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176 Cards in this Set

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What type of nerves is the PNS mainly consisting of?

Spinal Nerves: to and from the spinal cord

Cranial Nerves: to and from the brain

What is the function of the nervous system

Sensory input: information gathered by sensory receptors about internal and external changes

Integration: Processing and interpretation of the sensory input

Motor Output: Activation of effector organs (muscles and glands) produces a response

Sensory Division


Somatic Sensory Fibers: convey impulses from skin, skeletal muscles, and joints to CNS

Visceral Sensory Fibers: convey impulses from visceral organs to the CNS

Motor Division


Transmits impulses from the CNS to effector Organs - muscles and glands

two divisions

Somatic nervous system

autonomic nervous system

Somatic Nervous system

Somatic motor nerve fibers

conducts impulses from CNS to skeletal muscle

Voluntary nervous system

- conscious control of skeletal muscles

Autonomic Nervous System

Visceral motor nerve fibers

regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

involuntary nervous system

two functional subdivisions

- Sympathetic

- Para sympathetic

- work in opposition of each other

Histology of Nervous Tissue

Highly cellular, little extracellular space (tightly packed)

What are the two principle cell types of the Nervous Tissue

Neuroglia- Small cells that surround and wrap delicate neurons

Neurons (nerve cells)- excitable cells that trasmit electrical signals

Neuroglia of the CNS



-Microglial Cells

-Ependymal Cells


Neuroglial of the PNS

Satellite cells

Schwann cells


Most abundant, versatile, branched glial cell

Cling to neurons, synaptic endings, and capillaries

Blood- Brain Barrier

support and brace neurons

control chemical environment around neurons

respond to nerve impulses and Neurotransmitters

influence neuronal functioning

Microglial Cells

Defense cells in the CNS

Ependymal cells

line the cerebrospinal fluid-filled cavities


form the myelin sheths around the CNS nerve fibers

Satellite Cells

Surround neuron cell bodies in the PNS

Function similar to Astrocytes of CNS

Schwann Cells


surround all peripheral nerve fibers and form myelin sheaths in thicker nerve fibers

vital to regeneration of damaged peripheral nerve fibers


Structural Units of the nervous system

large, highly specialized cells that conduct impulses

extreme longevity (100+ years)


High metabolic rate- requires continuous supply of oxygen and glucose

all have cell body (soma) and one or more processes (axons and dendrites)

Neuron Cell Body

Perikaryon or soma

Center of neuron

Nuclei- clusters of neuron cell bodies in CNS

Ganglia- groups of neuron cell bodies in the PNS

Neuron Processes

two types of processes

dendrites and axons

Tracts- bundles of neuron processes in CNS

Nerves- Bundles of neuron processes in PNS


Function: receptive (input) region of neuron

convey incoming messages toward cell body as graded potentials (short distance signals)

dendritic spines- collect information

Axon- Structure

axon hillock- cone shaped area of cell body

long axons are called Nerve Fibers

Axon Collaterals- occasional branches

distal endings called axon terminals or terminal boutons

Axon- Function

Conducting region of neuron; generates nerve impulses

transmits them along Axolemma (neuron cell membrane) to axon terminal

neurotransmitters are released from axon ternimal into a synapse

lacks rough ER and golgi apparatus

transport along the axon

molecules and organelles are moved along axons by motor proteins and cytoskeletal elements

movement in both directions

Anterograde- away from cell body

-ex mitochondria, cytoskeleton elements, membrane parts, enzymes

Retrograde- toward cell body

-ex organelles to be degraded, signal molecules, viruses, bacterial toxins

Myelin Sheath

composed of myelin

- whitissh, protein-lipoid substances

segmented sheath around most long or large-diameter axons

-Myelinated Fibers


protects and electrically insulates axon

increases speed of nerve impulse transmission

Myelination in the PNS

plasma membranes of myelinating cells have less proteins

-no channels or carriers

-good electrical insulators

-interlocking proteins bind adjacent myelin membranes

Myelin sheath gaps

-gaps between adjacent Schwann Cells

-sites where axon collaterals can emerge

-called nodes of ranvier

Nonmyelinated fibers

thin fibers not wrapped in myelin, surrounded by schwann cells but no coiling; one cell may surround 15 different fibers

