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47 Cards in this Set

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visual lobe of the brain
occipital lobe
contralateral neglect sydrome is due to a lesion in this lobe of the brain
parietal lobe
short term memory is associated with which part of the limbic system
area of the brain responsible for homeostasis
this is the seat of judgement, intent, and control over the expression of our emotions
frontal lobe
A part of the limbic system and responsible for the formation of feelings
this lobe is responsible for hearing
temporal lobe
area of the brain stem where general anesthetics work
reticular formation
limb and trunk position and movement, deep touch from t6 down.
gracile fasiculus
women have a more extensive communication between their hemispheres due to a thicker...
corpus collosum
the primary motor area of the brain.
precentral gyrus
fine tunes voluntary muscle contraction
basal nuclei
located in the anterior hypothalamus, this regulates our biological clock and circadian rhythm
this tract is responsible in humans for the simultaneous leg extension and ipsilateral elboq flexion while walking
rubrospinal tract
sensory gateway to the cortex
contains vasomotor, cardiac and respiratory centers
medulla oblongata
ascending tract responsible for temperature, pain, and light touch
spinothalamic tract
descending tract responsible for reflex movements of the head in response to visual and auditory stimuli
tectospinal tract
damage to this area causes involuntary tremors
basal nuclei
descending tract that allows you to write
corticospinal tract
empathy and social interaction thought to be damaged in children with autisma
mirror neurons
new imaging of the brain that rely on transient increases in blood flow to parts of the brain called into action to perform specific tasks have increased our knowledge of brain function
when these ions arrive at the axon hillock and enter the cell they depolarize the cell membrane and the membrane becomes more...
Sodium, and positive
during childbirth some women recieve anesthetics injected into this space to block pain signals from the pelvic region
epidural space
the sciatic nerve is a composite of these two nerves
the tibial nerve and peroneal nerve
During a withdrawal reflex of the leg this reflex also occurs to prevent a person from falling over
crossed extension
a college student with a fever, stiff neck, and headache should be examined for
for each molecule of ATP consumed during active transport of sodium and potassium
2 potassium ions are imported and 3 sodium ions are exported
A doctor needs a sample of cerebrospinal fluid from a college student. He/she takes the sample from the subarachnoid space below which vertebrae.
subarachnoid space.
pregnant women can significantly reduce the risk of spina bifida by taking supplemental doses of
folic acid
the general term for any language deficit resulting from lesions such as a stroke in the hemisphere containing Wernicke and Broca areas
these neuroglial cells produce cerebrospinal fluid
a degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigia result in this disease
parkinson's disease
occularmotor nerve
trochlear nerve
ear and lip droop
facial nerve
loss of sensation to the face
trigeminal nerve
tongue paralysis
hypoglossal nerve
Horners syndrome
sympathetic trunk
loss of smell
olfactory nerve
head tilt, nystagmus
vestibular nerve
optic nerve
loss of bitter taste, impaired swallowing
glossopharyngeal nerve
fatal if both the right and left nerves are severed
vagus nerve
in horses, inability to advance and flex the rear limb. In humans, a tingling in the leg. Often associated with a bad injection
sciatic nerve.
the process of teaching the cerebral cortex until a long term memory is established is called
memory consolodation
This area is responsible for the recognition of spoken and written language and is usually found in this hemisphere
the Wernicke area in the left hemisphere