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39 Cards in this Set

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Where to the left and right crura of the diaphragm attach respectively?
Right: L1-L3 and IV discs
Left: L1-L2 and IV disks
Contents of the aortic hiatus
Thoracic duct
Azygos v (sometimes)
Intercostal lymphatic trunks
Contents of the esophageal hiatus
Esophageal branches of left gastric a. and v.
Anterior and posterior vagal trunks
A few lymphatic vessels
Contents of the vena caval foramen
Inferior vena cava
Right phrenic nerve
Lymphatic vessels
Contents of the sternocostal hiatus
Lymphatic channels from the convex surface of the liver to the anterior phrenic nodes
superior epigastric artery (usually)
Level of the aortic hiatus.
Level of the espohageal hiatus
Level of the vena caval foramen
Height of the right and left dome of the diaphram.
Right - superiorly to 5th rib
Left - 5th intercostal space
Arteries that supply the superior surface of the diaphragm
Pericardiacophrenic branches (internal thoracic)
Musculophrenic branches (internal thoracic)
Superior phrenic branches (Thoracic aorta)
Veins of the superior surface of the diaphragm.
Pericardiacophrenic and musculophrenic tributaries to internal thoracic veins.
Artery that supplies the inferior surface of the diaphragm.
Inferior phrenic (branches of the abdominal aorta)
Veins of the inferior diaphragm.
Right inferior phrenic (to IVC)
Left inferior phrenic (to left suprarenal vein)
Lymphatic nodes on the thoracic surface and where they drain.
Anterior diaphragmatic nodes -> parasternal lymph nodes

Posterior diaphragmatic nodes -> phrenic and posterior mediastinal nodes

Parasternal and posterior mediastinal nodes -> brochomediastinal trunks and thoracic duct (left)
Lymphatic nodes of the abdominal surface of the diaphragm
Phrenic nodes
Superior lumbar nodes
Motor innervation of the diaphragm
Phrenic nerves (C3-C5)
Sensory innervation of the diaphragm
Phrenic nerves (central portion)
Lower 6 intercostal and subcostal nerves (T5-T12)
Where does referred pain typically occur from irritation of the peripheral regions of the diaphragm innervated by intercostal nerves?
The skin over costal margins of anterolateral abdominal wall
Where does referred pain typically occur from irritation of diaphragmatic pluera/peritoneum?
Shoulder region supplied by C3-C5 segments of the spinal cord
Left sided diaphragmatic heriation typically involves what organs?
Stomach, spleen, and intestines
Describe a bochdalek hernia
left sided; thru an opening on the left side when pleuroperitoneal membrane fails to close the pericardioperitoneal canal ; 85% of cases
Describe a Morgagni's hernia
failure of fusion between the xiphoid process and costal margins on the right , rare; 2% of cases
The abdominal aorta is anterior to which vertebral bodies?
The IVC is created by then union of what veins?
Common iliac veins at L5
Where do the 5 lumbar veins drain?
1-2: azygos and hemi-azygos via ascending lumbar vein

3-4: Directly to IVC

5: IVC via iliolumbar vein
Where do the left testicular/ovarian and left suprarenal veins drain?
Left renal vein
Where to the right testicular/ovarian and right suprarenal veins drain?
Directly to IVC
If the IVC is blocked, what can act as a collateral channel between the upper and lower parts of the body?
Ascending lumbar veins connect iliac, iliolumbar, and lumbar veins with the azygous and hemiazygous. This provides a collateral channel.
What do the para-aortic nodes (lumbar) drain?
Body wall, kidneys, adrenal glands, testes/ovaries, uterus
What do the para aortic nodes combine to form?
Right and left lumbar trunks
What do the pre-aortic nodes drain?
GI tract, accessory organs
What do the pre-aortic nodes combind to form?
Intestinal trunk
What do the subcostal nerves innervate?
Quadratum lumborum
transversus abdominis
anterolateral wall/sensory afferents to diaphragm
What does the lumbar plexus innervate?
Quadratum lumborum
transversus abdominis
psoas major/minor

Sensory innervation of the skin of the thigh, gluteal, and pubic area and skin of anterolateral wall and peritoneum by L1
Nerves originating from the lumbar plexus.
Iliohypogastric & ilioinguinal nerves (L1)
Genitofemoral nerve (L1-2)
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh (L2-3)
Obturator nerve(L2 to L4)
Femoral nerve (L2 to L4)
Lumbosacral trunk (L4-5)
Nerves responsible for parasympathetc innervation of the posterior abdominal region.
Pelvic splanchnic nerves and vagus nerves
Cura of the diaphragm are peirced by:
Greater and lesser thoracic splanchnic nerves
Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are a result of the failure of what to close?
Pleuroperitoneal membranes
The 3 pre-vertebral pelxuses of the autonomic nervous system.
Celiac (around celiac trunk and SMA)
Intermesenteric (Between SMA to aortic bifurcation)
Superior hypogastric (at aortic bifurcation)