Myelin Sheaths in the CNS

formed by multiple, flat processes of oligodendrocytes, not whole cells

can wrap up to 60 axons at once

myelin sheath gap is present

no outer collar of perinuclear cytoplasm

thinnest fibers are unmyelinated

white matter and gray matter

White Matter

regions of brain and spinal cord with dense collections of mylinated fibers

Gray Matter

Mostly neuron cell bodies and nonmyelinated fibers

Functional Classification of Neurons

Grouped by direction in which nerve impulse travels relative to CNS

Three Types

Sensory (afferent)

Motor (efferent)



Transmit impulses from sensory receptors towards CNS

almost all are unipolar

Cell Bodies in ganglia in PNS


Carry impulses from CNS to effectors


most cell bodies in CNS (except some autonomic neurons)

Interneurons (association neurons)

Lie between motor and sensory neurons

Shuttle signals through CNS pathways; most are entirely within CNS

99% of body's neurons most confined in CNS

Membranes Potentials

Neurons (and muscle fibers) are highly excitable

respond to adequate stimulas by generating an action potential (nerve impulse)

Basic Principles of Electricity

Opposite charges attract each other

Energy is required to separate opposite charges across a membrane

Energy is liberated when the charges move toward one another

If opposite charges are separated, the system has potential energy


is a measure of potential energy generated by separated charge

measured between two points in volts

Called potential difference or potential

greater charge difference between points = higher voltage


is the flow electricalcharge (ions) between two points

-can be used to do work


hindrance to charge flow

insulator- substance with high electrical resistance

conductor- substance with low electrical resistance

Ohms Law

Current (I) = Voltage (V) / resistance (R)

current and voltage is directly proportional

no net current flow between points with same potential

current inversely related to resistance

Role of Membrane Ion Channels

Large transmembrane proteins serve as selective membrane ion channels

Two main types of ion channels

Leakage (nongated) channels- always open

Gated- part of protein changes shape to open/close channel

Role of Membrane Ion Channels: gated channels

Three Types

Chemically Gated (ligand-gated) channels

- open with binding of a specific neurotransmitter

Voltage-Gated channels

- Open and close in response to changes in membrane potential

Mechanically gated channels

Open and close in response to physical deformation of receptors, as in sensory receptors

Gated Channels

When gated channels are open

-ions diffuse quickly across membrane along electrochemical gradients

Ion flow creates an electrical current and voltage changes across membrane

Resting Membrane Potential

Potential difference across membrane of resting cell

Generated by

differences in ionic makeup of ICF and ECF

differential permeability of the plasma membrane

ECF has higher [] of Na+ than ICF- balanced by Cl-

ICF has higher [] of K+ than ECF- balanced by - charged proteins


decrease in membrane potential (towards zero and above)

Inside of membrane becomes less negative than resting membrane potential

Increases probability of producing a nerve impulse


An increase in membrane potential (away from zero)

Inside of cell more negative than resting membrane potential

Reduces probability of producing a nerve impulse

Graded Potential

SAhort-lived, localized changes in membrane potential

either depolarized or hyperpolarization

triggered by stimulus that opens gated ion channels

Current flows but dissipates quickly and decays

Action Potential

Principle way neurons send signals

principle means of long-distance neural communication

occur only in muscle cells and axons of neurons

brief reversal of membrane potential with change of ~100 mV

do not decay over distance as graded potentials do

Properties of Gated Channels

Each Na+ channel has two voltage- sensitive gates

Activation gates

- closed at rest; open with depolarizion allowing Na+ to enter cell

Inactivation gates

- open at rest; block channel once it is open to prevent more Na+ from entering cell

Each K+ channel has one voltage-sensitive gate

closed at rest

opens slowly with depolarization

Generation of action potential: resting site

All gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed

only leakage channels for Na+ and K+ are open

- this maintains the resting membrane potential

Generation of an action potential: Depolarizing Phase

Depolarizing local currents open voltage-gated Na+ channels

- Na+ rushes into cells

Na+ influx causes more depolarization which opens more voltage-gated Na+ channels -> ICF

