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16 Cards in this Set

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list the 8 components of the preop eval.
1. pt dx/procedure being done
2. hx-cardio, pulm, hepatic/renal, endocrine, neuro
3. prior surgery/anesthetics w/ complications
4. fam hx - looking for MH
5. allergies - allergy or drug intolerance/side effects
6. meds- including herbals/OTCs
7 social
8. NPO status - last oral intake
what are the major perioperative cardiac complications?
1. MI
2. CHF
3. Pulmonary Edema
4. arrythmias
which complication occurs frequently in patients with a hx of CAD? when?
-myocardial ischemia
-post op
what are the risk factors for post-op cardiac complications?
1. hx of CHF
2. hx of CAD
3. advanced age
what are the procedures at "high-risk" for post op cardiac complications?
1. emergency procedures
2. major vascular surgery
3. peripheral vascular surgery
4. prolonged surgical procedures with large fluid shifts and/or blood loss
which pulmonary complication may occur during induction of anasthesia, any time during anesthesia or post op?
bronchospasm- always a concern
which complications result from bronchospasm?
inability to ventilate
what are the major risk factors for developing bronchospasm?
1. reactive airway disease
2. recent URI
3. prior smoking hx (>20 yrs)
what are patients with a hx of obstructive lung disease at risk for?
what are the major pulmonary complication?
1. atelectasis
2. infection
3. respiratory failure with prolonged mech ventilation
what causes pulm. complications?
1. reduction of lung defense mechanisms
2. alteration in diaphragmatic fxn
3. alterations in lung volumes
4. alterations in gas exchange
(T/F) pulmonary function tests are predictive of postoperative morbidity
False. EXCEPT in lung resectional surgery
(T/F) A good H & P is the most imp. pre-op pulm eval.
(T/F) ONLY pts with obstructive lung disease have been shown to be at increased risk post-op
TRUE. association with restrictive lung disease and pulmonary HTN remains unknown
what are some significant physical findings?
1. wheezing (sign of acute airflow obstruction)
2. rhonchi (sign of increased secretions)
(T/F) screening chest x-rays are an important screening tool.
False. they are rarely of benefit in the absence of abnormal H&P findings.