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161 Cards in this Set

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Colle's fracture - how, what type of damage
Fall on the wrist of an outstretched hand. Cause fracture of the distal radius - w displacement or angulation of the distal fragments dorsally (think bending of a fork)
Clinical relevance of laminae of vertebrae
Can perform laminectomy to relieve pressure in the spinal canal following herniation of the center\nucleus pulposus of a disc (In lumbar area u cause of sciatica\Lumbago\Hekseskudd
(G. Stiffening of a joint) Stiffening\Fixation of a joint as the result of a disease process - with fibrous or bony union across the joint
Spondylolisthesis (Spondylo-: G. Vertebra, olisthesis: a slipping and falling)
Forward movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebra on the vertebra below it, or upon the sacrum
Pterion (G. Wing)
H-shaped point of the sutures of the frontal, parietal, sphenoid and temporal bones. Overlies the speech area and the middle meningeal a
Foramina for CNs
You will have holes in holes your head if you study the TOES: Temporal bone (foramina for 5 CNs: 7 and 8(internal acoustic meatus), 9, 10 and 11 (jugular foramen), Occipital (12 (in hypoglossal canal)), Ethmoid (1 (cribriform plate)), Sphenoid (2(optic foramen),3,4,5V3 and 6(superior orbital fissure.), 5V1(foramen ovale), 5V2(foramen rotundum))
Which bone is commonly involved in lateral wall orbital fractures
Zygomatic bone
Bone w membranous origin
Skull, face and clavicle (embryonic CT -> bone WO intermediate cartilaginous structure)
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Congenital condition in which membranous bones develop abnormally (ie deformity of cranial bones and absent clavicles)
Congenital disorder of cartilaginous bones which do not grow in length, resulting in dwarfism with normal facial features
What is the forst bone to calcify in the fetus, and when
Clavicle, 5th week
When is a fetus considered old enough to be full term on account of its skeletal system
if it has secondary ossification centers in both distal femur and proximal tibia
Why is the epiphyseal plate more suscpetible to vascular deprivation?
Because the shaft receives its blood supply from an artery which pierces the shaft and then divides to supply both ends of the bone up to the epiphyseal plate, while the epiphsis is nourished by arteries that supply the joint capsule - these two blood supplies normally don't anastamose until fusion between epiphysis and shaft occurs
Sesamoid bone in the gastrocnemius tendon lying behind the lateral femoral condyle
3 group of coronary veins
1 Coronary sinus (v. cordis magma, media & parva + oblique v. of left atrium) 2 Anterior cardiac vv (3-4) 3 Vv. cordis minimae (not visible per eye, open into chambers)
Action of the four palmar and four dorsal interosseous mm
PAD and DAB. P(Palmar interossei)AD(ADuct), D(Dorsal interossei)AB(Abduct)
Adductor muscles of the thigh
Observe Three Ducks Pecking Grass. Observe (obturator n innervate all beside pectineus (femoral n) and part of adductor magnus (sciatic n) Three Ducks (Three aDductors: adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus) Pecking (Pectineus) Grass (Gracilus)
Branches of superior mesenteric artery
MRI. M(Mid-colic artery)R(Right colic artery)I(Ileocolic artery)
Carpal bones
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cant Handle. 1st proximal row lateral->medial, then distal row lateral->medial, Some (Scaphoid) Lovers (Lunate) Try (Triquetrual) Positions (Pisiform) That (Trapezium) They (Trapezoid) Cant (Capitate) Handle (Hamate)
Cubital fossa
Madeline Brown's Big Red Pussy. From medial to lateral: Madeline (Median n) Brown's (Brachial a) Big (Biceps tendon) Red (Radial n) Pussy (Posterior interosseus n)
Femoral triangle, position of femoral avn, and floor of it
NAVY. Lateral->medial:femoral n, a, v, y-font (bs). PIMP. Medial->lateral: PIMP(Pectineus, Iliacus, Major psoas)
Insertion of latissimus dorsi
Lady Doris Between Two Majors. In bicipital groove. Lady (Latissimus) Doris (Dorsi) Between Two Majors (Pectoralis major, teres major).