At threshold (-55 to -50 mV) positive feedback causes opening of all voltage-gated Na+ channels to open -> a reversal of membrane polarity of +30mV

Generation of an Action Potential: Repolarizing Phase

Na+ channel slow inactivation gates close

Membrane permeability to Na+ declines to resting states

- action potential spike stops rising

Slow voltage-gated K+ channels open

- K+ exits the cell and internal negativity is restored

Generation of Action Potential: Hyperpolarization

Some K+channels remain open, allowing excessive K+ efflux

- Inside of membrane more negative than resting state

This causes hyperpolarization of the membrane (slight dip below below resting voltage)

Na+ channels begin to reset

Role of the Sodium-Potassium Pump

Repolarization resets electrical conditions not ionic conditions

After repolarization Na+/K+ pumps (thousands of them in an axon) restore ionic conditions

-3 Na+ pumped out of cell

- 2 K+ pumped into cell


Not all depolarization events produce APs

For axon to "fire," depolarization must reach threshold

- that voltage at which the AP is triggered

At threshold:

- membrane has been depolarized by 15-20 mV

- Na+ permeability increases

- Na+ influx exceeds K+ efflux

- the positive feedback cycle begins

All of None Phenomenon

An AP either happens completely, or it does not happen at all

Propagation of an Action Potential

Propagation allow AP to serve as a signaling device

Na+ influx causes local currents

- local currents cause depolarization of adjacent membrane areas in direction away from AP origin (toward axon's terminals)

- Local currents trigger an AP there

- This causes the AP to propagate AWAY from the AP origin

Since Na+ channels closer to AP origin are inactivated no new AP is generated there

Absolute Refractory Period

When voltage-gated Na+ channels open neuron cannot respond to another stimulus

Absolute Refractory Period

- Time from opening the Na+ channels until resetting of the channels

- Ensure that each AP is an all-or-none event

- Enforces one-way transmission of nerve impulses

Relative Refractory Period

Follows absolute refractory period

- Most Na+ channels have returned to their resting state

- Some K+ channels still open

- Repolarization is occuring

Threshold for AP generation is elevated

- inside of membrane more negative than resting state

Only exceptionally strong stimulus could stimulate an AP

Conduction Velocity

Conduction velocities of neurons vary widelt

Rate of AP propagation depends on-

- Axon Diameter

- Large diameter fibers have less resistance to local current flow so faster impulse conduction

-Degree of Myelination

- Continuous Conduction in nonmyelinated axons is slower than saltatory conduction in myelinated axons

Conduction Velocity: Effects of Myelination

Myelin sheaths insulate and prevent leakage of charge

saltatory conduction (possible only in myelinated axons) is about 30 times faster

- Voltage-gated Na+ channels are located at myelin sheath gaps

- APs generated only at gaps

- Electrical signal appears to jump rapidly from gap to gap

Conduction Velocity: Effects of Myelination

Myelin Sheaths insulate and prevent leakage of charge

Saltatory conduction (possible only in myelinated axons) is about 30 times faster

- Voltage-gated Na+ channels are located at myelin sheath gaps

- APs generated only at gaps

- Electrical signal appears to jump rapidly from gap to gap

Nerve Fiber Classification

Nerve Fibers classified according to:


-Degree of Myelination

-Speed of conduction

Nerve Fiber Classification: Groups

Group A fibers

- large diameter, myelinated somatic sensory motor fibers of skin, skeletal muscles, joints

Group B Fibers

- Intermediate diameter, lightly myelinated fibers

Group C Fibers

- Smallest diameter, unmyelinated ANS fibers

The Synapse

Nervous System works because information flows from neuron to neuron

Neurons functionally connected by synapses

Synapse Classifications

Axodendritic- btw axon terminals of one neuron and dendrites of others

Axosomatic- btw axon terminals of one neuron and soma of others

less common types

Axoaxanal (axon to axon)

dendrodendritic (Dendrite to dendrite)

somatodendritic (dendrite to soma)

