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74 Cards in this Set

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is the lateral or medial facet of the clavicle the flatter end?
the medial facet is flatter
what 2 muscles attach to the lateral border of the scapula?
1. teres minor
2. teres major
what are the 3 muscles that attach to teh coracoid process of teh scapula?
1. short head of biceps
2. coracobrachialis
3. pectoralis minor
muscle that attaches to supraspinous fossa?
supraspinatus muscle
muscle that attaches to infraspinous fossa
infraspinatus muscle
what attaches to the subscapular fossa (anterior surface)?
subscapularis muscle
muscle attachment to supraglenoid tubercle?
long head of biceps muscle
muscle attachment to infraglenoid tubercle?
long head of triceps muscle
what are the 3 muscle attachments to the greater tubercle of the humerus?
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
what is the muscle attachment to the lesser tubercle?
what is the space between the proximal tubercles on the humerus called?
intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove) - and its medial and lateral lips
what are the 2 structures coursing adjacent to the sugical neck of teh humerus?
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humoral artery and vein
what is the vein connecting the basilic and cephalic veins in the cubital fossa?
the median cubital vein
what forms the anterior border of the axilla?
pec minor and pec major
what forms the medial (thoracic) border of the axilla?
serratus anterior
what innervates the serratus anterior? what is the implication if it is paralysed>?
the long thoracic nerve
"winged scapula"
what forms the posterior wall of the axilla?
teres major
tendon of latissimus dorsi
what forms the lateral wall of the axilla?
tendon of the long head of the biceps and intertubercular groove
what passes through the quadrangular space?
axillary artery and posterior circumflex humoral vessels
what passes through the triangular space?
circumflex scapular vessels
what passes through the triangular interval
radial nerve
profunda brachii vessels
what arteries branch off the 2nd part of the axillary artery?
thoracoacromial artery
lateral throacic artery
what arteries branch off the 3rd part of the axillary artery?
anterior circumflex humoral artery
posterior circumflex humoral artery
subscapular artery (which gives rise to circumflex scapular artery)
what does the deltoid muscle insert into?
deltoid tuberosity
what is the muscle a/w the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
the common flexor ORIGIN
what is the muscle a/w the lateral epichondyle of the humerus?
common extensor origin
what is the fossa lying above the trochlea on the humerus called?
coronoid fossa
what is the fossa lying above teh capitulum on the humerus called?
radial fossa
is the trochlea of the humerus on the medial or lateral side?
medial side
what muscle is a/w with the olecranon of the ulna?
attachment of triceps brachii tendon
what fits in to the coronoid and radial fossa of the humerus?
the coronoid notch and the radial notch of the ULNA (radius doensn't do shit)
what attaches onto the ulnar tuberosity?
brachialis muscle
what attaches to the radial tuberosity of the radius?
biceps brachii tendon
what are the 2 ligaments at the elbow joint called
radial collateral ligament
ulnar collateral ligament
contents of the cubital fossa
1 vein, 1 artery, 1 nerve, 1 tendon:
-median cubital vein
-brachial artery
-median nerve
-biceps tendon
what forms the medial border of the cubital fossa?
pronator teres
what forms the lateral border of the cubital fossa?
what forms the floor of the cubital fossa
brachialis and supinator muscles
what is the annular ligament?
forms a ring around the head of the radius
what muscles does the anterior interosseus nerve (of the median nerve) supplyy?
the deep muscles for the arm:
1. LATERAL ASPECT of flexor digitorum profundus
2. flexor pollicis longus
3. pronator quadratus
what is the innervation of flexor digitorum profundus?
lateral aspect = anterior interosseus branch of median nerve
medial aspect = ulnar nerve
what do the common digital branches of the MEDIAN nerve supply?
1st and 2nd lumbrical muscles
thenar muscles
skin of the first 3.5 digits
waht supplies teh pronator quadratus?
the anterior interosseus nerve (branch of median nerve)
starting at the ulnar artery, list the branches
ulnar artery --> common interosseus artery --> ant. and post. interosseus arteries
if you see a vein in teh deltopectoral groove, which will it be?
the cephalic vein. This is where it pierces the deep fascia and empties into the axillary vein
where do the lateral and medial pectoral nerves come off of?
lateral pectoral nerve = lateral cord (before it gives rise to teh musculocutaneous nerve)

medial pectoral nerve = medial cord (before it gives rise to the ulnar nerve)
name one function of the pec major
name one function of the pec minor
puills the shoulder tip down
name one function of the subclavius muscle
pulls the shoulder tip down
name one function of serratus anterior
protraction and rotation of the scapula
innervation of pec major
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
innervation of pec minor
medial pectoral nerve
waht is the innervation of serratus anterior?
long thoracic nerve
what does the axilary nerve innervate?
teres minor and deltoid
what is the deltoid innervated by?
axillary n
what is teres minor innervated by? (NOT PEC...we're talking about TERES!)
axillary nerve
which is the largest branch of the axillary artery?
subscapular artery
what is the fate of the subscapular artery?
gives off the circumflex scapulary artery which then travels through the triangular space.
where is the suprascapular artery located? and what is it a branch of?
is it located above the superior transverse ligament (suprascapular notch). It is a branch of the subclavian artery.
what are the branches of the posterior cord?
subscapular nerves (superior and inferior n)
Thoracodorsal nerve (to latissimus dorsi)
Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
what segments correspond to the long thoracic nerve?
Branches of the medial and lateral cords (only the ones we need to know)
-lateral pectoral n.
-lateral root of median nerve
-musculocutaneous nerve

-medial pectoral nerve
-medial root of median nerve
-ulnar nerve
list the muscles in the anterior comparement of the arm
1. coracobrachialis
2. brachialis
3. biceps brachii (long and short heads)
what is the origin of corachobrachialis?
the coracoid process of the scapula
where does the long head of the biceps brachii originate? insert?
originates: onto the supraglenoid tubercle

insertion: biceps tendon --> radial tuberosity
where does the short head of the biceps brachii originate? insert?
origin: coracoid process of scapula

insert: biceps tendon --> radial tuberosity
where does the brachialis insert?
inserts on the ulnar tuberosity
what innervates the anterior comparemtns of the arm?
musculocutaneous nerve
what are the nerves of the posterior arm?
triceps brachii (medial, long, and lateral heads)
where do the triceps muscles incert?
triceps tendon --> olecranon of ulna
anconeus origin and insertion
origin: lateral epicondyle
insertion: olecranon of the ulna
function of the triceps brachii
extension of the forearm at the elbow joint
function of anconeus
extension of the forearm at the elbow joint
the anterior interosseus nerve is a branch of? the posterior interosseus nerve is a branch of?
anterior interosseus nerve: median nerve
posterior interosseus nerve: radial nerve (after the deep branch pierces the supinator it is called the posterior interosseus branch)