Layers of the scalp
SCALP. S(skin)C(CT)A(aponeurosis)L(Loose CT)P(Periosteum)
Muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh
Big Fat Swotty (Sliter) Samantha Ate My Hamster's Pens. Big Fat(biceps femoris) Swotty (Semitendinous) Samantha (Semimembranous) Ate My (Adductor Magnus) Hamster's pen (Hamstring portion)
Position of artery, vein and nerve in subcostal grooves
VAN. Superior->inferior: V(vein)A(artery)N(nerve)
Position of vessels, nerves, and tendons inferior to medial malleolus
Tom, Dick and Harry. Superior->Inferior: Tom (tibialis posterior), Dick (Flexor digitorum longus), And (Posterior tibial artery) Harry (Flexor hallucis longus)
Spinal nerves innervating the anal and urethreal sphincters
S 2, 3 and 4 Keep the pee of the floor!
Spinal nn innervating the diaphragm
C3, 4, and 5 keep the diaphragm alive!
Supination and pronation - what is what
Supine - like floating in a bowl of soup, Prone - like doing press-ups
Which is anterior in the thorax of trachea and phrenic nerve?
The phrenic nerve is in phront of the trachea
Balance organs
Utricle and saccule keep US balanced
Cochlea - inner vs outer hair cell function
Outer cells are Out of the brain. Inner cells are Into the brain: Outer hair cells are motor efferents to amplify the signal, inner hair cells are sensory afferents that actually pick up the sound
Heart electrical conduction pathway
If a patient's family are all having heart attacks, you must SAVe HIS KIN: SA node, AV node, His bundle, PurKINje
Rods vs cones function
Rods = dim light. Cones = Color
Cause of systolic (between S1-S2) murmurs
Aortic stenosis (systolic-ejection murmur, crescendo/descendo murmur), pulmonary stenosis, mitral/tricuspid regurgitation (pan-/holosystolic w opening snap), VSD
Content of foramen magnum
Limp Sympathetic Men Vear Corduroy Accessories. Limp (meningeal lymphatics) Sympathetic (Sympathetic plexus on vertebral aa) Men (meninges) Vear (Vertebral aa (+spinal rr)) Corduroy (Spinal Cord) Accessories (Accessory nerve)(
Content of superior orbital fissure
Lazy French Tarts Sprawl Naked in Anticipation. Lazy (Lacrimal nerve) French (Frontal nerve) Tarts (Trochlear nerve) Sprawl (Superior division of CNIII to superior oblique m) Naked (nasociliary nerve) In (Inferior division of CNIII) Anticipation (Abducens nerve)
Effect of mitral stenosis
Left atrial dilatation can cause atrial fibrillation due to stretching of electric fibers
Location of the foramens in the fourth ventricle where CSF enter into the subarachnoid space
Magendie = Medial, Luschka = Lateral (2)
Mitral regurgitation - causes
1 Mitral valve prolapse/Myxomatous degeneration 2 Rheumatic fever 3 Endocarditis 4 Ischemic heart disease 5 Rupture of papillary muscle (u secondary to ischemia)
Most frequent broken bone in wrist, in which topographical position
Scaphoid, in the anatomical snuffbox
Openings into middle cranial fossa
ROSS. R(Foramen rotundum in greater wing of sphenoid)O(Foramen ovale in greater wing of sphenoid)S(Foramen spinosum in spine of sphenoid)S(Superior orbital fissure)
Pathologies with valves
1 It can be bad at allowing blood to flow forward through it (stenosis) 2 it can be bad at preventing back flow (regurgitant)
Sound produced when AV valves close, initiating systole
The sound made when the semilunar valves close, initiating diastole
S3, what, when
An S3 occurs in a dilated heart/systolic dysfunction, since there is still blood left in the ventricle because of a weak ventricular contraction than normal, the blood flowing in from the atria makes noise, right after S2 (Mnemonic for S3 & S4: the number 3 looks like a puffy dilated number, whereas the number 4 looks like a small chamber w rigid surroundings (hypertrophied ventricle)
S4, what, when
The sound produced when the atria squeeze against a stiff ventricle/diastolic dysfunction (cardiac hypertrophy/restrictive cardiomyopathy), after S2 (and S3) right before S1
U cause of mitral stenosis
Rheumatic fever (also congenitally or by endocarditis)
With which pathology do you have widened pulse pressure?
