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A reads text to speech;

76 Cards in this Set

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Language that refers to concepts, ideas, qualities, or "Abstracts" rather than particular people, places, or things. Might refer to that which cannot be experienced by the five senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell). Love, pride, and bravery are all abstract, whereas rock, man, and car are all specific
Abstract Language
A line of poetry that contains six iambic feet. Might also be refered to as iambic hexameter
The repition of similiar constant sounds, usually occuring at the beginning of consecutive words
Within a literary work, a reference to another character, setting, ot literary work that calls into mind a concept, association, or memory that has aquired some significance for the reader
Double or multiple layers of meaning in a work that demand interpretation and defy easy definition
A comparison that uses a known thing or idea to explainsomething vague or unfamiliar
A metrical foot of two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable (e.g. "jamboree")
Literary use of outdated or obsolete language for effect or to complicate a definition
The repition of vowel sounds within a line, sentance, or stanza. May be internal (e.g an "a" sound in the middle of consecutive words), or it may occur towards the end of lines to prompt a rhyme
A narrative poem poem that focuses on an event or episode and that is usually told without authorial comment. Consists of four quatrains of alternating four an three-stress iambic lines. The second and fourth lines will rhyme. Typically will use a refrain; the last lines of each stanza are nearly identical
Lines of unrhymes iambic pentameter. The dominant metrical form of many Shakespeare's plays
Blank verse
A strong break or pause within a line of verse. from the Latin, "Cutting off"
Used as a poetic convention in sixteenth and seventeenth century England, urging the reader to make much of time and to take advantage of each day before time runs out. Latin for "Seize the day"
Carpe Diem
An extended metaphor or comparison
Language that employs vivid, graphic images that appeals to the senses, as opposed to abstract language
Concrete language
A repition of similar sounds (typically constant sounds) at the end of words. e.g. purse/curse, horse/purse, turn/burn
Two rhymed lines of verse. Couplets may occur as a part of a stanza or may be self contained and set away from the rest of the text. In this case, the two rhymed lines would be referred to as a "closed----"
One stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables (e.g. "syllable", "admiral", or "carousel"
A line of poetry consisting of two metrical feet
A poem in which one speaker addresses another person (a character in the poem only recognizable to the speaker) in the form of a monologue.
Dramatic Monologue
Often, a poem on the occasion of the death of a perticular person. More broadly, a poem on the subject of death or human frailty and mortality
A true rhyme, which sounds much like an echo of similar sounds, e.g. the rhyming of tense/defense, or pure/cure
End rhyme
A line of verse that ends with a period, colon, or semicolon
End-stopped line
Occurs when one line in a poem runs on to another without pause or punctuation
A short quotation or observation related to the theme of a work that is placed at the beginning of thepiece or chapter
A line-by-line explanation of a literary text. As opposed to interpreatation, which refers to a more broad, subjective look at a work's significance or themes; more literal, step-by-step reading of the work
Two-syllable rhymes in which the last syllables are unstressed such as flying/crying
Feminine Rhyme
Language used in poetry or prose that allows a writer to express a comparison without using a literal statemen. examples include metaphors and similes
Figurative language
The smalles unit of verse in a poem- usually composed of one stressed and one or more unstressed syllables. Different kinds of these include; anapest, iamb, dactyl, trochee, and spondee
Poetry that is open in form and free of patterned meter and rhyme. A form that allows for a less rigid structure and possses its own pattern and rhyme
Free Verse
Verse line that consists of seven merical feet
Lines of iambic pentameter that rhyme aa bb cc and so on. These are often closed or end-stopped
Heroic Couplet
A line of verse that is composed of six metrical feet
Figurative language that includes over statement or exaggeration
A meterical foot consisting of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (e.g. "today" or "defer"
Figurative language that refers or makes reference to physical sensations (usually sight and touch). Illisrates concpets, things, or processes
Two or more words in a line of poetry that rhyme within the line itself rather than at the end of lines