Presynaptic neuron

Neuron conducting impulses toward synapse

sends the information

Postsynaptic neuron

in PNS may be a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell

- neuron transmitting electrical signal away from synapse

- receives the information

Chemical Synapses

Specialized for release and reception of chemical neurotransmitters

typically composed of two parts

Two parts separated by Synaptic cleft

Electrical impulse changed to chemical across synapse, then back into electrical

Synaptic Cleft

Fluid- filled space

Prevents nerve impulses from directly passing from one neuron to next

Transmission across synaptic cleft

- clemical event

- depends on release, diffusion, and receptor binding of neurotransmitters

- ensures unidirectional communication between neurons

Information transfer across Chemical synapsis

AP arrives at axon terminal of presynaptic neuron

Causes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to open

Synaptotagmin- protein binds Ca2+ and promotes fusion of synaptic vesicles with axon membrane

Exocytosis of neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft occurs

Termination of Neurotransmitter effects

Reuptake- by astrocytes or axon terminal

Degradation- by enzymes

Diffusion- away from synaptic cleft

Synaptic delay

rate-limiting step of neural transmission

Postsynaptic Potentials

Neurotansmitter receptors cause graded potentials that vary in strength with:

- amount of neurotransmitter released

- time neurotransmitter stays in area

Types of postsynaptic potentials

- EPSP- excitatory postsynaptic potentials

- ISPS- inhibitory postsynaptic potentials

Excitatory Synapses and ESPSs

Neurotransmitter binding opens chemically gated channels

- allows simultaneous flow of Na+ and K+ in opposite directions

Na+ influx greater than K+ efflux -> net depolarization called EPSP (not AP)

EPSP help trigger AP if EPSP is of threshold strength

- can spread to axon hillock trigger opening of voltage-gated channels, and cause AP to be generated

Inhibitory Synapses and IPSP

reduces postsynaptic neuron's ability to produce an action potential

- makes membrane more permeable to K+or Cl-

- if K+ channels open, it moves out of the cell

- if Cl- channels open, it moves into cell

therefore neurotransmitter hyperpolarizes cell

- inner surface of membrane becomes more negative

-AP less likely to be generated

Synaptic Integration: Summation

A single EPSP cannot induce an AP

EPSPs can summate to influence postsynaptic neuron

IPSPs can also summate

Most neurons receive both excitatory and inhibitory from thousands of other neurons

- only if EPSPs predominate and bring to threshold -> AP

Types of Summation

Temporal Summation

- one or more presynaptic neurons transmit impulses in rapid-fire order

Spatial Summation

- Postsynaptic neuron stimulated simultaneously by large number of terminals at the same time

Integration: Presynaptic Inhibition

Excitatory neurotransmitter release by one neuron inhibited by another neuron via an axoaxonal synapse

less neurotransmitter released

smaller EPSPs formed

Integration: Synaptic Potential

repeated use of synapse increases ability of presynaptic cell to excite postsynaptic neuron

- Ca2+ [] increases in presynaptic terminal and post synaptic neuron

Brief high-frequency stimulation partially depolarizes postsynaptic neuron

- chemically gated channels (NMDA receptors) allow Ca2+ entry

- Ca2+ activated kinase enzymes that promote more effective responses to subsequent stimuli


Language of nervous system

50 or more neurotransmitters

most neurons make two or more neurotransmitters

- usually released at different stimulation frequencies

Neurotransmitters are classified by chemical structure and by function

Classification of Neurotransmitters: function

Can classify by


- excitatory versus inhibitory


- direct versus indirect

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Functions: Effects

Neurotransmitter effects can be

-excitatory (depolarizing)

-inhibitory (hyperpolarizing)

Effects determined by the neurotransmitter receptor to which it binds. Examples:

-GABA and glycine usually inhibitory

-Glutamate usually excitatory

-ACh binds to at least two receptor types with opposite effects

-ACh excitatory at neuromusclar junctions

-ACh inhibitory in cardiac muscle

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Direct versus Indirect Actions

Direct Action

Direct Action- (ex. ACh)