Aortic regurgitation (diastolic back flows)
Branches of facial/VII nerve
Two Zebras Borrowed My Car. Two (Temporal) Zebras (Zygomatic) Borrowed (Buccal) My (Mandibular) Car (Cervical)
Carotid sheath
AJAX. A(Artery number #1: the common carotid)J(Jugular vein)A(Artery number #2: the internal carotids)X(Xth cranial nerve)
Cranial nerves
Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch and Feel Virgin Girls' Vaginas and Hymens. Oh (I/Olfactory), Oh (II/Optic), Oh (III/Oculomotor), To (IV/Trochlear) Touch (V/Trigeminal) And (VI/Abducens) Feel (VII/Facial) Virgin (VIII/Vestibulocochlear) Girls' (IX/Glossopharyngeal) Vaginas (X/Vagus) And (XI/Accessory) Hymens (XII/Hypoglossal)
Differentiate A and C pain fibres
C fibers: carry Crude touch(involved w pain that typically arise slowly and is poorly localized, often w a burning/unpleasant sensation). A fibers: pain Arises Abruptly and is blocked by Asphyxia (involved w pain that typically arise abruptly, is well localized and often have a sharp or prickling sensation)
External carotid artery - branches
SALFOPSM. S(Superior thyroid)A(posterior Auricular)L(Lingual)F(Facial)O(Occipital)P(Posterior auricular)S(Superior temporal)M(Maxillary)
Fiver major brain regions
Toddler's Messy Diapers Turn Yellow. Toddlers (Telencephalon) Messy (Mesencephalon) Diapers (Diencephalon) Turn (meTencephalon) Yellow (mYencephalon)
Innervation of eye muscles
LR6 (SO4) 3. LR6 (Lateral Recti, 6th CN/abducens) SO4 (Superior oblique, 4th/Trochlear) 3 (All other extraocular eye muscles: 3/Oculomotor)
Innervation to Serratus anterior
SALT: Serratus Anterior Long-Thoracic n
Sensory modalities in the dorsal spinal column
Julie's visible panty line. Julie`s (Joint position) Visible (Vibration) Panty (Pressure) Line (Light touch)
FESM: Frontal, Ethmoidal, Sphenoidal, Maxillary
The 4 parasympathetic ganglia
COPS. C(Ciliary)O(Otic)P(Pterygopalatine)S(Submandibular) / Silly Old People Stay Mouldy(muggne). Silly (ciliary) Old (otic) People (pterygopalatine) Stay Mouldy (submandibular)
The dermatome song (C1-C4, C6, C7, C8, T1, T4, T10, L1, L3, L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5)
One cervical, two cervical, three cervical, four, down the upper limb to find any more(C1-C4 in neck) Hold out your arms like a crucifix, stick up your thumvs - you have C6 (thumb and upper part of arm) Now wiggle C7 - the middle finger to heaven And easy to extrapolate - ring and little fingers are C8! T1 spelt in ArmP1T is - as for nipples, well T(4/for) tits) One dermatome ready labelled for us, T10 in the umbilicus! L1 you know-it-all, cos it's spelt 1nguinal L3 to holster guns, you see also goes to medial knee L4 flows across the kneecap, but won't stop there, the busy chap, it goes to make your bunion jingle - and with L5 the big toe tingle! So to S1 and 1 small toe, a dermatome full of So1e S2 on which you lie, S3 upon which you sit S4 is what you wipe, S5 - put your finger in it (rectum)
What is frontal and dorsal of motor and sensor in the spinal column
The motor is in the front (ventral) of most cars! Sensory modalities are dorSal
Where does maxillary n, mandibular n, and middle meningeal a exit?
