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162 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
How many cranial bones are there?
Name the 8 cranial bones
- frontal
- parietal
- temporal (2)
- occipital
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
How many facial bones are there?
Name the 14 facial bones
-zygomatic (2)
- lacrimal (2)
- nasal (2)
- inferior nasal conchae (2)
- palatine bones (2)
- maxillae (2)
- vomer
- mandible
The mandible is comprised of two processes. Name them
- condyloid process
- coronoid process
This mandibular process is found posteriorly
This mandibular process is found anterior
Coronal suture is between what?
frontal and parietal bones
Lamboid suture is between what?
parietal and occipital bones
Sagittal suture
shared by two parietal bones and runs along the midsagittal plane from frontal bone to occipital bone
Squamous suture is between what?
temporal and parietal bones
Name the 12 cranial nerves
(Olaf opted occasionally to touch and feel very good velvet at home)
- olfactory
- optic
- oculomotor
- abducent
- vestibulocochlear
- glossopharyngeal
- vagus
- spinal accessory
- hypoglossal
What are the three divisions of the trigeminal n.
Frontalis m. action
draws scalp anteriorly
raises eyebrows
wrinkles forehead
Occipitalis m. action
draws scalp posteriorly
Orbicularis Oculi m action
closes the eye
winking m.
Orbicularis Oris m action
closes and protrudes lips
puckering m
THe muscles of facial expression are all innervated by what n.?
facial nerve (CN 7)
Platysma m action
Draws out part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting
Buccinator m action
- keeps food between teeth and away from cheeks when chewing
- presses cheeks against teeth and lips, as in whistling, blowing, and sucking
The muscles of mastication are all innervated by what n.?
CN V3- mandibular division of trigeminal n
Masseter m action
elevates mandible
lateral grinding and chewing
Masseter attachments
-zygomatic bone and arch
- angle and lateral surface of ramus of mandible
Temporalis attachments
-temporal fossa
- coronoid process of mandible
Temporalis action
retracts mandible
lateral grinding and chewing
Medial pterygoid attachments
-medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
- medial surface of the ramus of mandible
Medial pterygoid actions
acts with masseter to elevate mandible
unilateral activity produces grinding
Lateral pterygoid attachments
-lateral side of the lateral pterygoid plate and sphenoid
- condyloid process of mandible and also the joint capsule and articular disc of TMJ
Lateral pterygoid actions
protrudes mandible
depresses chin
unilateral activity produces grinding and swings jaw toward contralateral side
Borders of infratemporal fossa
lateral: ramus of mandible
medial: lateral pterygoid plate
anterior: posterior maxilla
posterior: mastoid process
superior: greater wing of sphenoid bone
inferior: attachment of medial pterygoid m
Contents of infratemporal fossa
maxillary a
CN V3- mandibular
What are the two primary spinal curvatures
What are the two secondary spinal curvatures
Which vertebrae is the largest?
What do thoracic vertebrae have that other vertebrae do not?
costal facets that articulate with ribs
Which vertebrae have bifid spinous processes and transverse formina?
Which cervical vertebrae has no body or spinous process?
C1 (atlas)
Which vertebrae is the most prominent?
What is the name of the unique structure on C2 (axis)?
What are the attachments of the sternocleidomastoid?
-mastoid process and superior nuchal line
- manubrium and middle 1/3 of clavicle
What is the innervation of the sternocleidomastoid?
accessory nerve (CN XI)
Sternocleidomastoid action?
- unilateral: tilts head to same side and rotates face superiorly to opposite side
- bilateral: extends the neck
What are the borders of the lateral cervical region?
-anterior: SCM m.
- posterior: trapezius m
- inferior: middle 1/3 of clavicle
- roof: investing fascia
-floor: prevertebral fascia and mm
What are the contents of the lateral cervical region?
-spinal accessory n.
-roots of brachial plexus
- lesser occipital n. (C2)
- great auricular n. (C2&C3)
-transverse cervical n. (C2&C3)
-supraclavicular nn. (C3&C4)
- branches of subclavian a.
- occipital a.
- subclavian v. and external jugular v.
How many parts are there in the subclavian a?
3 parts
- 1st: vertebral a, thyrocervical trunk, internal thoracic a.
- 2nd: costocervical trunk
- 3rd: dorsal scapular a
Borders of the anterior cervical region?
- anterior: median line of neck
- posterior: SCM
- superior: inferior mandible
- floor: pharynx, larynx, thyroid
- roof: platysma
Mylohyoid action?
-elevates hyoid, floor of mouth and tongue during swallowing and speaking
Geniohyoid action?
-pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly
- shortens floor of mouth
- widens pharynx
Stylohyoid action?
