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32 Cards in this Set

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Spinal stenosis

Red rose

Rose for muscle

Red for blood

Stem for artery


One side of the flower breaks

And falls down

So go to the side

By stork test

Extension exercises bad for the person pushes the spine in opposite directions

Dress and knee pain

When you push dress from back the quad push causing knee pain

HamString injury

When quad muscle too tight

Husband(Andy acl)

torns as Queen wife pulls in front

Shoulder insurability


Scapula muscles





Pectoral stretch

3rd stone


Cuff muscle strengthing

Shoulder and scapula strengthing

RC strengthing

MusclesShoulder like bottle capMuscles aroundThe rim is the capsulebottle capMuscles aroundThe rim is the capsuleActive passiveAnd structural Active passiveAnd structural And structural Scapular triangleLike y Humeral sits

Lumbar abd

Like ball and box 2 above psis and 1 below

The ball front and

Back extensors

Also triangle box

Bone like triangles Spine palpation also h and I instability for side border and at the end is lumbar torsion test for facet the two points and apex the spinous prcess

Round oblique

Box sides quadratus lumborum

Back multifidus

Abdominal Isometrics Concentric Eccentric Isometrics at shoulderCurl upsDynamic lowering

Shoulder exercises






Ins and outies





Scapular muscles


Y a U shape on prone



Their house present sins

Severity vas or global rating of change scale or McGill questionnaire





Then treatment can be slow or aggressive



Bone deep very localized svere


Muscle not localized cramping

Lig joint capsule localized and deep

Mechanical complaints

Clicking catching


Locking meniscal pathology

Popping ligament giving away

Somatic deep aching not localized moves around or diffuse

Muscular superficial

Stage aggrevate and relieving factor

Now start where it migrated to

Onset when did it start

- trauma or nontrauma

Macro vs microtrauma

Sudden or onset

How thief came in

Mechanism of action

Body chart


cnstant or Intermittent

Constant acute inflammation

Night pain tumor stress fracture

Morning oaConstant no change systemic disorder

oaConstant no change systemic disorder

Constant no change systemic disorder

Person lives or comes in BT

Parents house past- medical

Work house environment history

Occupational history

Social restaurant house






Height et bmi type

Primary language

Barrier to learn

Learning preference-visual audio kinesthetic written video

Unique goals

Associated symptoms

Red flags

Bowel and bladder.

Saddle paresthesia


Drop attacks

Heaviness in chest

Imaging study photo of house

Prior rehab or current rehab

People who are helping





What he does out of house



Oswestry pain indices

LefsOswestry pain indicesGive them brief history and Finally ask them if it reflects their problem

LefsOswestry pain indicesGive them brief history and Finally ask them if it reflects their problem

Give them brief history and Finally ask them if it reflects their problem

Give them brief history and Finally ask them if it reflects their problem

Objective examination






Active ROM contractile


Passive ROM non contractile

And end range of motion


End field

Empty pain

Springy block intra articular

Soft hypermobility

Bone elbow

Firm give hypomotility

Hard no give stiffness

However with biceps pathology

Flexion no pain.

Extension pain bc stretch

Adhesive capsule both active and passive ROM affected

Examine above and below joint

If nose affected look at ear and mouth

Cardinal planes and combined planes

Accessory mobility testing

Spin roll glide

R 1/ r2

Grded as

Normal hypomotility hypermobility

Joint problems

Capsule patterns

Hip flex abd Int rot eyeliner

Knee flex ext

Ankle pf df

Shoulder half lense ext rot abd internal rot

Elbow flex extend

Wrist flex extend

Spine hair ext side bend rotation equally

Most to least limited

Impairment testing/ observation

Nose position length


Spine posture pelvis scapula patella leg length foot

With pain abnormal alignment


Ant pelvic tilt

Quad tight

Thomas test

If opposite leg flexed too much puts the pelvis in extreme posterior pelvic tilt

And hip in abduction puts leg in abduction


One joint

Knee extension

Hip touches the table normal

Thn out of bed


30 tightness 2 joint


One joint right

2 joint normal

1. One joint Knee extension Hip touches the table normalThn out of bed5030 tightness 2 joint2. One joint right 2 joint normalKnee extension lack 10 degree out of bed 90 knee normal2 joint3. Knee extension Thigh 10 degree offKnee flexion 50 30 tightness40 tight in 2 joint muscle