Max Returns Mandy`s Ovum...May Marry Spinster. Max (maxillary n) Returns (foramen rotundum) Mandy's (mandibular n) Ovum (foramen ovale)...May Mary (middle meningeal artery) Spinster (foramen spinosum)
Which cranial nerves are mother, sensory or both
Some say marry money, but my bride says big balls matter more. Some (I/Olfactory: S) Say (II/Optic: S) Marry (III/Oculomotor: M) Money (IV/Trochlear: M) But (V/Trigeminal: B) My (VI/Abudencs: M) Bride (VII/Facial: B) Says (VIII/Vestibulocohlear: S) Big (IX/Glossopharyngeal: B) Balls (X/Vagus: B) Matter (XI/Accessory: M) More (XII/Hypoglossal: M)
Brachial plexus
Robert Taylor drinks cold beers: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Branches of brachial plexus
(lateral->medial) My aunt raped my uncle: Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Radial, median, ulnar
Cartilage in the larynx
TEAC (hifi, larynx = our own HIFI): Thyroid, Epiglottis, Arytenoid, Cricoid
Cranial sutures
Class. Coronal, Lambdoid, Squamous, Sagittal
Descending abdominal aorta: seven divisions
Sometimes intestines get really stretched causing leakage: Suprarenales (paired), inferior mesenteric, gonadal (paired), renals (paired), superior mesenteric, celiac, lumbar
Diaphragm apartures: aortic hiatus, oesophagus, vena cava
Aortic hiatus: 12 letters = T12, Oesophagus: 10 letters = T10, Vena cava: 8 letters: T8
Duodenum->rectum mnemonic
Dow Jones Industrial Average Closing Stock Report: Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Appendix, Colon, Sigmoid, Rectum
Female pelvic organs' blood supply
3 organs - each get 2 blood supplies. Uterus: uterine, vaginal. Rectum: middle rectal, inferior rectal (end of pudendal). Bladder: superior vesical, inferior vesical
PAPA (baby's first word!): Posterior, Anterior, Posterio-lateral, Anterio-lateral
Innervation of radial nerve
BEST: Brachioradialis, Extensors, Supinator, Triceps
Liver: side w ligamentum venosum and caudate lobe vs. side with quadrate lobe and ligamentum teres
VC goes with VC: venosum and caudate is on the same side as vena cava (posterior), therefore quadrate lobe and ligamentum teres is anterior
Lung lobe numbers - right vs left
Tricuspid heart valve and tri-lobed lung both on the right side, bicuspid and bilobed lung both on the left side
Respiratory tract mnemonic
Movie Personality Lana Turner's Pretty Sexy Thighs Turn Retinas All Around: Movie (mouth) Personality (pharynx) Lana (larynx) Turner's (trachea) Pretty (primary bronchus) Sexy (secondary bronchus) Thighs (tertiary bronchus) Turn (terminal bronchiole) Retinas (respiratory bronchiole) All (alveolar duct) Around (alveolar sac)
The 5 regions of the stomach
The Car is fun 'til the body piles!: Cardiac, Fundus, Body, Pylorus (where food "pyle" up)
The 5 sphincters of the GI tract
APE OIL: Anal, Pyloric, lower Esophagl, Oddi, Ileocecum
Axillary artery branches
Send the lord to say a prayer (prox->dist): superior thoracic, thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, subscapular, anterior circumflex humeral, posterior circumflex humeral
Bronchi - which one is more vertical
Inhale a bite - goes down the right! (Inhaled objects are more likely to lodge in the right bronchus, since it is the one that is more vertical)
Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
A PALM Seed Makes Another Little Palm:(superior->inferior)(10) A(Apical) P(Posterior)A(Anterior)L(Lateral)M(Medial) Seed(Superior) Makes(Medial basal) Another(Anterior basal) Little(Lateral basal) Palm(Posterior basal)