Internal Rhymes
Occurs when the last stressed syllable rhymes, as in dog/fog
Masculine Rhyme
A figure of speech containing two elements in which one element is provided with with certain attributes or characteristics by being equated with the second, different element e.g. "Life is a bowl of cherries"
Recurring patterns of syllables in lines of verse. These syllables may be stressed or unstressed. Each metrical unit is called a foot; basic accented patterns include; iambs, trochees, anapests, dactyls, and spondees
Verse line that consists of one meterical foot
Referred to as eye rhyme, slant rhyme, or approxamate rhyme. Examples include jail/jewel and close/lose
Near Rhyme
Verse line that consists of nine metericla feet
Verse line that consists of eight meterical feet
A stanza consisting of eight lines.Often, this will be the opening eight lines of an Italian sonnet that are followed bya sestet concluding the poem; will be rhymed abbaaabba
A finely crafted poem reserved for solemn, important subjects that the writer wishes to pay homage to. These subjects may be people or places and occasionally things
Also known as oblique rhyme. Occurs when when words of marginal structural relationship are made to function as a rhyme. Often the rhyme will be approxamate since the syllables in the words meant to rhyme will not rhyme completely e.g. pearl/alcohol
Off Rhyme
In a peom, the use of words whise sounds seem to correspond to and reflect their meanings, "POP", "BUZZ", "HISS"
Literally means, "acutely silly". A figure of speech in which contradictory ideas are combined to create a paradoxical phrase or statement- for example "thunderous silence", "manic grace" or "wise fool"
A line of poetry that contains five metrical feet
The assumed identity that the writer presents when speaking to the reader. may be closely related to the real life personality of the the writer or may be more removed from it, serving as a mask or disguise
To attribute human qualities to non human things such as animals, certain aspects of nature, abstractions, or ideas
Also referred to as an Italian sonnet. This sonnet begins with an eight line segment or octave with a rhyme scheme abbaabba followed by a sestet (six line segment) with a rhyme scheme that varies (often cdcdee or cdecde). Often, this type of sonnet will have a turning point, or narrative turn, after the first two quatrains and before the concluding set
A Petrarchan Sonnet
A unit of poetry consisting of words and phrases that are printed on one line of of a page
Unit of Poetry
A set of four lines, such as the two sets of four lines that form the opening of a petrarchan sonnet
A group of lines, usually at the end of a stanza in a folk song, ballad, or poem, that echoes, or repeats, at intervals in the poem
Words with repititions of the final stressed vowel sounds and any sounds following e,g cat/rat
The qualitycreated by the relationship between stressed and unstressed syllables. A regular pattern of alternation between stressed and unstressed syllables produces meter
A system if reading, charting, or identifying the underlying beat or meter of a poetic work
A stanza consisiting of six lines
An imaginstivr figure of speech that shows comparison by using the words "like", "as", "or", "as if".
Also referred to as the English or Elizabethan sonnet. Arranged as three quatrains and a couplet. Typicla rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg
Shakesperian Sonnet
A crafted 14 line poem in iambic pentameter.
A sonnet that, like the Shakesperian sonnet, consists of three quatrains and a couplet but uses a linking rhyme scheme similar to the Petrarchan sonnet abab bcb cdcd ee
Spenserian Sonnet
A nine line stanza following the rhyming pattern abab bcbc c. The first eight lines are presented in pentameter, and the last line is an alexandrine (iambic with six stresses)
Spenserian Stanza
Two consecutive stressed syllables (eg. "baseball", or "daylight")
A group of lines in a poem that have either a structural, topical, or metrical relationship;
Accent or emphasis that makes one syllable stand out from others in a word or phrase
A set of three lines or a stanza consisting of three lines
Vers line that consists of four metrical feet
verse line that consists of three metrical feet
A sequence of three rhymed lines of verse
A metrical foot consisting of of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable e.g. "MASter", "MOvie"
A highly ironic figure of speech that attempts to represent something as being less important than it is
A term that is often interchangeable with "poetry" but also refers to a stanza of a poem
A french form of verse consisting of nineteen lines (any length), divided into six stanzas (five tercets and one quatrain that consisits of two lines and two refrains). The refrain consists of lines 1 and 3. Line 1 will be repeated as lines 6, 12, and 15. Line 3 will be repeated as lines 9, 15, and 19