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204 Cards in this Set

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what nerve is involved in taking a step forward and extending the stifle joint?
femoral n.
what nerves are involved with mainly extension of the hip joint?
cranial and caudal gluteal nn.
what nerve is involved primarily with adducting the pelvic limb?
obturator n.
what nerves are associated with flexion and extension of the hock and digits?
tibial and peroneal (fibullar) nn.
name six muscles innervated by the femoral nerve.
1. iliopsoas (psoas major + iliacus)
2. rectus femoris
3. vastus lateralis
4. vastus intermedius
5. vastus medials
6. sartorius
name five muscles innervated by the obturator nerve
1. external obturator
2. internal obturator (ox only)
3. adductor
4. pectineus
5. gracilis
name two muscles innervated by the caudal gluteal nerve
1. gluteus superficialis
2. piriformis
name six muscles innervated by the sciatic nerve
1. biceps femoris
2. semitendinosus
3. semimembranosus
4. gemellus
5. quadratus femoris
6. internal obturator (dog and horse)
name six muscles innervated by the common peroneal nerve
1. tibialis cranialis
2. long digital extensor
3. lateral digital extensor
4. peroneus longus (dog and ox)
5. peroneus brevis (dog)
6. peroneus tertius (horse)
name six muscles innervated by the tibial nerve
1. gastrocnemius
2. superficial digital flexor

3. lateral head: flexor hallicus longus
4. medial head: long digital flexor
5. tibialis caudalis (horse and ox)

6. popliteus
name the four hip flexor muscles
1. iliopsoas
2. rectus femoris
3. tensor fasciae latae
4. sartorius
name the eight hip extensor muscles
1. gluteus superficialis
2. gluteus medialis
3. gluteus profundus
4. piriformus
5. quadratus femoris
6. biceps femoris
7. semitendinosus
8. semimembranosus
name the four muscles that are outward rotators of the hip
1. gemellus
2. quadratus femoris
3. internal obturator
4. external obturator
name four thigh adductor muscles
1. adductor
2. gracilis
3. pectineus
4. sartorius
name four muscles innervated by the cranial gluteal nerve
1. gluteus medius
2. gluteus profundus
3. accessory gluteal
4. tensor fasciae latae
name three muscles that flex the stifle when the limb is not weight-bearing.
1. biceps femoris
2. semitendinosus
3. popliteus
name seven stifle extensor muscles
1. tensor fasciae latae
2. biceps femoris
3. semimembranosus

4. rectus femoris
5. vastus lateralis
6. vastus intermedius
7. vastus medialis
name the species differences in the innervation of the internal obturator muscle
- ox: obturator nerve
- dog and horse: sciatic nerve
name which species possess which peroneus muscles
dog - peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
ox - peroneus longus and peroneus tertius
horse - peroneus tertius
which muscles comprise the quadriceps femoris?
- rectus femoris
- vastus lateralis
- vastus intermedius
- vastus medialis
in the ruminant, which two hip extensor muscles are fused, and what is the name of this muscle?
the gluteus superficialis is fused with the biceps femoris to form the gluteobiceps
what three muscles (depending on species) form the deep digital flexor of the pelvic limb?
1. flexor hallicus longus (lateral head)
2. long digital flexor (medial head)
3. tibialis caudalis (ox and horse)
what two muscles are thigh and crural abductors?
1. biceps femoris
2. caudal crural abductor (dog only)
what muscle rotates the crus inward (medially)
name the six tarsal flexor muscles
1. tibialis cranialis
2. peroneus longus (dog and ox)
3. peroneus brevis (dog)
4. peroneus tertius (ox and horse)
5. long digital extensor
6. lateral digital extensor
name the six tarsal extensor muscles
1. superficial digital flexor

2. flexor hallicus longus
3. long digital flexor
4. tibialis caudalis (horses and ruminants)