- elevates hyoid
- retracts hyoid
Digastric m. action?
- working with infrahyoid mm
- depresses mandible against resistance
- elevates and steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking
Sternohyoid m. action?
- depress hyoid after elevation during swallowing
Omohyoid m. action?
- depresses hyoid
- retracts and steadies hyoid
Sternothyroid m. action?
- depresses hyoid and larynx
Thyrohyoid m. action?
- depresses hyoid
- elevates larynx
How many branches are there of the external carotid a. ?
-ascending pharyngeal a.
- occipital a.
- posterior auricular a.
- superior thyroid a.
- lingual a.
- facial a.
Longus colli attachments?
- anterior tubercle of C1; bodies of C1-C3 and TP of C3-C6
- bodies of C5-T3; TP of C3-C5
Longus colli innervation?
anterior rami of cervical spinal nn. (C2-C6)
Longus colli action?
- bilateral: flexes neck
- unilateral: opposite rotation
Longus capitis attachments?
- basilar part of occipital bone
- anterior tubercles of C3-C6 TP
Longus capitis innervation
anterior rami of cervical spinal nn. (C1-C3)
Longus capitis action?
flexion of head at atlanto-occipital joint
Rectus capitis anterior and Rectus capitis lateralis attachments?
- occipital
- C1
Rectus capitis anterior and Rectus capitis lateralis innervation?
anterior rami of cervical
Rectus capitis anterior and Rectus capitis lateralis action?
- unilateral: lateral flexion of head
- bilateral: flexes head
- Lateralis helps stabilize head
Anterior scalene attachments?
- TP of C3-C6
- 1st rib
Anterior scalene innervation
anterior rami of cervical spinal nn. (C4-C6)
Anterior scalene action
flexes neck laterally
Middle scalene attachments?
- TP of C5-C7
- 1st rib
Middle scalene innervation?
anterior rami of cervical
Middle scalene action?
flexes neck laterally
Posterior scalene attachments?
- TP of C5-C7
- 2nd rib
Posterior scalene innervation?
anterior rami of cervical spinal nn. (C7-C8)
Posterior scalene action?
flexes neck laterally
What is the name of the injury when the SCM m. is contracted causing twisting of the neck?
True or false: there are intervertebral discs between C1 and C2
What movement does the anterior longitudinal ligament prevent?
hyperextension of vertebral column
(only ligament to do this)
What movement does the ligamentum flavum prevent?
Limits flexion of column and helps maintain normal curvatures
(bind lamina of adjacent vertebraes)
What movement does the posterior longitudinal ligament prevent?
- weakly resists hyperflexion and helps prevent herniation of IV discs
Which ligament is stronger:
supraspinaous ligament or interspinous ligament?
supraspinous ligament
Atlanto-occipital joint does what motion ?
"yes" joint
Atlanto-axial joint does what motion ?
"no" joint
What is the continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament called?
(Part of atlanto-axial joint)
Tectorial membrane
What motion does the alar ligament prevent?
excessive rotation
Levator scapulae attachments?
- TP of C1-C4
- superior part of medial border of scapula
Levator scapulae innervation?
dorsal scapular n. and cervical spinal nn.
Levator scapulae action?
elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula
Splenius capitis attachments?
- inferior 1/2 of nuchal ligament and SP of superior 6 thoracic vertebrae
- lateral aspect of mastoid process and lateral 1/3 of superior nuchal line
Splenius capitis innervation?
posterior rami of middle cervical spinal nn.
Splenius capitis action?
- laterally flexes and rotates head and neck to same side
- bilaterally: extends head and neck
Serratus posterior superior attachments?
- SP of C7- T3
- ribs 2-4
Serratus posterior superior innervation?
intercostal nn. T2-T5
Serratus posterior superior action?
elevates ribs
Serratus posterior inferior attachments?
- SP of T11-L2
- ribs 8-12
Serratus posterior inferior innervation?
intercostal nn. T9-T12
Serratus posterior inferior action?
depresses ribs
In general, what do the superficial extrinsic back mm. do?
Control upper limb movements
In general, what do the intermediate extrinsic back mm. do?
Help with respiration
In general, what do the intrinsic back mm. do?
Maintain posture and control movements of vertebral column
Splenius attachments?
- nuchal ligament and SP of C7-T4
* splenius capitis m: to mastoid process
* splenius cervicis m: to TP of C1-C4
Splenius innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Splenius action?
-unilateral: flex neck laterally and rotate neck to same side
- bilateral: extend head and neck
What are the 3 mm. that make up erector spinae m?
- ilicostalis (lateral)
- longissimus (intermediate)
- spinalis (medial)
Erector spinae attacments?