Neurotransmitter binds to and opens ligand/chemically-gated ion channel

Promotes rapid responses by altering membrane potential

Channel-Linked (Ionotropic) neurotransmitter Receptors: Mechanism of Action

Ligand/chemically-gated ion channels

Neurotransmitter is the ligand

Action is direct, immediate and brief

Excitatory receptors are channels for small cations

Inhibitory receptors allow Cl- influx that causes hyperpolarization

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Direct versus Indirect Action

Indirect Action

Indirect Action

Neurotransmitter acts though intracellular second messengers, usually G protein signal transduction pathways

Broader, longer-lasting effects similar to hormones

Biogenic amines, neuropeptides,and dissolvedd gases

G Protein-Linked (Metabotropic) Neurotransmitter Receptors: MEchanism of Action

Responses are indirect, complex, slow, and often prolonged

Transmembrane protein complexes

Cause widespread metabolic changes

ex. Muscarinic ACh receptors, receptors that bind biogenic amines and neuropeptides

Acetylcholine (ACh)

Released at

-Neuromuscular junctions

-by some ANS neurons

-by some CNS neurons

Degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

ACh pharmacology and toxicology

-AChE blocked by nerve gas, causing tetanic muscle spasms

-Botox inhibits ACh release

Acetylcholine receptors

Nicotinic ACh receptor


-direct action

-located on

-skeletal muscles, ANS ganglia, CNS neurons

-inhibited by the drug curare, causing muscle paralysis

Muscarinic ACh Receptor

-excitatory or inhibitory depending on receptor subtype

-indirect action

-located on parasympathetic postganglionic fibers in ANS

Biogenic Amines


- dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine

- synthesized from amino acid tyrosine


- serotonin, sythesized from amino and tryptophan

- histamine, sythesized from amino acid histidine

Broadly distributed in brain

imbalances associated with menth illness

(depression, anxiety, schizophrenia)

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Chemical Structure: Peptides

Peptides (neuropeptides)

-Substance P

- Mediator of pain signals

- Endorphins

- beta endorphins, dynorphin and enkephalins

- act as natural opiates; reduce pain perception

-Gut-Brain Peptides

- Somatostatin and Cholecystokinin

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Chemical Structure: Purines



- Potent inhibitor in brain

- caffeine blocks adenosine receptors

act in both CNS and PNS

produce fast or slow responses

induce Ca2+ influx in astrocytes

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Chemical Structure: Gases and Lipids

Nitric Oxide (NO), Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen sulfide gases (H2S)

Bind with G protein- coupled receptors in the brain

Lipid soluble

Synthesized on demand

No involved in learning and formation of new memories; brain damage in stroke patients, smooth muscles relaxation in intestines

Classification of Neurotransmitters: Chemical Structure: Endocannabinoids

Act at same receptors as THC (active ingredient in marijuana)

Lipid soluble

Synthesized on demand

Believed involved in learning and memory

May be involved in neuronal development, controlling appetite, and suppressing nausea

Types of Circuits


- patterns of synaptic connections in neuronal pools

four types of circuits

- diverging

- converging

- reverberating

- parallel after-discharge


One input, many outputs


Many inputs, one outputs


signal travels through a chain of neurons, each feeding back to previous neurons


Signal stimulates neurons arranged in parallel arrays that eventually converge on a single output cell


loose connective tissue that encloses axons and their myelin sheaths


Coarse connective tissues that bundles fibers into fascicles


tough fibrous sheath around a nerve

Sensation versus perception

Sensation- Conscious awareness of stimuli

Perception- Interpretation of meaning of stimulus

Classification of Sensory Receptors

Based on-

- type of stimulus they detect

- Location in body

- Structural complexity


respond to touch, pressure, vibration, and stretch


sensitive to changes in temperature


respond to light energy


respond to chemistry

-smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry


sensitive to pain-causing stimuli

- extreme heat or cold, excessive pressure, inflammatory chemicals

player in detection- vanilloid receptor

- ion channel opened by heat, low pH, chemicals

respond to:

- pinching, chemicals from damaged tissue, capsaicin


respond to stimuli arising outside body

receptors in skin for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature

Most special sense organs

- photoreceptors for visions, mechanoreceptors for hearing, chemoreceptors for smell and taste