Bronchopulmonary segments of the left lung
Astute Anatomists Share Inside secrets About Lungs: (9) Astute (Apicoposterior, S1-2) Anatomists (Anterior S3) Share (Superior S4) Inside (Inferior S5) Secrets (Superior S6) About (Anteromedial basal S7-8) Lungs (Lateral basal S9)
Internal jugular vein - tributaries
Med school let confident people in: Middle thyroid, superior thyroid, lingual, common facial, pharyngeal, inferior petrosal sinus
L4 landmarks
B4U/Before you: Bifurcation of aorta, L4, Umbilicus
Lingula of lung - location
LingULa = Left Upper Lobe
Median nerve - hand muscles innervated
MEAT LOAF: Meat (median nerve) L(lumbricals 1,2)O(opponens pollicis)A(abductor pollicis brevis)F(flexor pollicis brevis)
Pleura surface markings
All the even ribs in order 2,4,6,8,10,12 show its route. Rib2: sharp medial angle inferiorly, Rib4: the left pleura does a lateral shift to accommodate the heart, Rib6: both diverge laterally, Rib8: midclavicular line, Rib10: Midaxillary line, Rib12: the back
Retroperitoneal structures
Sad pucker: Suprarenal glands, aorta & IVC, Duodenum (half), Pancreas, Ureters, Colon (- transverse), Kidneys, Esophagus (anterior+left is covered), Rectum
Superior mediastinum contents
BATS & TENTS: Brachiocephalic vv, Arch of aorta, Thymus, SVC, Trachea, Esophagus, Nerves (vagus, phrenic), Thoracic duct
Thoracic duct - which half of the upper body does it drain
Its lymph from the left of the upper body
Tonsils - the 3 types
PPL/People: Pharyngeal, Palatine, Lingual
Trigeminal nerve - where branches exit the skull
Standing room only: V1 = superior orbital fissure, V2 = foramen rotundum, V3 = foramen ovale
Ureter to ovarian/testicular artery topography
Water under the bridge: the ureters (which carry water) are posterior to the ovarian/testicular aa
Anteflexed vs anteverted of female internal genitalia - what bodypart each describes
The "V" words go together: Verted is for the cerVix, flexed is for uterus
Arm fractures - nerves affected by humerus fracture location
ARM fracture: (sup->inf) Axillary nerve if head of humerus, Radial nerve if midshaft, Median nerve is supracondylar
Bifurcation of vertebral landmarks
A bifurcation occurs on 4th level of each vertebral column: C4 = bifurcation of common carotid, T4 = bifurcation of trachea, L4 = bifurcation of aorta
Broad ligament - contents
BROAD: Bundle (ovarian neurovascular bundle), Round ligament, Ovarian ligament, Artefacts (vestigial structures), Dut (oviduct)
Cervical vertebra: landmarks at each level
NoaH Told MariaH To Try Cervical Counting: C1 = Nose (base), Hard palate, C2 = Teeth, C3 = Mandible, Hyoid bone, C4 = Thyroid cartilage (upper), C5 = Thyroid cartilage (lower), C6 = Cricoid cartilage, C7 = Cricoid cartilage (just below)
Cruciate ligaments - insertions
PAMS APPLES: Posterior (passes) anterior (inserts) medially. Anterior (passes) Posteriorly (inserts) Laterally
Foramen ovale contents
MALE: M(mandibular n, motor root of trigeminal, middle meningeal v)A(accessory meningeal a)L(lesser petrosal n)E(emissary vv)
Genu valgum vs genu vargum
Genu valGUM = knees are GUMmed together, varum (bowleg) = var rhymes with far - knees are far apart
Hand: nerve lesions
DR CUMA: Drop = Radial nerve, Claw = Ulnar nerve, Median nerve = Ape/Apostol (preacher) hand
Lumbar plexus roots
2 from 1, 2 from 2, 2 from 3. 2 nerves from 1 root: Ilioinguinal (L1), Iliohypogastric (L1). 2 Nerves from 2 roots: genitofemoral (L1,L2), lateral femoral (L2, L3), 2 nerves from 3 roots: obturator (L2-4), femoral (L2-4)
