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94 Cards in this Set

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in what area is a spinal tap done?
what is the conus medullaris?
connective tissue that is at the end of the spinal cord
the term for paralysis of the lower extremities is?
Lateral corticospinal nerve impulses from ____ to __.
motor cortexto distal parts of free limbs
anterior corticospinal conveys nerve impulses from ____ to _____.
motor cortex to trunk and proximal parts of the free limbs
corticobulbar conveys nerve impulses from ____ to ____.
motor cortex to head and neck
what order(1st, 2nd, 3rd) of neurons cross over to the opposite side before reaching the thalamus?
where is the referred pain for the heart?
left chest, down the left medial side of the arm to the pinky
what part of the brain are perceptions intergrated?
cerebral cortex
what are nociceptors?
receptors for pain
Nociceptors are found in every organ, but?
the brain
What spinothalamic tract carries pain?
where are proprioceptors found?
muscle spindles, tendon organs, hair cells of the inner ear

NOT the hair root plexus
what spinothalamic tract carries tickle?
what spinothalamic tract carries itch?
sympathetic innervation can be found in what region of the body?
parasympathetic innervation can be found in what region of the body?
White ramus is found in what region of the body?
thoracic and upper lumbar
sympathetic is rest-n-digest or fight-or-flight?
fight or flight
During fight or flight, what happens to the pupils and airways?
they dilate
What is an epidural hematoma?
bleeding in the skull
name the cranial nerves
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlea, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Vestiblocochlear, Glossopharyneal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal
Sensory, Motor, or Both for the cranial nerves
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Breasts Mean More
what cranial nerves are under the parasympathic system?
3, 7, 9, 10
the oculomotor nerve affects what muscles?
What are the functions of the facial nerve?
supply tears, salivary and nasal secretions
In the glossopharyneal nerve, the otic ganglion supplies what?
parotid salivary gland
Vagus nerve affects what region of the body?
below the neck, heart, pulmonary, GI
Cranial nerve 7 serves what part of the tongue?
anterior 2/3s
What cranial nerve serves the posterior third of the tongue?
what cranial nerve serves the palate and epiglottis?
In a 3-4 week old embryo what region will develop into the hindbrain?
trigeminal nerve comes off of what part of the CNS?
The vagus nerve comes off of what part of the CNS?
medulla oblongata
hypoglossal nerve conducts what set of muscles?
What connects the lateral ventricle and 3rd ventricle in the brain?
interventricular foramen
what connects the 3rd ventricle and the cerebral aqueduct in the CNS?
cerebral aqueduct/aqueduct of the midbrain
cerebellum helps provide what?
smooth, coordinated body movement
postcentral gyrus is sensory or motor?
precentral gyrus is sensory or motor
How are the ciliary muscles and lens related?
changes in ciliary muscles -> changes in zonular fibers -> changes shape in lens
For the eye, parasympathetic constricts or dilates?
what is at the exact visual axis of the eye?
central fovea
where in the retina has the sharpest resolution?
central fovea
where is the fovea centralis? and what type of photoreceptors does it contain?
in the macula lutea, and only contains cones
flow of tears: lacrimal gland -> lacrimal ducts-> superior or inferior lacrimal canal -> lacrimal sac -> __________ -> nasal caivity
nasolacrimal duct
function of the tensor tympani muscle
limits movement and increases tension on the eardrum
function of the stapedius muscle
dampens large vibrations of the stapes due to loud noise, to protect the oval window
what two areas does the auditory tube aka pharynogotympanic tube aka eustachian tube connect?
middle ear and nasopharynx
The olfactory epithelium is in what part of the nasal chamber?
What does the hypothalamus regulates?
sex drive, thirst, hunger, sleep cycles, temperature, growth, smooth mm
What two hormones does the posterior pituitary produce?
Reaction for T3, T4
Hypothalamus (TRH) -> Pituitary (TSH) -> Thyroid gland (T3, T4)
what is hypothyroidism called in adults? in children?
adult - myxedema
children - cretinism
what gland has control over the metabolic rate?
thyroid gland
what two glands are independent?
thymus and adrenal glands
what hormone produces anti-inflammatory action and initially increases antibody release?
what does aldosterone(ADH) do to potassium and hydrion ions?
ADH enhances excretion of K+ and H+
definition of pulmonary ventilation
definition of external respiration
exchange of gases between air and blood
definition of internal respiration
exchange of gases between blood and tissues
Of the pulmonary system, what is the respiratory portion?
rest is conducting airways
What is the purpose of the conducting airways?
moisten, warm, filter, and conduct air
How many lobes does the left lung have? the right?
left - 2
right - 3
mechanism of inspiration
contraction of diaphragm -> flattens dome -> increase volume of chest -> pressure inside the body is less than pressure outside of the body -> air flows in
True or False: Large intestine is not part of chemical digestion
what type of teeth are children missing?
What are the zones/parts of the stomach?
cardiac, body, pyloric
what cell releases HCl in the stomach?
definition of brush border
hair-like projections of the cell membrane of villi, in the small intestine. they increase surface area
T/F: sympathetic synapse at the celiac ganglia.
what is chymotrypsin
an enzyme that breaks down protins. endopeptidase
name the regions of the large intestine
cecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum
where are the teniae coli found? and what are their function?
Teniae coli are found in the large intestine.
Their function is to produce long and powerful peristalsis
T/F: It is possible to draw a horizontal line through one kidney and not the other.
true, the right is lower than the left
what fills the renal sinus cavity?
the drainage system: major & minor calyces, renal pelvis, and fat
where in the nephron does the filtration of blood occur?
glomerular capillaries
Where is renin produced?
juxtaglomerular apparatus
What side (anterior/posterior) do the ureters enter the bladder?
function of the tunica vaginalis
allows for easier movement of testes within scrotum
where do the testes develop?
near the kidney on the posteior abdominal wall
what hormone do leydig cells secrete?
What are the effects of testosterone? 3 things
Stimulation of descent of testes before birth. Regulation of spermatogenesis. Stimulation of development and maintenance of male secondary characteristics (deep voice, male hair pattern, muscle, and fat distribution)
what hormone stimulates the Leydig cells to make testosterone?
what two hormones stimulate sertoli cells to stimulate spermatogenesis?
FSH and testosterone
what is the pathway of sperm from ducts to testis?
seminiferous tubes, epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory ducts, urthra
what is the normal sperm count?
50 to 150 million/ml
what day of the menstrual cycle is there an LH surge?
follicles produce what hormone?
corpus luteum produce what hormone?
what is the name of the narrowest part of the fallopian tube?
what is the position of the uterus?
anteriorly and superiorly over the urinary bladder
what does the urogenital triangle contain?
external genitals and urethral opening
what does the anal triangle contain?