejunum has ______ blood supply


Where is the Peyers patch located


What does the peyer patch do

Cleans lymph

Segmentation is muscle contraction to mixed up food which means the muscle contractions are

Not in Order

Ampulla of Vater is where what three ducts meet?

Cystic/ common hepatic/ pancreatic

Bile breaks down


Villi are small folds also called


Lymph vessels are also called


Liver lobules are composed of

Hepatocytes-that process blood

What is a hepatocytes Digestive function

Bile production

Sinusoids are

Macrophages - kupffer cells

The Central vein pumps into the hepatic vein that dumps into

The inferior vena cava

Kupffer cells break down old


The liver secretes

Albumin, clotting factors, angiotensin

The liver deanimates- breaks apart extra amino acids and toes the excess for

Energy production

The liver converts ammonia into uria so it's

Safer to transport in blood

What vitamins can the liver store


What way does the cystic duct flow

It has a to way flow-in and out of gallbladder

Gallbladder ______ bile, before going to the large intestine


Bicarbonate is a buffer for


Pancreatic juice is made up of

Bicarbonate and Digestive enzymes

The pancreatic duct is the main duct in the


Amino acids are absorbed by


Large intestine doesn't absorb fats/sugars/proteins, only the

Small intestine does

Vitamin K production happens in the large intestine and it is


The appendix helps with the

Immune system

The cecum is the beginning of the

Large intestine

What part of the colon comes after the descending colon

Sigmoid colon

The anal canal is approximately how long

4-6 inches at the end

Haustra are the _____ in the small intestine to create more surface area to absorb water


Goblet cells secrete


As we age saliva


What is cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Your lowest body temp throughout the day is at


Thyroxine also known as T4 is a

Thyroid hormone

Thyroxine/ epinephrine/ active organs/ food intake and fever all produce


Radiation/ conduction and evaporation all

Lose heat

Conduction is to touch a body to

Transfer heat

Hypothalamus is the _________ of the body


The hypothalamus tells the pyrogens to increase heat due to



To build


To tear down

What are the three stages of glucose breakdown that generate ATP

Glycolysis > Krebs citric acid cycle> Cytochrome (electron) transport system

Glycolysis is the breaking down of


Glycolysis happens in the


ATP is needed to split 1 glucose into two molecules of

Pyruvic acid

Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid> travels to liver and

Is stored until oxygen is available- this is called anaerobic fermentation occurs

If oxygen is available during glycolysis pyruvic acid enters the

Mitochondria and is converted to acetylCoA

The Kreb cycle must have oxygen to further

Breakdown acetylCoA / glucose

Kreb cycle takes place ON the


Most of the ATP comes from what stage

Stage 3- Electron Transport

Cellular respiration is the process of taking energy from nutrients and making it into


Glycogenesis is when the liver _______ glucose into glycogen


Glycogenolysis is when the liver ________ glycogen down into glucose


GlucoNEogenesis is when the liver ______ glucose from fats or Amino acids


What kind of breakdown produces TWICE as much energy as glucose metabolism?

Fat breakdown

What is it called when Amino acids split into ammonia and keto acid


There body can synthesize _____ of it's 20 Amino acids

Eleven - the other 9 come from diet

1,000 calories equals how many kilocalories?


BMR stands for

Basal metabolic rate

The energy required for merely living is called

Basal metabolic rate BMR