Interoceptors (visceroceptors)

Respond to stimuli arising in internal viscera and blood vessels

sensitive to chemical changes, tissue stretch, and temperature changes

Sometimes cause discomfort but we are usually unaware of their workings


Respond to stretch in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and connective tissue coverings of bones and muscles

inform brain of one's movements

Classification by receptor structure

simple receptors for general senses

- tactile sensations (touch, pressure, stretch, vibrations), temperature, pain, and muscle sense

receptors for special senses

- vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, and taste

Nonencapsulated nerve ending

abundant in epithelia and connective tissues

most nonmyelinated, small-diameter group C fibers; distal endings have knoblike swellings

Respond mostly to temperature and pain; some to pressure-induced tissue movement; itch

Encapsulated Dendritic Endings

Tactile corpuscles- discriminative touch

Lamellar corpuscles- deep pressure and vibration

Bulbous corpuscles- deep continuous pressure

Muscle spindles- muscles stretch

Tendon organs- stretch in tendons

Joint Kinesthetic receptors- joint position and motion

Phasic Receptors

Fast acting

signal beginning or end of stimulus


- receptors for pressure, touch, and smell

Tonic Receptors

adapt slowly or not at all


- nociceptors and most propioceptors

Processing at the Circuit Level

Pathways of three neurons conduct sensory impulses upward to appropriate cortical regions

First Order sensory neurons

-conduct impulses from receptor level to spinal reflexes or second order neurons in CNS

Second Order sensory neurons

-transmit impulses to 3rd order sensory neurons

Third Order sensory neurons

-conduct impulses from thalamus to somatosensory cortex (perceptual level) in brain

Processing at the Perceptual Level

Interpretation of sensory input depends on specific location of target neurons in sensory cortex

Perceptual detection

-ability to detect a stimulus

Magnitude estimation

-intensity coded in frequency of impulses

Spatial discrimination

-identifying site or pattern of stimulus

Main Aspects of Sensory Perception

Feature Abstraction

-identification of more complex aspects and several stimulus properties

Quality Discrimination

-ability to identify submodalities of sensation

Pattern recognition

-recognition of familiar or significant patterns in stimuli

Perception of Pain

Pain warns of actual or impending tissues damage-> protective action

Painful stimuli include extreme pressure and temperature, histamine, K+, ATP, acids, and bradykinin

impulses travel on fibers that release neurotransmitters glutamate and substance P

Some pain impulses are blockedby inhibitory endogenous opioiods

Pain Tolerance

All people perceive pain at same stimulus intensity

pain tolerances varies

"sensitive to pain"means low pain tolerance, not low pain threshold

genes help determine pain tolerance,response to pain medications

Visceral and Referred Pain

Stimulation of visceral organ receptors

-felt as vague aching, gnawing, burning

-activated by tissue stretching, ischemia, chemicals, muscle spasms

Referred pain

-pain from one body region perceived from different region

-visceral and somatic pin fibers travel in same nerves; brain assumes stimulus from common region


Inborn (intrinsic) reflex- rapid, involuntary, predictable motor response to stimulus

Learned (acquired) reflex- result from practice or repetition

Somatic- activate skeletal muscle

Autonomic- activate visceral effectors (smooth or cardiac muscle or glands)


Site of Stimulus action

Sensory Neuron

transmits afferent impulses to CNS

Integration Center

either monosynaptic or polysynaptic region within CNS

Motor neuron

conducts efferent impulses from integration center to effector organ


muscle fiber or gland cell that responds to efferent impulses by contracting or secreting

Spinal Reflexes

spinal somatic reflexes

-integration center in spinal cord

- effectors are skeletal muscle

Testing of somatic reflexes important clinically to assess condition of nervous system

- if exaggerated, distorted, or absent-> degenerageration/pathology of specific nervous system regions

Stretch and Tendon Reflexes

to smoothly coordinate skeletal muscle nervous system must receive proprioceptor input regarding:

-length of muscle

- from muscle spindles

-Amount of tension in muscles

- from tendon origins

The stretch Reflex

Maintains muscle tone in large postural muscles, and adjusts it reflexively

- causes muscle contraction in response to increased muscle length (stretch)

How they work:

stretch activates muscle spindles

The stretch reflex: Positive reflex


- sensory and motor connections between muscle and spinal cord intact

- Strength of response indicated degree of spinal cord excitability

Hypoactive or absent if peripheral nerve damage or ventral horn injury

Hyperactive if lesions of corticospinal tract

The Tendon Reflex

Postsynaptic reflexes

Helps Prevent damage due to excessive stretch

important for smooth onset andtermination of muscle contraction

Produces muscle relaxation (lengthening) in response to tension

- Contraction or passive stretch activates tendon reflex

- afferent impulses transmitted to spinal cord

- contracting muscle relaxes; antagonist contracts (reciprocal Activation)

- Information transmitted simultaneously to cerebellum and used to adjust muscle tension

The Flexor Reflex

Initiated by painful stimulus

causes automatic withdrawal of threatened body part

Ipsilateral and polysynaptic

Protective; important

Brain can override


Crossed Extensor Reflex

Occurs with flexor reflexes in weight-bearing limbs to maintain balance

Consists of ipsilateral withdrawal reflex and contralateral extensor reflex

- stimulated side withdrawn (flexed)

- Contralateral side extended

Superficial Reflexes

Elicited by gentle cutaneous stimulation

depends on upper motor pathways and cord-level reflex arcs

Best Known:

- Plantar Reflex

- Abdominal Reflex

Plantar Reflex

Stimulus - stroke of lateral aspect of sole of foot

Response - downward flexion of toes

Damageto motor cortex or corticospinal tracts -> abnormal response = Babinski's sign

- Hallux dorsiflexes; only digits fan laterally

- normal in infant to ~1 year due to imcomplete myelination

Abdominal Reflexes

Cause contraction of abdominal muscles and movement of umbilicus in response to stroking of skin

Vary in intensity from one person to another

Absent when corticospinal tract lesions present

Spinal Nerves

Only 7 cervical vertebrae, yet 8 pairs of cervical spinal nerves

- 7 exit vertebral canal superior to vertebrae for which named

- 1 exits canal inferior to C7

Other vertebrae exit inferior to vertebra for which named

Ventral and Dorsal Roots

Each spinal nerve connects to the spinal cord via two roots

Ventral Roots:

- contain motor (efferent) fibers from ventral horn motor neurons

- fibers innervate skeletal muscles

Dorsal Roots

- contains sensory (afferent) fibers from sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia and conduct impulses from peripheral receptors

Dorsal and ventral roots unite toform spinal nerves, which emerge from vertebral column


Each spinal nerve branches into mixed rami

Dorsal Ramus

Ventral Ramus- larger

Rami communicantes (autonomic pathways) join ventral rami in thoracic region

Contain: Nerve plexuses- interlacing nerve network

Lumbar and sacral roots extend as cauda equina


Within plexus fibers criss-cross

- each branch contains fibers from several spinal nerves

- fibers from ventral ramus go to body periphery via several routes

- each limb muscle innervated by more than one spinal nerve

Cervical Plexus and the neck

Most branches form cutaneous nerves

- innervate skin of neck, ear, back of head, and shoulders

- other branches innervate neck muscles

Phrenic Nerve

- major motor and sensory nerve of diaphragm (receives fibers from C3-C5)

- must be functional for respiration

- irritation -> hiccups

Branchial Plexus: Five Important Nerves







Innervates deltoid, teres minor, and skin and joint capsule of shoulder


innervates biceps brachii and brachialis, coracobrachialis, and skin of lateral forearm


Innervates skin, most flexors, forearm pronators, wrist and finger flexors, thumb opposition muscles


Supplies flexor carpi ulnaris, part of flexor digitorum profundus, most intrinsic hand muscles, skin of medial aspect of hand, wrist/finger flexion


Innervates essentially all extensor muscles, supinators, and posterior skin of limb

Lumbar Plexus

Innervates thigh, abdominal wall, and psoas muscle

Femoral Nerve- innervates quadriceps and skin of anterior thigh and medial surface of leg

