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175 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not a function of muscles
The muscles ability to stretch or extend and to return to its resting length is called
The contractile unit of a muscle cell is the
Which structure allows the electrical signals to travel along the sarcolemma and move deeper into the cell
Transverse tubules
The four kinds of protein that make up myofilaments are
myosin, actin, tropomyosin, troponin
According to the sliding filament theory
Actin moves past myosin
The energy required for muscular contraction is obtained by hydrolysis of

Anaerobic respiration results in the formation of an incompletely catabolized molecule called

lactic acid
The minimal level of stimulation required to cause a fiber to contract is called the
Threshold stimulus
Three phases of twitch contraction are the
latent period, contraction phase, and relaxation phase
Repeated stimulation of muscle in time lessens its excitability and contractibility and may result in
Central nervous system consists of
brain and spinal cord
Sympathetic division produces the
fight or flight response
Efferent nervous system consists of all
outgoing motor pathways
What has the ability of phagocytosis
What helps to form the blood-brain barrier
What produces the fatty myelin sheath in the PNS
Schwann cell
What is the largest and most numerous of the neuroglial cells
What produces the myelin sheath in the CNS
What type of neuroglia that forms the neurilemmal
Schwann cell
What is called the "star cell"
The disorder of this cell is associated with multiple sclerosis
What are classified as nerve fibers
Axon and dendrites
What conducts impulses toward the cell body
A neuron with one axon and several dendrites is a
Multipolar neuron
Which type of neuron lies entirely within the CNS
What is the sequence of an impulse over a reflex arc
receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector
A complete nerve, consisting of numerous fascicles and their blood supply, is held together by a fibrous coat called the
Muscle tone is maintained by
negative feedback systems
A contraction in which muscle length remains the same but muscle tension increases are called an
Isometric contraction
Exercise may cause an increase in muscle size is called

The more muscle fibers contracting at the same time, the stronger the contraction of the entire muscle. The number of muscle fibers contracting depends on how many motor units are


Which of the following is not a general function of muscle tissue


The skeletal muscle fiber characteristic of excitability directly results in these cells being capable of

responding to nerve signal

The correct order or arrangement of skeletal muscle cells from largest to smallest is

fiber, myofibril and myofilament

Which of the following are myofilament proteins

troponin and tropomyosin

The contractile unit of a myofibril is the


The chief function of the T tubule is to

allow the electrical signal to move deep into the cell

Myosin heads are also called

Cross bridges

During muscle contraction Ca++ us released from the

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

The region of a muscle fiber where a motor neuron connects to the muscle fibers is called the

motor endplate

the thick myofilament is made up of myosin


Skeletal muscle has a poor ability to stretch


A T tubule sandwiched between sacks of sarcoplasmic reticulum is called a codon


Actin, Troponin, and Tropomyosin are present on the thin myofilament


The I band resides within a single sarcomere


Rigor mortis is caused by a lack of ATP to "turn off" muscle contractions


The cell membrane of a muscle fiber is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum


Anaerobic respiration is the first choice of the muscle cell for the production of ATP


Compared with the inside of the cell, the outside of most cell membranes is


The difference in electrical charge across a plasma membrane is called

membrane potential

A neuron's resting membrane potential is


Which of the following statements is true concerning the sodium-potassium pump

Three sodium ions are pumped out of the neuron for every two potassium ions pumped into the neuron

During a relative refractory period

an action potential is possible only in response to a very strong stimulus

Voltage-gated channels are

Ion channels that open in response to voltage fluctuations

What current leaps across an insulating myelin sheath from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier, the type of impulse conduction is

Saltatory conduction

The large diameter of a nerve fiber

The faster the speed of conduction

During rest, excess oxygen molecules in the sarcoplasm are attached to a large protein molecule called myoglobin


Anaerobic respiration results in the formation of an incompletely catabolized molecule called lactic acid


The principal components of a motor unit is

One somatic motor neuron, The muscle fibers supplied by a somatic motor neuron

The staircase phenomenon is also known as


skeletal muscles are innervated by

Somatic motor neurons

Which of the following statements concerning isometric contractions is true

muscle length remains constant

physiological muscle fatigue is caused by

relative lack of ATP

small distinct regions of gray matter within the CNS are usually called


Nerves that contain mostly efferent fibers are called

Motor nerves

Gray matter in the CNS consists of

Cell bodies

Most nerves in the human nervous system are

mixed nerves

Evidence now indicates that neurons may be replaced


Regeneration of nerve fibers will occur if the cell body is intact and the fibers have a neurilemmal


The are no differences between the CNS and PNS concerning the repair of damaged fibers


What is a disorder of the nervous system that involves the glia, rather than the neurons

Multiple Sclerosis

What is a common type of brain tumor that is usually benign but may still be life-threatening


What is a highly malignant form of astrocytic tumor is known as

Gliobastoma multiforme

An inherited glial disease characterized by numerous benign fibrous neurons throughout the body is known as


Most disorders of the nervous system involve

glia rather than neurons

Incoming sensory pathways are


The parasympathetic division coordinates the body's normal resting activities and is sometimes referred to as

rest and repair division

The myelin sheath is produced by


What are found only in peripheral neurons

Schwann cells

Myelin sheath gaps are often called

Nodes of Ranvier

Energy for neurons is provided by


Myelinated fibers are





Supporting cells






conduct impulses


forms the myelin sheath around central nerve fibers






multiple sclerosis



action potential and nerve impulses are synonymous


When repolarization has occured, an impulse cannot be conducted


The action potential is an all or none response


Many anesthetics function by inhibiting the opening of sodium channels and thus block the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses


Which of the following structures is not a main component of a chemical synapse

synaptic process

A synaptic knob is located on the


Spatial summation

neurotransmitters released simultaneously from several pre-synaptic knobs converge on one post-synaptic neuron

Ca++ ions cause the release of neurotransmitters across the synaptic cleft


Neurotransmitters are released in a synapse and bind to

receptors on the post-synaptic terminal

Endurance training is also called

aerobic training

a muscle contracts the instant it is stimulated


Isotonic contractions is one in which the tone or tension within a muscle remains the same, but the length of the muscle changes


One method of studying muscles contraction is called


Muscle with more toned than normal can be described as flaccid


Smooth muscle is located

in the walls of hollow organs

Skeletal muscle tissue

contains many nuclei near the sarcolemma

Skeletal muscle tissue

is voluntary

Smooth muscle tissue

is not striated

Cardiac muscle tissue is

striated and contains a single nucleus

Smooth muscle tissue


Has larger diameter T tubules that form dyads with sarcoplasmic reticulum

Cardiac muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue primary functions

movement of bones, heat production, and posture

Cardiac muscle tissue has

intercalated disks

Smooth muscle tissue has

loosely organized sarcoplasmic reticulum

muscle strains are characterized by


crush injuries can cause ______________ to accumulate in the blood and result in kidney failure


A viral infection of the nerves that control skeletal muscle movement is known as


The structural and functional center of the entire nervous system is the

central nervous system

Nerves that originate from the brain are called ________nerves


The somatic nervous system carries information to the

skeletal muscles

The efferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system can be divided into the _______divisions

parasympathetic and sympathetic

The ______nervous system is a complex network of nerve pathways embedded in the intestinal wall with a network of integators and feedback loops that can act somewhat independently


Excitable cells that conduct the impulses are called


The main chemical classes of neurotransmitters include all of the following except


Which of the following is not a example of an amine neurotransmitter


Severe depression can be caused by a deficit in which of the following neurotransmitters


Which of the following is not a catecholamine


Cocaine produces a temporary feeling of well-being by blocking the re-uptake of dopamine


Multiple sclerosis is a _____________disorder


_________disease is a failure to release adequate dopamine at the synapse of certain motor pathways


Neurotrophins stimulate neuron development but also can act as

neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

A membrane that exhibits a membrane potential is said to be


The membrane potential maintained by a nonconducting neuron's plasma membrane is called the

resting membrane potential

The mechanisms that produce and maintain the resting membrane potential do so by producing a

slight excess of positive ions on the outer surface of the plasma membrane

The active transport mechanism in the plasma membrane that transports sodium and potassium ions in opposite direction and at different rates is the

chloride channel

An ion channel that opens in response to a sensory stimulus is a

stimulus gated channel

Movement of the membrane potential away from zero (below the usual RMP) is called


A term commonly used as a synonym for action potential is


If the magnitude of the local depolarization surpasses a limit called the _________, voltage-gated Na+ channels are stimulated to open

threshold potential

The brief period during which a local area of an axon's membrane resists re-stimulation is called the _________period


The action potential seems to "leap" from node to node along a myelinated fiber. This type of impulse regeneration is called __________conduction


There are two types of synapses-the electrical synapse and the ______synapse


The tiny budge at the end of a terminal branch of a presynaptic's neuron's axon is called

synaptic knob

What mechanism quickly terminates the action of a neurotransmitter once it binds to its post-synaptic receptor

Neurotransmitter molecules are transported back into synaptic knobs, the molecules are metabolized into inactive compounds and the molecules are transported into nearby glial cells

When synaptic knobs stimulate a post-synaptic neuron in rapid succession, their effect can add up over a brief period to produce an action potential-this is called

termporal summation

Which chemicals allow neurons to communicate with one another


What is a group of genetic diseases characterized by atrophy of skeletal muscle tissue

muscular dystrophy

What is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks muscle cells at the neuromuscular junction

Myasthenia Gravis

When a muscle does not shorten and no movement results, the contraction is


Pushing against a wall is an example of which type of contraction


Prolonged activity causes muscles to shrink in mass, a condition called

disuse atrophy

muscle fibers usually contract to about _____% of their starting length


Which statement is true if smooth muscle

it lines the walls of many hollow organs

what is a quick jerky response of a given muscle to a single stimulus called


The energy required for muscular contraction is obtained by hydrolysis of amino acids


A motor neuron together with the cells it innervates is called a motor unit


If muscles are stimulated repeatedly without adequate periods of rest, the strength of the muscle contraction will decrease, resulting in fatigue


The minimum level of stimulation required to cause a fiber to contract is called the threshold stimulus


Weakness of abdominal muscles can lead to a hernia


There are two types of smooth muscle visceral and multi unit


Cardiac muscle is also known as striated involuntary


The length/extension relationship states that the maximum strength a muscle can develop is related to the length of the fibers


Skeletal muscles have little effect on body temperature


Which of these glia cells are located in the peripheral nervous system

Schwann cells

The glia cells that help form the blood-brain barrier are the


What structure of the Schwann cell is essential to normal nerve growth and the regeneration of injured nerve fibers


The _______ of a neuron is a single process that usually extends from a tapered portion of the cell body


Which of the following is not a structural classification of neurons


A signal conduction route to and from the central nervous system is an

reflex arc

Bundles of myelinated fibers make up the

white matter of the nervous system

Neurons have

very limited capacity to repair themselves

What term describes the bundles of nerve fibers within the central nervous system