5. gastrocnemius
6. soleus (cat)
what muscles comprise the triceps surae and comment on the species differences
1. gastrocnemius
2. soleus (large in cats, absent in dogs, small in insignificant in horses and oxen)
what four muscles serve to flex the digit of the pelvic limb?
1. superficial digital flexor

2. flexor hallucis longus (lateral head)
3. long digital flexor (medial head)
4. tibialis caudalis (horse and ox)
what muscles serve to extend the digit of the pelvic limb?
1. long digital extensor
2. lateral digital extensor
3. extensor hallucis longus
4. short digital extensor (horse)
name the ossification centers of the calcaneus bone
1. main bone
2. summit of the calcaneal tuber
how can you tell a horse metatarsal from a metacarpal bone?
metatarsal is longer and the dorsoplantar dimension of the proximal extremity is wider
in the horse, does the forelimb or hindlimb hoof have a steeper slope?
what is the name of the distal ossifcation remnant of the fibula in the ruminants?
os malleolare
name the from proximal to distal, name the tarsal bones medially to laterally. If bones are fused or missing, comment on the species differences
Proximal tarsal bones:
- talus (tibial tarsal) bone
- calcaneus (fibular tarsal) bone

central tarsal bone (in ruminants, fused with distal tarsal bone IV to form the centroquartal bone)

Distal tarsal bones
- I (fused with II in the horse)
- II (fused with I in the horse; fused with III in ruminants))
- III (fused with II in ruminants)
- IV (in ruminants, fused with the central tarsal bone to form the centroquartal bone)
how does the tallus in the ruminant differ from the rest?
It is two trochleae.
what is the common name for the crus of the horse?
name the two major bony processes and the bony depression of the proximal aspect of the calcaneus from lateral to medial
- calcaneal tuber
- tarsal groove
- sustentaculum tali
what is the fibrocatrilaginous joint formed by the fusion of the two ossa coxarium. What are its two parts?
pelvic symphysis, formed from the pubic symphysis and the ischial symphysis
ligament that crosses transversely at the ischial arch, most well-developed in the horse
ischiatic arcuate ligament
what two connective tissue structures serve ligamentous functions at the pelvic symphysis
symphyseal tendon and prepubic tendon
collagenous attachment of the rectus abdominis muscle and the caudoventral extent of the inguinal ligament
prepubic tendon
joint formed by the wing of the sacrum and the wing of the ilium
sacroiliac joint
ligaments extending from the sacrum to the ilium
dorsal and ventral sacroiliac ligaments
ligament that connects the sacrum to the ischium (species differences)
horses and ruminants: sacrosciatic ligament

carnivores: sacrotuberous ligament
the ball-and-socket hip joint
coxofemoral joint
the cranial and caudal openings formed by the sacrosciatic ligament and the os coxae in the ruminants and horse
cranial: greater ischiatic foramen
caudal: lesser ischiatic foramen
connective tissue encircling the rim of the acetabulum
cotyloid ligament (aka acetabular lip)
the portion of the cotyloid ligament that crosses the acetabular notch
transverse acetabular ligament
ligament that passes from the acetabular fossa to the fovea capitis of the femur
round ligament (aka ligament of the head of the femur)
in the horse, the strong collagenous detachment from the prepubic tendon that passes through the acetabular notch to help stabilize the large fovea capitis
accessory ligament of the femur
articulation formed by the rounded femoral condyles with the flattened tibial condyles
femorotibial joint
the two crescentric plates of fibrocatrilage in the femorotibial joint
lateral and medial menisci
the articulation of the femoral trochlea and the patella
femoropatellar joint
the fibrous insertion of the quadriceps femoris onto the patella. Species differences.
patellar ligament (or tendon)

in carnivores, there is only one

horse and ox have a medial, middle, and lateral
which two patellar ligaments assist in the stay apparatus and which bone protrudes between them?
medial and middle patellar ligaments are separated by the medial ridge of the femoral trochlea
ligaments passing from the femoral epicondyles to the sides of the patella
medial and lateral femoropatellar ligaments