Knee extension lack 10 degree out of bed 90 knee normal

2 joint

3. Knee extension

Thigh 10 degree off

Knee flexion 50

30 tightness

40 tight in 2 joint muscle

2) ober test

Thigh drop to horizontal

Modified with knee straight drop below horizontal


Look at for femur internal rotation

Hip flex

Pelvic drop laterally

3) strength testing

Near the concordant or chief complaint

Strong and painless contractile not involved

String and painful minor contractile

Weak and painful major lesion contractile

Weak and painless complete rupture with neuro disorder

All painful capsules sinister pathology

Painful on repetition Intermittent claudication

Tone of muscle

Break test slowly and gradually build up

tight and weak so we can correct alignment

Come to conclusion that what areas are tight and weak so we can correct alignmentSpecial tstPalpationNeurological test

tight and weak so we can correct alignmentSpecial tstPalpationNeurological test

tight and weak so we can correct alignmentSpecial tstPalpationNeurological test

Special tst


Neurological test

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Rule out and guess the pathology

Clinical reasoning

Hypothesis testing

Feedforward processing

Apply past knowledge

Like for oa patient

Feedback processing

Using logic

5 subjective

3 objective

Hypothesis deductive reasoning

So we need to reassess

Avoid error Clinical reasoning

By not looking at doctors diagnosis and just ask open ended not leading questions

Hypothesis testing


2.Evaluation and management

Lateral elbow pain

Common extensor origin

Onset gradual repetitive microtrauma

Ass symptoms pain tenderness weakness

agg gripping twisting easing rest

Quality superficial cramp poor local pain

Location lateral epicondyle

ROM 0-100 active 5 less than passive

Active and passive ROM In opposite direction

stretch test

Cozens test contractile



Muscle wrist extension.

ecrb ecrl


Radiohumeral or superior radioulnar joint problem

Onset sudden or gradusl

Ass none

Agg movement and rest reduce

well localized

Location radio capitellar JT or radial head

palpation radial head

ROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules

in same

Or capsules


Posterior interrosous nerve

Onset gradual or sudden

Ass symptom weakness

Ag easing gripping supination rest

Timing night

Quality radiating

Location radial head or radial tunnel

Special test mills test stretch testCozens test contractileMuscle wrist extension. Palpation ecrb ecrl 2. Radiohumeral or superior radioulnar joint problemOnset sudden or graduslAss noneAgg movement and rest reduceQuality dull boring well localizedLocation radio capitellar JT or radial headSpecial test palpation radial headROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules3. Posterior interrosous nerveOnset gradual or suddenAss symptom weaknessAg easing gripping supination restTiming nightQuality radiating Location radial head or radial tunnelROM opp directionSpecial test ul t t Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination5.C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ

mills test stretch testCozens test contractileMuscle wrist extension. Palpation ecrb ecrl 2. Radiohumeral or superior radioulnar joint problemOnset sudden or graduslAss noneAgg movement and rest reduceQuality dull boring well localizedLocation radio capitellar JT or radial headSpecial test palpation radial headROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules3. Posterior interrosous nerveOnset gradual or suddenAss symptom weaknessAg easing gripping supination restTiming nightQuality radiating Location radial head or radial tunnelROM opp directionSpecial test ul t t Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination5.C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ

ROM opp direction

Palpation ecrb ecrl 2. Radiohumeral or superior radioulnar joint problemOnset sudden or graduslAss noneAgg movement and rest reduceQuality dull boring well localizedLocation radio capitellar JT or radial headSpecial test palpation radial headROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules3. Posterior interrosous nerveOnset gradual or suddenAss symptom weaknessAg easing gripping supination restTiming nightQuality radiating Location radial head or radial tunnelROM opp directionSpecial test ul t t Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination5.C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ

Special test ul t t

Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination


Quality dull boring well localizedLocation radio capitellar JT or radial headSpecial test palpation radial headROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules3. Posterior interrosous nerveOnset gradual or suddenAss symptom weaknessAg easing gripping supination restTiming nightQuality radiating Location radial head or radial tunnelROM opp directionSpecial test ul t t Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination5.C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ


Lnset gradual or suddn

Special test palpation radial headROM active and passive ROM equal and painful in same Or capsules3. Posterior interrosous nerveOnset gradual or suddenAss symptom weaknessAg easing gripping supination restTiming nightQuality radiating Location radial head or radial tunnelROM opp directionSpecial test ul t t Muscle 3 Rd finger extension and forearm supination5.C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ

Weakness and paresthesia

Agg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head

Quality sharp burning

Location c5-6 dermatome

ROM cervical ROM limited

C5-6 radjculopathyLnset gradual or suddnWeakness and paresthesiaAgg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3. Organ

Special tesg distraction neck compression test

Agg cervical and shoulder ROM and easing hand placing top of head Quality sharp burning Location c5-6 dermatomeROM cervical ROM limitedSpecial tesg distraction neck compression test Positive ultt Neurological sensation strength Palpation over nerve trunkAlternative pathology 1.Fascia Anconeus compartment syndrome2. Bone Radial head fractureAvn of radial head 3.