Scrotum layers
very thoroughly: Skin, Dartos layer, External spermatic fascia, Cremaster muscle, Internal spermatic fascia, Parietal tunica vaginalis, Visceral tunica vaginalis, Tunica albuginea
Sperm pathway through the male reproductive system
SEVEN UP: Seminiferous tubules, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Ejaculatory duct, Nothing, Urethra, Penis
Spermatic cord contents
3 Arteries, 3 nerves, 3 other things. 3 arteries: testicular, ductus deferens, cremasteric. 3 nerves: genital branch of genitofemoral, cremasteric, autonomics. 3 other things: ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatic vessels
Tarsal bones of ankle
Tiger Cubs (hvalp) Need MILC: (right foot, superior->inf then clockwise) Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, Medial cuneiform, Intermediate cuneiform, Lateral cuneiform, Cuboid
Tibia - muscles of pes anserinus (the muscles attached to tibia's medial side)
A Girl between two sargeants: Gracilius is between Sartorius and Semitendinosus
Abdominal muscles - proximal->distal
Spare TIRE around their abdomen. Transversus abdominis, Internal abdominal oblique, Rectus abdominis, External abdominal oblique
Anterior compartment of leg
The hospitals are not dirty places: Tibialis anterior, Extensor hallucis longus, Anterior tibial artery, Deep fibular nerve, Extensor digitorum longus, Peroneus/Fibularis tertius
BrachioRadialis - rule of B R
Function: its the Beer Raising muscle (flex elbow, strongest when supine forearm). Innervation: Breaks Rule (flexor, but innervated by radial nerve) Important relation: Behind it is the Radial nerve in the cubital fossa. Attachment: attaches to Bottom of Radius
Branches of internal iliac artery
I love going places in my very own underwear. Ileolumbar, Lateral sacral, Gluteal (superior and inferior), Pudendal (internal), Inferior vesicular (uterine in females), Middle rectal, Vaginal, Obturator, Umbilical
Coelic trunk branches
Left hand side (LHS). Left gastric artery, hepatic artery, splenic artery
Erector spinae muscles - position
Spinalis is on the spine (most medial), Iliocostalis is on the ribs (most lateral), and its a long (longissimus) way between the spine and the ribs!
External carotid artery branches
She lay flaccid as Olaf's penis slipped in (inf->sup). Superior thyroid, lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal, occipiteal, posterior auricular, superficial temporal, (internal) maxillary
Eye rotation by oblique muscles
I love S&M: Inferior oblique = lateral eye rotation, superior oblique = medial eye rotation
Femoral artery distal branches
Put my leg down please. Profundus femoris (deep femoral a), Medial circumflex femoral artery, Lateral circumflex femoral artery, Descending genicular arteries, Perforating arteries
Flexor digitorum muscles: how they insert on fingers
Superficialis splits in two, to permit profundus passing through
Hip: lateral rotators
Piece Goods Often Go on Quilts (lappeteppe): Piriformis, Gemellus superior, Obturator internus, Gemellus inferior, Obturator externus, Quadratus femoris
Inversion and eversion muscles
Second letter rule. Eversion muscles: pErineus longus, pErineus brevis, pErineus terius. Inversion muscles: tIbialis anterior, tIbialis posterior
Potentially absent muscles
The five 5's: Palmaris longus (upper limb), Plantaris (lower limb), Peroneus tertius (lower limb), Pyramidalis (anterior abdominal wall), Psoas minor (posterior abdominal wall)
Psoas major innervation
If you hit L2, 3, 4 - psoas gets sore!