also called

medial and lateral patellar retinacula
sesamoids secrured in the tendons of the gastrocnemius muscles in the carnivore
ligament passing from the from the tibia and medial meniscus to the medial epicondyle of the femur
medial (tibial) collateral ligament
ligament passing from the head of the fibula and the adjacent edge of the lateral tibial condyle to the lateral epicondyle of the femur
lateral (fibular) collateral ligament
ligament passing from the caudolateral aspect of the intercondylar fossa of the femur to the intercondylar area of the tibia
cranial (lateral) cruciate ligament
ligament passing from the craniomedial aspect of the intercondylar fossa of the femur to the caudomedial margin of the medial tibial condyle at the popliteal notch
caudal (medial) cruciate ligament
name the four ligaments attaching the menisci of the femorotibial joint to the tibia
1. cranial ligament of the medial meniscus
2. caudal ligament of the medial meniscus
3. cranial ligament of the lateral meniscus
4. caudal ligament of the lateral meniscus
name the ligament attaching the lateral meniscus of the femorotibial joint to the femur
meniscofemoral ligament
name the ligament, present in the carnivores, that unites the cranial ends of the two menisci of the femorotibial joint
intermeniscal (or transverse meniscal) ligament
what noteworthy feature is in the tendon of origin of the popliteus muscle in the dog and cat?
a sesamoid bone (not to be confused with a bone chip in radiograph)
name the three joint sacs of the stifle joint. How do fluids within them communicate them in various species?
1. femoropatellar sac
2. medial femorotibial sac
3. lateral femorotibial sac

dog: communicate freely
ox and horse: definitively separate, but have small slits that can communicate

if one is infected, assume all are infected
in horses and carnivores, the articulation and ligament of the proximal tibia and fibula
proximal tibiofibular joint, held together by the ligament of the fibular head
connective tissue fibers that unite the shafts of the fibula and tibia
interosseus ligament of the crus
best developed in the horse, collagenous fibers passing from the dorsal surface of the tarsus to the metatarsus
dorsal tarsal ligament
best developed in the horse, collagenous fibers passing from the ventral surface of the tarsus to the metatarsus
plantar tarsal ligament
in the horse, inflammation and swelling of the plantar tarsal ligament, usually induced by trauma or strain
ligament bridging the tarsal canal for passage of the deep digital flexor tendon
flexor retinaculum of the tarsus
ligaments in the tarsus that join tarsal bones of adjacent rows
intertarsal ligaments
ligaments in the tarsus that join tarsal bones within the same row
intratarsal ligaments
in the horse, abnormal fluid accumulation in the talocrural joint sac
bog spavin
in the horse, osteoarthritis of the third metatarsal, third tarsal, and central tarsal bones, which can result in a visible bony enlargement of the distomedial aspect of the hock
bone spavin
opening bordered by the shaft of the ilium and the inguinal ligament
femoral ring
why are oxen more prone to luxate their coxofemoral joints than other species?
because the neck of the femur is wider
in the dog, which spinal nerves comprise the lumbosacral plexus?
L4-L7, S1, S2
thickened region of the deep fascia that lies over the craniolateral thigh and blends distally with the deep fascia of the crural and stifle regions
fascia lata
two muscles of the pelvic diaphragm
coccygeus and levator ani
name the six muscles that contribute to the common calcanean tendon
1. biceps femoris
2. semitendinosus
3. gracilis
4. gastrocnemius
5. superficial digital flexor
6. soleus (cat only)
in the cat, the muscle that lies immediately caudal to the superficial gluteal and cranial to the biceps femoris
caudofemoralis muscle
muscle of the triceps surae that is only well-developed in the cat
another name for the vertebral head of the middle gluteal muscle
piriformus muscle
what nerve, if damaged during parturition, can cause a cow to lose control of her pelvid adductor muscles and fall to the ground with her legs splayed out?
obturator nerve
what are two differences between the dog/cat/horse and the ox with respect to the internal obturator muscle?
1. in the dog/cat/horse, courses over the lesser ischatic notch and inserts dorsally, covering the obturator foramen; in the ox, courses ventral to the ischium, and passes through the obturator foramen

