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65 Cards in this Set

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function of cardiovascular system
to deliver oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste and carbon dioxide
apex of the heart
at the bottom, pointed towards left hip
base of the heart
at the top
what are the two layers of the pericardium?
visceral and parietal
where is the visceral pericardium?
next to the heart
where is the parietal pericardium?
outside layer of the pericardium
what are the three layers of the heart
epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
what type of tissue is the epicardium?
what is the myocardium composed of
cardiac muscle
what are the four chambers of the heart?
r & l ventricles, r & l atria
interventricular septum
separates the ventricles
interatrial septum
separates the atria
what are the function of heart valves
to prevent backflow into other chambers
atrioventricular valves
move blood from atria to ventricles
semilunar valves
move blood from ventricles to arteries
what are the two semilunar valves?
aortic semilunar and pulmonary semilunar
what does AV stand for?
what anchor the AV valves?
chordae tendineae
when are the AV valves open
during heart relaxation
when are the semilunar valves open?
during heart contraction
systemic circulation
blood flows from left side of heart to tissues then back to right side
pulmonary circulation
blood flows from right side of the heart to lungs then back to the left side
what arteries leave the left ventricle?
what arteries leave the right ventricle
what veins come into the left atrium
superior and inferior vena cava
what veins come into the right atrium
4 pulmonary veins
coronary arteries
branch off of the aorta to nourish the heart
cardiac veins
drain myocardium of blood
cardiac sinus
receives blood from cardiac veins, posterior side of the heart
where does the cardiac circulatory system enter
into the right atrium, through the coronary sinus
sinoatrial node
in R atrium, pacemaker of the heart
atrioventricular node
junction of atria and ventricles
bundle of His
same as AV bundle, in interventricular septum
atrioventricular bundle
same as bundle of His, in interventricular septum
bundle branches
in interventricular septum
Purkinje fibers
fibers in ventricle wall muscles
rapid heartbeat, over 100 BPM
slow heartbeat, less than 60 BPM
do the atria contract simultaneously?
do the ventricles contract simultaneously?
cardiac output
cardiac output
amount of blood pumped by the heart
stroke volume
stroke volume
amount of blood pumped by each ventricle
what is the equation for CO?
Starling's Law
the more the heart muscle is used, the stronger the pumping action
what carries blood away from the heart?
arteries and arterioles
what returns blood toward the heart?
veins, veinules
what are the three levels of veins?
tunic intima, tunic media, tunic externa
what is tunic media made of
what is tunic media made of
smooth muscle
what is tunic externa made of
fibrous connective tissue
what milks veins to bring blood to the heart?
skeletal muscle
ascending aorta
leaving the right ventricle
aortic arch
arches to the left
thoracic aorta
carries downward through thorax
abdominal aorta
passes through diaphragm to abdominal cavity
circle of Willis
blood vessels that supply the brain
how many umbilical cord arteries
how many umbilical cord veins
what is normal pulse?
70-76 BPM at rest
systolic below 110 Hg
systolic above 140 Hg