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26 Cards in this Set

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Sagittal plane
Any imaginary vertical plane which passes from ventral (front) to dorsal (rear) dividing the body into right and left halves.
Mid-sagittal plane
The sagittal plane runs through the midline cutting the body into equal halves passing through midline structures such as the navel and spine.
Frontal/Coronal Plane
Any imaginary vertical plane that divides the body into ventral and dorsal (belly and back) sections.
Transverse/horizontal,axial, or transaxial Plane
Any imaginary plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts. It is perpendicular to the coronal and sagittal planes.
Means towards the back. The pharynx is posterior to the oral cavity.
Means toward the front. The eyes are anterior to the brain.
Means towards the side, away from midline. The ears are lateral to the eyes.
An imaginary midline dividing the body into equal right and left halves. A part is medial if it is closer to midline than another part. The nose is medial to the eyes.
Means a body part is farther from a point of attachment to the trunk than another body part. The fingers are distal to the wrist.
Means a body part is closer to a point of attachment to the trunk than another body part. The elbow is proximal to the wrist.
An adjective pertaining to the head/skull.
Describes a part of the body that's more internal than other body parts. The dermis is the deep layer of the skin.
Means near the surface. The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin.
Means a part is above another part. The thoracic cavity is superior to the abdominopelvic cavity.
Means a part is bellow another part. The neck is inferior to the head.
Refers to structures on the same side. The right lung and the right kidney are ipsilateral.
Refers to structures on the opposite side. A patient with a fractured right leg would have to bear weight on the contralateral left lower limb.
Rotation of the forearm so the palm is downward or facing posteriorly in anatomical position. Prone refer to the body lying face down.
Rotation of the forearm so the palm is upward or facing anteriorly in anatomical position. Supine refers to the body lying face up.
Moving a part so that its end follows a circular path such as moving the finger in a circular motion without moving the hand.
Moving a part forward such as thrusting the head forward.
Moving a part backward such as pulling the head backward.
Plantar flexion
Movement at the ankle that brings the foot farther from the shin such as walking or standing on one's toes.
Movement at the ankle that brings the foot closer to the shin such as rocking back on one's heels.
Moving a part away from the midline such as lifting the upper limb horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body or from the axial line of the limb such as spreading the fingers or toes.
Moving a part toward the midline such as returning the upper limb from the horizontal position to the side of the body or toward the axial line of the limb such as moving the finger or toes closer together.