2. dog/cat/horse, innervated by the sciatic nerve; in the ox, innervated by the obturator nerve
which of our domestic mammals does not have a soleus muscle?
lymph node that lies caudal to the stifle joint
popliteal lymph node
lymph nodes that lie on or near the external iliac vessels
iliac lymph nodes
lymph nodes that lie in the groove between the medial aspect of the thigh and the caudoventral aspect of the abdominal wall
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
name the two lymph nodes whose efferents drain into the iliac lymph nodes
popliteal lymph nodes and superficial inguinal lymph nodes
what is difference between the sartorius muscle in the small animals versus the large animals?
in the large animals, the sartorius only has one belly
what digital extensor muscle is possessed by the large animals, but not the small animals?
short digital extensor
why is there a trochanteric bursa in the horse?
because the middle gluteal has an accessory head that passes over the convexity of the greater trochanter and inserts on the crest of the greater trochanter
the space between the rectum and the pelvis
ischiorectal fossa
how is bone spavin typically treated?
a tenectomy of the cunean tendon (the medial insertion of the cranial tibial muscle)
in the horse, hyperflexion of the tarsus, when the horse elevates and begins to advance its hind limb.
how is stringhalt surgically treated?
tenectomy of the lateral digital extensor tendon
in the horse, inflammation of the calcaneal bursa
deep capped hock
development of an acquired bursa at the point of the hock due to repeated trauma
superficial capped hock
in horses, inflammation of the tarsal synovial sheath that lies under the flexor retinaculum
what two muscles/tendons comprise the equine reciprocal apparatus?
- cranially, the peroneus tertius
- caudally, the superficial digital flexor
why, in the ox, would damage to the part of the tibial nerve render it lame, whereas in the horse, not necessarily so?
because in the horse, the peroneus tertius, innervated by the common peroneal nerve is part of the reciprocal apparatus that will keep the hock joint stable.
accessory gluteal
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
accessory gluteal
- origin: gluteal surface of the ilium
- insertion: greater trochanter
- innervation: cranial gluteal n.
- action: extend the hip
- horse only
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: subpelvic tendon and ischium
- insertion: shaft of the femur
- innervation: obturator n.
- action: adduct thigh
biceps femoris
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
biceps femoris
- origin: sacrotuberous ligament and ischium
- insertion: lateral stifle and common calcaneal tendon
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: extend hip; flex stifle; extend stifle; abduct thigh and crus
caudal crural abductor
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
caudal crural abductor
- origin: biceps femoris m.
- insertion: cranial crural fascia
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: abduct thigh and crus
- carnivores only
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Cd.vertebrae
- insertion: fascia lata
- innervation: caudal gluteal n.
- action: abduct limb; extend hip; flex tail;
- cat only
deep digital flexor (pelvic limb)
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
deep digital flexor
- origin: proximal and caudal aspect of the tibial and fibular shafts
- insertion: distal phalnges II- V
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: extend tarsus; flex digits
- medial (flexor hallicus longus) and lateral (long digital flexor) heads
deep gluteal
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
deep gluteal
- origin: shaft of the ilium
- insertion: greater trochanter (cranial portion)
- innervation: cranial gluteal n.
- action: extend hip
external obturator
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
external obturator
- origin: margins of the obturator foramen
- insertion: trochanteric fossa
- innervation: obturator n.
- action: rotate hip outward
flexor hallucis longus
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
flexor hallucis longus
- origin: proximal aspect of caudal tibia
- insertion: distal phalanx I
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: extend tarsus; flex digit I
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: medial and lateral supracondylar tuberosities of the femur
- insertion: calcanean tuber, common calcaneal tendon
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: extend tarsus
- medial and lateral heads
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: lateral ischium
- insertion: trochanteric fossa
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: rotate hip outward
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: subpelvic tendon
- insertion: tibial crest and common calcaneal tendon
- innervation: obturator n.
- action: adduct thigh
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: lumbar vertebrae and wing of the ilium
- insertion: lesser trochanter
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: flex hip
- fusion of the psoas major and iliacus mm.
internal obturator in the ox
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
internal obturator in the ox
- origin: over the obterator foramen
- insertion: trochanteric fossa
- innervation: obturator n.
- action: rotate hip outward
- passes through obturator foramen
internal obturator in the dog and horse
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
internal obturator in the dog and horse
