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47 Cards in this Set

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The median partition in the thorax, bound by connective tissue and pleura, dividing the region between the right and left pleural sacs

Divided into sections: cranial, middle and caudal

NOT symmetrical-deflected to the left in certain places due to larger right lung


lies to the left of the midline where the diaphragm and sternum meet

Dog Heart BW


Cat Heart BW


Auscultating the Pulmonic Valve

Low left 3rd IC space (dogs)

High left 4th IC space (cats)

Auscultating the Aortic Valve

High left 4th IC space (cats/dogs)

Auscultating the Left Atrioventricular (Mitral) Valve

Costochondral Junction 6th IC space (cats)

Costochondral Junction 5th IC space (dogs)

Right Atrioventricular (Tricuspid) Valve

Low right 3rd to 4th IC space (dogs)

Low right 5th IC space (cats)


Surrounds the heart and is divided into the outer most tough/protective fibrous and the serous epicardium that lays against heart and is divided into visceral and parietal layers


the muscular layer between epi and endocardium (thin lining of inside of the heart)

The Right Atrium

Receives DE-OXYGENATED BLOOD from systemic circulation via the vena cava and coronary circulation

Holding the chamber for blood going to the lungs via the right ventricle

Foramen Ovale closes at birth to form the Fossa Ovalis

Venous flow from heart itself enters in coronary sinus

The Atrioventricular Valve

"Tricuspid Valve"

One way, opens as the ventricle relaxes (diastole)

Closes when the ventricle contracts (systole)

Uses papillary muscles, cordae tendinae, and has 2 valve leaflets (Ventral and Parietal)

The Right Ventricle

Moves deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary system

Thin walled compared to the left ventricle

Inflow area below tricuspid

Outflow tract (infundibulum) extending towards pulmonic valve

The Pulmonic Valve

Semilunar Valve

Prevents backflow from pulmonary artery to the right ventricle

Annulus and 3 cusps close

Pulmonary Vessels

Pulmonary Trunk collects blood from RV and delivers to the pulmonary arteries

Right and left pulmonary artery

Connected to the descending aorta via ligamentum arteriosum (remenant of ductus arteriosus)

Pulmonary veins brings blood from the lungs to the left atrium

Left Atrium

Receives OXYGENATED blood from the lungs

Body and auricle

Main pulmonary artery bifurcates just cranial to atrial body

Systemic Circulation

80% of blood volume (everywhere)

Pulmonary Circulation

15% of blood volume

(remaining 5% IN the heart)


Carry blood away from the heart

Largest ones have a large proportion of elastic fibers

Smaller ones have greater proportion of smooth muscle

Arterioles regulate resistance to blood flow


Carry blood towards the heart

Low pressure system (controlled by the ANS)

Predominantly composed of smooth muscle fibers

Contain 65% of systemic blood volume

Have valves to prevent backflow of blood (varicose veins)

If presented with high pressure edema will form

Pulmonary Arteries and veins

The Exception

The only arteries that contain deoxygenated blood`

High Pressure System

Contain 100% of systemic blood volume

Bloodflow causes expanding and relaxing walls, felt as a pulse

A- Tunica Interna (endothelium)

B- Tunica Media

C- Tunica Adventitia


Low pressure system

Contain 5% of systemic blood volume

Single cell layer thick - only allow red blood cells to single file

Ventricular Contraction

Maximum pressure (systole)

Ventricular relaxation

Minimum pressure (diastole)

Tissue Perfusion

Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is felt as a pulse

Force that is resisting blood flow is the systemic (peripheral) resistance

Blood pressure must exceed this for blood flow to occur

Control of blood pressure

Many factors involved but main one is the ANS

Sympathetic Nervous System


Increased Blood Pressure

Blood directed to muscles

"fight or flight response"

Parasympathetic Nervous System


Lowers blood pressure

blood is directed to the GI tract

Post consumption response


Is the property that represents the strength of the myocardial contraction


The amount of blood in the heart after the contraction of the atria (AKA diastolic volume)

Increased preload causes increased force of contraction due to Starling's Law

Valve disease affects preload (decrease)

A weak myocardium will increase preload


The sum of the forces the myocardium has to overcome

Sustained high afterload will cause myocardium to thicken


End Systolic Volume- is the amount of blood left in the heart after ventricles contract


End Diastolic Volume- is the amount of blood in the ventricles when they are full


Stroke Volume- is the amount of blood actually ejected from the heart

Cardiac Muscle

Impulses travel from cell to cell

Heart contracts as a unit

Some cells can initiate impulses independently

Long refractory period vs. skeletal muscle

Impulse Propagation

Action Potentials are generated by automatic tissues

Signals are propagated along specific pathways so that the timing of contraction is regulated

SA Node

Sino Atrial is responsible for regular heart rate

AV Node

Tricuspid Vavle;

One way;

Opens as the ventricle relaxes;

Closes when the ventricle contracts;

Papillary muscles and Chordae Tendinae hold the leaflets from prolapsing into the atrium

2 leaflet valves

Heart Rate

Determined by autonomic nervous system

Heart Rate: Sympathetic

HR increases

Heart Rate: Parasympathetic

HR decreases

Heart Rate: Baroreceptors

Change vascular tone and HR based on current BP

ECG: P Wave

Represents atrial depolarization

ECG: PR interval

Represents completion of atrial contraction and transmission of the electrical signal between the SA and AV node

ECG: QRS complex

Represents ventricular depolarization (contraction)

ECG: ST segment

Represents completion of the ventricular contraction

ECG: T wave

Represents ventricular repolarization (relaxation)