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31 Cards in this Set

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(Greek, "Bios"-Life) Is the science that deals with the phenomenon of life and living organisms in general.
(Greek, Physis, nature) A Science dealing with the functions of living organisms of their parts.
The study of structure of organisms and the relations of their parts. The word Anatomy means "dissection" usually of human cadavers. However, in additions to dissections a number of specialized methods to study the same have emerged as well.
The Anatomical Position
used as a reference for descriptive purposes. Example: The living body, standing erect, facing the observer, eyes front, arms at the side with the palms of the hand and tips of the feet directed forward.
(L. venter, belly) Away from the backbone, or toward the front of the body.
(L. dorsum, back) Toward the backbone, or away from the front of the body.
i.e.- back of the hand, the top or opposite surface of the foot.
(L. Anterior, before) Toward the front, or away from the back. This term is usually used with reference to the free extremities or the head, but is sometimes used interchangeably with ventral.
(L. posterus, behind) Toward the back, or away from the front. This term is also used with reference to the free extremities or the head, but may be used interchangeably with dorsal.
Toward the surface as distinct from superior.
Away from the surface, as distinct from inferior.
Upper, as distinct from superficial
lower, as distinct from deep.
(L. Cranium, skull) Toward the head. The term rostral is sometimes used.
Toward the trail, away from the head. Its use is usually restricted to the trunk.
(L. externus, outside) Toward the outer surface. This term is most often used to describe body cavities or the body wall, but is sometimes used interchangeably with superficial.
(L. internus, inside) Toward the inner surface. This term is also used to describe body cavities or the body wall, but is sometimes used interchangeably with deep.
(L. medialis) Toward the axis or mid line.
(L. latus, side) Away from the axis or mid line.
(L. proximus, next) Toward the body or toward the root of a free extremity.
(L. distant) Away from the body or the root of a free extremity.
pertaining to or situated at the center.
(Greek peri, around) Toward the outward surface or part.
Sagittal Plane
A vertical plane or cut that divides the body into right and left halves (mirrored images in the embryo) It's called the sagittal plane because it corresponds to the sagittal suture that is so easily seen in an infant skull. May also be called medial sagittal or midsagitall plane, while planes parallel to it, away from the mid line are called sagittal.
Frontal or Coronal Plane
A vertical plane that intersects the median sagittal plane at right angles and is parallel to the forehead. All the planes parallel to it are also called frontal or coronal planes. This is because they are either parallel to the forehead or to the coronal suture. Frontal or coronal planes divide the body into front and back parts.
Transverse Plane
A horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts. A transverse plane that divides the body into upper and lower halves is called the midtransverse plane.
The basic unit of all living things. They are very small in size. Some live until the organism lives and some have a smaller lifespan. A collection of cells and their inter cellular substances which have a common function is commonly called "Tissue."
Epithelial Tissue
Cells arranged in sheets/layers and cover the external surface of the body, line tubes or passages leading to the exterior and line internal cavities in the body. Ex. skin, mucous lining of mouth, nose.
Connective Tissue
Tissues that connect or bind structures together and support the body. Ex. Adipose or fat tissue below the skin, tendons-connect muscle to bone, ligaments-connect bone to bone.
Muscular Tissue
Elongated cells with ability to contract and relax. Important for body movements.
Ex. muscle tissue
Nervous Tissue
Made up of highly specialized cells that are elongated and can be excited to transmit information to the neighboring nerve cells. Ex. nerve cells, nerve cell bundles.
Vascular Tissue
Are the fluid tissues of the body. Ex. blood.