- origin: over the obterator foramen
- insertion: trochanteric fossa
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: rotate hip outward
- insertion tendon passes over the gemellus m.
lateral digital extensor
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
lateral digital extensor
- origin: fibula
- insertion: digit V
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus; extend digits
- tendon passes over lateral malleoleus
long digital extensor
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
long digital extensor
- origin: extensor fossa of femur
- insertion: distal phalnges II- V
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus
- tendon passes over lateral malleoleus
long digital flexor
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
long digital flexor
- origin: proximal and caudal aspect of the tibial and fibular shafts
- insertion: distal phalnges II- V
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: flex the digits
- lateral head of the DDF
middle gluteal
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
middle gluteal
- origin: wing of the ilium
- insertion: greater trochanter
- innervation: cranial gluteal n.
- action: extend hip
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: pectin ossis pubis
- insertion: shaft of the femur (medially)
- innervation: obturator n.
- action: adduct thigh
peroneus brevis
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
peroneus brevis
- origin: shaft of the fibula
- insertion: dorsoproximal end of metatarsal V
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus
- carnivores only
peroneus longus
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
peroneus longus
- origin: head of the fibula and tibial condyle
- insertion: proximal end of metatarsals
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus; rotate hindpaw laterally
- carnivores and ruminants
peroneus tertius
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
peroneus tertius
- origin: extensor fossa of femur
- insertion: proximal dorsal aspect of the metatarsus
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus
- ruminants and horses
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: lateral aspect of the distal end of the femur (fossa musculi poplitei)
- insertion: proximal end of the tibial shaft
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: flex stifle; rotate hip inward
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: S3 and Cd1
- insertion: greater trochanter
- innervation: caudal gluteal n.
- action: extend hip
- part of the middle gluteal (vertebral head)
quadratus femoris
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
quadratus femoris
- origin: ischium
- insertion: just distal to trochanteric fossa
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: extend hip; rotate hip outward
rectus femoris
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
rectus femoris
- origin: ilium
- insertion: patella
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: flex hip; extend stifle
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: tuber coxae
- insertion: patella, patellar ligament (cranial belly)
tibial crest (caudal belly)
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: flex hip; adduct thigh
- carnivores have two bellies; large animals have one belly
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: ischiatic tuberosity
- insertion: distomedial femur and medial stifle collateral ligament
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: extend hip; extend stifle
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: ischium
- insertion: tibial crest and common calcaneal tendon
- innervation: sciatic n.
- action: extend hip; flex stifle; extend stifle
short digital extensor
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
short digital extensor
- origin: tarsal bones
- insertion: long digital extensor tendon
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: extend digits
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
- origin: proximal end of fibula
- insertion: calcanean tuber, common calcaneal tendon
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: extend tarsus
- big in cats, small in large animals, absent in dogs
superficial digital flexor (pelvic limb)
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
superficial digital flexor
- origin: lateral supracondylar tuberosity of the femur
- insertion: proximal phalanges II- V, common calcaneal tuber
- innervation: tibial n.
- action: flex digits
- deep to and between the two heads of the gastrocnemius m.
superficial gluteal
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
superficial gluteal
- origin: sacrotuberous ligament and sacral vertebrae
- insertion: 3rd trochanter
- innervation: caudal gluteal n.
- action: extend hip
- tendon passes over the greater trochanter of the femur
tensor fascia latae
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
tensor fascia latae
- origin: tuber coxae, fascia of middle gluteal m.
- insertion: fascia lata
- innervation: cranial gluteal n.
- action: flex hip; extend stifle
tibialis caudalis
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
tibialis caudalis
- origin: caudal surface of tibia
- insertion: deep digital flexor tendon
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: extend tarsus; flex digits
- part of DDF in horse, ruminants; separate muscle in carnivores
tibialis cranialis
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
tibialis cranialis
- origin: tibial condyle (lateral edge)
- insertion: medial metatarsals I and II
- innervation: common peroneal n.