- inferior tendon from iliac crest, sacrum, and SP of lumbar vertebrae
- *Iliocostalis (lumborum, thoracic, and cervicis): lower ribs and cervical TP of C4
-*Longissimus (thoracic, cervicis, and capitis): TP in thoracic and cervical regions to mastoid process
-*Spinalis (thoracic, cervicus, and capitis): SP in upper thoracic region and to cranium
Erector spinae innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Erector spinae action?
-unilateral: flex vertebral column laterally
-bilateral: extend vertebral column and head
Transversospinales mm. include which 3?
- semispinalis
- multifidus
- rotatores
Semispinalis attachments?
(Capitis, cervicis, thoracic)
- TP of C4-T12 to SP (4-6 at a time)
Semispinalis innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Semispinalis action?
-extends vertebral column
- rotates to opposite side
Multifidus attachments?
- sacrum and TP of C4-T3
- SP (2-4 at a time)
Multifidus innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Multifidus action?
-stabilizes vertebrae
- rotates to opposite side
Rotatores attachments?
-TP to
-SP and lamina (1-2 at a time; brevis and longus)
Rotatores innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Rotatores action?
- stabilize vertebrae
-local extension and rotation
Interspinales attachments?
- connect SP of adjacent vertebrae in C and L
Interspinales innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Interspinales action?
- rotation of colum
Intertransversarii attachments?
Connect TP of adjacent vertebrae in C and L
Intertransversarii innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Intertransversarii action?
lateral flexion of column
Levatores costarum attachments?
- TP of C7-T11
- rib between tubercle and angle
Levatores costarum innervation?
posterior rami of spinal nn.
Levatores costarum action?
-elevates ribs
- lateral flexion of column
Innervation of deep posterior neck mm.?
posterior rami of C1, suboccipital n.
Rectus capitis posterior minor attachments?
- C1 posterior arch
- medial inferior nuchal line
Rectus capitis posterior major attachments?
- SP of C2
- lateral inferior nuchal line
Obliquus capitis superior attachments?
- TP of C1
- between superior and inferior nuchal line
Obliquus capitis inferior attachments?
- SP of C2
- TP of C1
Borders of suboccipital triangle?
- superomedial: rectus capitis posterior major
- superolateral: obliquus capitis superior
- inferolateral: obliquus capitis inferior
Contents of suboccipital triangle?
- vertebral a.
- suboccipital n.
How many true ribs are there?
- ribs 1-7
How many false ribs are there?
- ribs 8-10
How many floating ribs are there ?
- ribs 11-12
Which is the largest rib?
Sternal angle is at what level?
(Between manubrium and body of sternum)
Ribs 1-7 move in what way?
Ribs 8-10 move in what way?
(elevate and depress)
External, internal and innermost intercostal mm. attachments?
- inferior border of ribs
- superior border of ribs below
External, internal and innermost intercostal mm. innervation?
intercostal nn.
External intercostal mm. action?
elevates ribs during forced inspiration
Internal and innermost intercostal mm. action?
- during forced inspiration interossesous part depresses ribs
- interchondral part elevates ribs
Transversus thoracis attachments?
- posterior surface of lower sternum
- internal surface of costal cartilages 2-6
Transversus thoracis innervation?
intercostal nn.
Transversus thoracis action?
weakly depresses ribs
What is the primary muscle of inspiration?
External oblique attachments?
- ribs 5-12
- linea alba, pubic tubercle, and anterior half of iliac crest
External oblique innervation?
ventral rami T7-T11 and subcostal n.
External oblique action?
- flex and rotate trunk
- support viscera
Internal oblique attachments?
- thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest
- ribs 10-12, linea alba and pubis
Internal oblique innervation?
ventral primary rami T6-T12
Internal oblique action?
-flex and rotate trunk
-support viscera
Transversus abdominis attachments?
- thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, costal cartilages 7-12
- linea alba, pubic crest
Transversus abdominis innervation?
ventral primary rami T6-T12
Transversus abdominis action?
- compresses and supports abdominal viscera
Rectus abdominis attachments?
- pubic symphysis and pubic crest
- xiphoid process and 5-7 costal cartilages
Rectus abdominis innervation?
ventral primary rami T6-T12
Rectus abdominis action?
flexes trunk
compresses viscera
stabilizes pelvis
Quadratus lumborum attachments?
- 12th rib and lumbar TP
- L1-L5 to iliac crest
Quadratus lumborum innervation?
ventral primary rami T12- L4
Quadratus lumborum action?
-lateral flexion of vertebral column
Psoas major action
- lateral flexion of vertebral column
- flexes trunk when sitting