Obturator Nerve- passes through obturator foramen to innervate adductor muscles

Sacral Plexus

Longest and thickest nerve of body

innervates hamstring muscles, adductor magnus, and most muscles in leg and foot

composed of two nerves; tibial and common fibular

Innervation of skin: Deratomes

Area of skin innervated by cutaneous branches of single spinal nerve

all spinal nerves except C1 participate in dermatomes

extent of spinal cord injuries ascertained by affected dermatomes

most dermatomes overlap, so destruction of a single spinal nerve will not cause complete numbness

Cranial Nerves

Olfactory Optic Oculomotor

Trochlear Trigemial Abducens

Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossophsaryngeal

Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal

On Occasion, Our Trusty Truck Acts Funny- Very Good Vehicle AnyHow


Purely sensory; carry afferent impulses for sense of smell

Optic Nerve

Purely sensory; carry afferent impulses for vision

Oculomotor Nerve

Chiefly motor nerve; contain a few proprioceptive afferents.

Trochlear Nerves

Primarily motor nerves; supply somatic motor fibers to (and carry proprioceptor fibers from) one of the extrinsic eye muscles, the superior oblique muscle, which passes through the pulley-shaped trochlea

Trigeminal Nerves

Ophthalmic Divisions

- convey sensory impulses from skin of anterior scalp, upper eyelids, and nose

Maxillary Division

- Convey sensory impulses from nasal cavity mucosa, palate, upper teeth, skin of cheek

Mandibular Division

- Convey sensory impulses from anterior tongue, lower teeth, skin of chin

Abducens Nerves

Primarily motor; supply somatic motor fibers to lateral rectus muscle, an extrinsic muscle of the eye. Convey proprioceptorimpulses from same muscle to brain

Facial Nerves

Mixed nerves that are the chief motor nerves of face. five branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical

Vestibulocochlear Nerves

Mostly sensory. Vestibular branch transmits afferent impulses fromsense of equilibrium, and sensory nerve cell bodies are located in vestibular ganglia. Cochlear branch transmits afferent impulses for sense of hearing, and sensory nerve cell bodies are located in spiral ganglia within cochlea

Glossopharyngeal Nerves

Mixed nerves that innervate part of the tongue and pharynx. proxide somatic motorfibers to, and carry proprioceptorsfibers from, a superior pharyngeal muscle called the stylopharyngeus, which elevates the pharynx in swallowing

Vagus Nerve

Mixed nerves.Nearly all motor fibers are parasympathetic efferents, except those serving skeletal muscles of pharynx and larynx.Parasympathetic motor fibers supply heart, lungs, and abdominal viscera and are involved in regulating heart rate, breathing, and digestive system activity

Accessory Nerves

Mixed nerves, but primarily motor in function. Supply motor fibers to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, which together move head and neck, and convey proprioceptor impulses from same muscles

Hypoglossal Nerves

Mixed nerves, but primarily motor in function. Carry somatic motor fibers to intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue, and proprioceptor fibers from same muscles to brain stem. Hypoglossal nerve control allows tongue movements that mix and manipulate food during chewing, and contribute to swallowing and speech

Primary Mover


Major responsibility for producing specific movement


Opposes or reverses particular movement

prime mover and antagonist on opposite sides of joint across which they act


Help prime movers

- adds extra force to same movement

- reduces undesirable or unnecessary movement


synergist that immobilizes bone or muscle's origin

gives prime mover stable base on which to act

Naming Skeletal Muscles




Direction of fibers

Number of origins

Location of attachments

Muscle action

Lever System

Lever - Rigid bar (bone) that moves on a fixed point called fulcrum (joint)

Effort - Force (supplied by muscle contraction) applied to lever to move resistance (load)

Load - resistance (bone+tissues+any added weight) moved by the effort

The Muscles of facial expression insert on


Which is not a muscle of mastication

Glossus Muscles

Accessory muscles of respiration include the________ and the _________________

Sternocleidomastoids, scalenes

The pectoralis major muscle inserts on the


Which is not an intrinsic muscle of the hand

Adductor pollicis longus