- action: flex tarsus
vastus intermedius
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
vastus intermedius
- origin: proximal end of the shaft of the femur
- insertion: patella
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: extend stifle
vastus lateralis
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
vastus lateralis
- origin: proximal end of the shaft of the femur
- insertion: patella
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: extend stifle
vastus medialis
- origin
- insertion
- innervation
- action
vastus medialis
- origin: proximal end of the shaft of the femur
- insertion: patella
- innervation: femoral n.
- action: extend stifle
what comprises the osteoligamentous loop in the pelvic limb of the horse?
medial patellar ligament, tibial tuberosity, medial patellar fibrocartilage, patella, middle patellar ligament
which ridge of the femoral trochlea is largest?
what is a common surgical intervention to correct a "locked stifle"/"locked patella"/upward fixation of the patella?
medial petellar desmotomy
what are the main components of the stay apparatus of the equine hindlimb?
1. osteoligamentous loop
2. superficial digital flexor
3. deep digital flexor
4. suspensory ligament
5. collateral sesamoidean ligaments
6. intersesamoidean ligament
7. the distal intersesamoidean ligaments ("I, V, X")
8. extensor branches of the suspensory ligament
9. distal portion of the digital extensor tendon
in the horse, what is the continuation of the dorsal pedal artery?
dorsal metatarsal a.
in the horse, what is the distal division of the dorsal metatarsal artery, and where is this divison?
it divides into the medial and lateral plantar digital arteries at the plantar aspect of the metatarsus
in the horse, what two structures does the dorsal metatarsal artery lie between?
deep digital flexor tendon and the suspensory ligament
in the horse, what vein passes over the cunean tendon and joins with the medial saphenous vein?
dorsal metatarsal vein
what artery is the continuation of the cranial tibial artery?
dorsal pedal artery
in the equine hindlimb, what stabilizing structure is an accessory branch of the deep digital flexor tendon?
tarsal check ligament
what nerves supply the plantar side of the pastern and hind foot of the horse?
lateral and medial plantar digital nn.
what nerves supply the dorsal aspect of the pastern in the hindlimb of the horse?
lateral and medial dorsal digital nn.
what nerves emerge at the buttons of the splint bones and supply the pastern joint in the hind limb of the horse?
medial and lateral plantar metatarsal nn.
what is the main nerve that supplies the nerve branches of the caudal pes?
tibial n.
what are the two main nerves that supply the cranial pes?
superficial and deep peroneal nn.
in the horse, what muscle has attachments at the fetlock and cannon bones of the hind limb?
short digital extensor
in the horse, what does the tibial nerve divide into at the level just past the fetlock joint?
medial and lateral plantar nn.
in the equine hindlimb, what nerves are blocked to desensitize the plantar distal portion of the pastern and the plantar aspect of the foot?
distal medial and lateral plantar digital nn.
in the equine hindlimb, what nerves are blocked to desensitize the entire distal portion of the pastern, the plantar aspect of the pastern joint, and the plantar aspect of the foot?
medial and lateral plantar digital nn.
in the equine hindlimb, what nerves are blocked to desensitize the dorsal pastern, dorsal fetlock, plantar fetlock, plantar pastern, and foot?
medial and lateral dorsal metatarsal and plantar metatarsal nn.
in the equine hindlimb, what nerves are blocked to desensitize much of the fetlock, pastern, and foot?
medial and lateral plantar nerves, and the medial and lateral dorsal metatarsal nerves
in the stride of a cow, what are the four stages of the contact phase?
1. initial contact
2. weight bearing
3. weight bearing/propulsion
4. propulsion
in the stride of a cow, what are the three stages of the flight phase?
1. elevation
2. advancement
3. protraction
what is that gland at the base of the tail in birds that contributes towards grooming?
uropygial ("preen") gland
how does the eyelid in the bird differ from the mammal?
the lower eyelid closes instead of the upper
what is the bony extension of the tarsometatarsus of the bird leg?
what are the bones of the thoracic girdle of a bird?
the connection between the oral and nasal cavity of the bird
choanal slit
in the bird, what side of the body is the esophagus located on?
in birds, dilatation of the esophagus just proximal to the thoracic inlet
what are the two parts of the avian stomach and what is their function?
1. proventriculus: acid and digestive enzymes
2. ventriculus: grinding of food
what protective substance is secreted by the ventriculus?
in the bird, what organ surrounds the heart?
how can you tell the boundary between the jejunum and ileum of the bird?
yolk stalk remnant
the source of bird vocalization, at the junction of the trachea and bronchi
what are differences between the trachea of birds versus mammals?
- located on the left
- rings are complete and overlapping
a unilateral, asymmetric, thin-walled bony dilation of the left side of the trachea of male ducks at the level of the syrinx
syringeal bulla
which side of the female avian reproductive tract persists?
what are the three parts of and the two distal organs of the avian oviduct?
- infindibulum
- magnum
- isthmus
- uterus
- vagina
how do the incisors of rabbits differ from rodents?
rabbbits: 2 pair of upper, 1 pair of lower