Pterygoid muscles - function of lateral vs medial
Say the first syllable of lateral (La) and medial (Me). La: your jaw is open = lateral opens the mouth. Me: your jaw is closed = medial closes the mandible
Soleus vs gastrocnemius function
Stand on your soles. Explosive gas. You stand on soles - so soleus is for posture, gasoline is explosive - so Gastrocnemius is for explosive movement
ALS - symptoms
ALS. Anterior horn neuron loss, Lower-motor dominant effects, Spino-cortical tract (cortico-spinal tract)
Alzheimer's disease - common characteristics
ALZHEIMERS. Anterograde amnesia (u first sign), Life expectancy (increase show more cases in recent years), Zapped/Loss of (Ach-ergic neurons), Hereditary disease, Entire (hippocampus become affected), Mutation (in amyloid genes is associated), Entorhinal (areas degenerate first), Retrograde amnesia (ultimately develops), Senile plaques (formad at synapses)
Bones of inner ear
Mailing includes stamps. Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Brachial plexus - numbers of each section
5-3-2-3-5. 5 roots, 3 trunks, 2 divisions, 3 cords, 5 terminal nerves
Cerebellar damage symptoms
VANISHED. Vertigo, Ataxia, Nystagmus, Intention tremor, Slurred/Staccato speech, Exagerrated broad based gait, Hypotonic reflexes, Dysdiadochokinesia (impairment of the ability to perform rapidly alternating movements)
CSF circulation - function of choroid vs arachnoid granules
Choroid creates CSF, Arachnoid granules absorb CSF
Femoral triangle boundaries
So i may always love sally. Superiorly: inguinal ligament, medial: adductor longus, laterally: sartorius
Hypothalamus - general function
TALE of the hypothalamus. Temperature, Appetite, Libido, Emotion
Hypothalamus: feeding vs satiety center
Stim the lat, get fat. Stim the ven, get thin. Stimulating the lateral increase hunger, stimulating the ventromedial increases satiety
Musculocutaneous nerve - muscles supplied
BBC. Biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis
Parkinson's disease - signs and symptoms
SMART. Shuffling gait, Mask-like face, Akinesia, Rigidity, Tremor
Popliteal fossa
Serve and volley next ball (medial->lateral): Semimembranosus/Semitendinosus, Artery, Vein, Nerve, Biceps femoris (Lateral and medial heads of gastrocnemius are inferior borders)
Spinal cord - length in vertebral column
SCULL. Spinal cord until L2(LL)
Thalamus - boundaries
I HIT PPL (directions in alphabetical order). Anterior: Interventricular foramen, Inferior: hypothalamic nuclei (plane connecting them), Lateral: internal capsule (posterior limb), Medial: Third ventricle, Posterior: free Pole of Pulvinar, Superior: Lateral ventricle
Thigh - innervation by compartment
MAP of Sciatic. Medial compartment: obturator, Anterior compartment: femoral, posterior compartment: sciatic
The resistance that the heart faces during systole/System vascular resistance (Afterload is created by the Arteries)
Auscultatory point for aortic valve
Right 2nd intercostal space
Branches of left coronary artery?
1 Anterior interventricular r(RIA)/Left anterior descending a(LAD) 2 Circumflex r
Cardiac hypertrophy (LV<- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (genetic, hypertension, aortic stenosis. RV <- left heart failure, pulmonic valve stenosis, pulmonary causes (cor pulmonale)) leads to which type of dysfunction?
Diastolic dysfunction
Causes of decreased effective blood volume (perceived blood volume) to the kidneys activating RAS
1 Heart failure 2 Cirrhosis (scarring of the liver impede blood flow through the hepatic portal system, this cause portal hypertension and pooling of the blood in the mesenteric veins) 3 Renal artery stenosis
Endocarditis - most u bacteria, u which valve?
Streptococcal, mitral valve
Etymology of "congestive heart failure"
From the congestion in the lungs caused by backup of flow from a failing left heart
1 Digoxin/Digitalis 2 Dopamine/Dobutamine 3 Amrinone/Milrinone
Mnemonic for the AV valves
The tRIcuspid is on the Right, the mitraL is on the Left
The pressure that fills the ventricles during diastole/BP in left ventricle at the end of diastole
Right coronary artery branches
1 Anterior ventricular rr(1 rami for SA node) 2 Marginal r 3 Posterior interventricular r
Signs of right heart failure
1 Increased jugular venous pressure/JVP (like a barometer from heart via SVC) 2 Ascites 3 Hepatic congestion 4 Peripheral edema
What is the auscultatory point of the mitral valve?
Left 5th intercostal space
What is the auscultatory point of the pulmonary valve?
Left 2nd intercostal space
What is the auscultatory point of the tricuspid valve?
Right 5th intercostal space
What is the cause of systolic dysfunction?
Thinning and/or weakening of musculature (by increased volume)
What is the length of the cardiovascular system?
a 40 000km/equator
What is the name of the vessels and nerves perfusing and innervating large vessels?
Vasa vasorum, nervi vasorum
What is the surface of the cardiovascular system?
a 300m2
What is the surface of the intestine?
a 200m2
What is the surface of the lungs?
a 160m2