rodents: 1 pair of upper, 1 pair of lower
name the the major blood vessels of the rabbit ear
inner and outer marginal ear veins and central artery
what is a unique property of the rabbit great vessels of the heart?
there is a left and right cranial vena cava
which "pocket pet" has some foregut fermentation capability?
what are some unique features of the rabbit lower GI tract?
1. pancreatic duct opens at the caudal duodenal flexure
2. large cecum with teniae and haustrae, like the horse, with a worm-like vermiform appendix
what scent-marking glands do both sexes of rats have in their reproductive tracts?
preputial glands
what is the largest accessory sex gland in the male guinea pig?
vesicular gland
what unique accessory sex gland does the male rat have that are in the lesser curvature of the vesicular glands?
coagulating glands
what are the two major divisions of the external iliac artery?
femoral and deep femoral
what arteries are major tributaries of the deep femoral?
pudendoepigastric trunk
medial circumflex femoral
what large branch of the femoral artery is a major blood supply to the superficial caudal hind limb?
when the femoral artery reaches the stifle, what does its name become?
popilteal a.
at the proximal part of the tibia, what does the popilteal artery divide into?
cranial and caudal tibial arteries
what does the cranial tibial artery become when it reaches the pes?
dorsal pedal artery
what small branch of the femoral artery runs distally long the femur to supply the stifle?
descending genicular
what two arteries anastamose in the crus and what are their parent arteries?
1. lateral circumflex femoral originates from the femoral
2. medial circumflex femoral originates from the deep femoral
a branch of the aorta anastamoses with a branch of the femoral artery. what are their names
from aorta: deep circumflex iliac
from femoral: superficial circumflex iliac
in the dog, what are the three branches of the femoral artery that correspond to only one branch in the large animals?
proximal caudal femoral
middle caudal femoral
distal caudal femoral
in the dog, if the femoral artery is compromised, what is an alternative pathway to supply blood to the pelvic limb?
caudal gluteal anastamosing with the distal caudal femoral
what are the two major branches of the pudendoepigastric trunk?
caudal (deep) epigastric and external pudendal
in the equine pes, what is the main artery that supplies the plantar vessels?
caudal tibial a.