Positive ultt

Neurological sensation strength

Palpation over nerve trunk

Alternative pathology


Anconeus compartment syndrome

2. Bone

Radial head fracture

Avn of radial head

3. Synovium

Posterolateral impingement


Backhand tennis

Racket geip small

Strings too tight

Playing wet heavy ball

Repetivid activities like screwdriver painting typing


stiffness Wrist

Wrist affecting elbow

Wrist flexors tight

Give them prognosis

How long it will take

Example high irritability we have to go slowly

Rate of healing


Time acute subacute chronic

Healing time

Individual tissue

Positive and negative food


Proteoglycn protein

Gag water

Hyaluronic acid


4-6 days

1 week acute phase

Healing and repairing

Pain less and loading joint

2- 3rd week

Maturing and remodelling

At rest no pain

And adl

1 year - 2 year

First two week 50% healed

6 th week- 80% healed

12 th seek 100% healed

Strengthing takes till year

Chronic pain

Beyond 6 months

Collagen tissue immature

Because overload and reinjury

Tendon and ligament insertion

15-18 months 80% normal strength

Ligament or else 8-9 weeks 100%

Muscle 6 weeks to 6 months


Bone 12 weeks 100%

Cartiage 6 months type 1 and 2

Scar tissue type 3 to type 1 but with less vascularity

Diet helps


Votmin A liver carrot

Vitamin b 1 5

VI tamin c








Food sensitivities milk caffeine gluten GI symptoms





Pain dominant

Price regimen

Contractile isometrics for pumping swelling

Non contractile


mobilization graded

Movement for the ab and below joint

Alignment Taping bracing


Stiffness dominant





Resetting gto

Gste control


Immediately relief

Gste controlSSympathoexcitatory Immediately relief Pop is heard when there is a sudden change in joint intra articular fluid pressure

SSympathoexcitatory Immediately relief Pop is heard when there is a sudden change in joint intra articular fluid pressure

SSympathoexcitatory Immediately relief Pop is heard when there is a sudden change in joint intra articular fluid pressure

Pop is heard when there is a sudden change in joint intra articular fluid pressure

Heard due to speed

Vaccum effect when pulls gas

Pop as cavitations

Done 2 times only without pop





Non contractile


Physiological motions

Met pnf contract relax

Repetitive movments


Sustained holds or position

Creep the structure

Dynamic splint

Accessory motion


Resting position

Shoulder abd 55 ext rot 30

Ulnohumeral 90 flex

Wrist neutral and slight dorsiflexion

First cmc neutral thumb

Hip 30 flesx abd 30 ext rotation 20

Knee 25 flex

Ankle neutral

Tarsal semiflex

Mtp and spine neutral


G 1 small pain

G2/ large pain

G3 lsrge to limit stiffness

G 4 small to liimit end range

high velocity


1-5 rep

5-60 sec hold

Static hold

1-5 rep

5&30 sec hold


Low load duration

20 mins

Instability / weakness

Radiohumeral forearm neutral half sup and pron and 25 flexWrist neutral and slight dorsiflexionFirst cmc neutral thumb IP semi flexHip 30 flesx abd 30 ext rotation 20Knee 25 flexAnkle neutralTarsal semiflexMtp and spine neutral Amplitude G 1 small pain G2/ large painG3 lsrge to limit stiffness G 4 small to liimit end range G 5 high velocity Oscillatory 60-120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Post activity pain

flexWrist neutral and slight dorsiflexionFirst cmc neutral thumb IP semi flexHip 30 flesx abd 30 ext rotation 20Knee 25 flexAnkle neutralTarsal semiflexMtp and spine neutral Amplitude G 1 small pain G2/ large painG3 lsrge to limit stiffness G 4 small to liimit end range G 5 high velocity Oscillatory 60-120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Full motion ( eye)

IP semi flexHip 30 flesx abd 30 ext rotation 20Knee 25 flexAnkle neutralTarsal semiflexMtp and spine neutral Amplitude G 1 small pain G2/ large painG3 lsrge to limit stiffness G 4 small to liimit end range G 5 high velocity Oscillatory 60-120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Or by using other joints to complete motion.

Soft end field

Flexibility increased


Hip extensor

G 5 high velocity Oscillatory 60-120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

With independent activation.

60-120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

120 min 1-5 rep5-60 sec hold Static hold 1-5 rep 5&30 sec holdStiffness Low load duration20 mins Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly


Instability / weakness Post activity pain Full motion ( eye)Or by using other joints to complete motion. Soft end field Flexibility increased StrengthingPositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Isometrics hold

Tonic hold like planks with synergic muscles

trunk curl ups

PositioningHip extensor With independent activation. Hold 10 sec 10 rep 2* hourly Progress Isometrics holdTonic hold like planks with synergic muscles trunk curl upsSquats lunges superman bird dog planks Bird dog to standing Multiple muscles togetherStabilization Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing

Squats lunges superman bird dog planks

bird dog planks

Bird dog to standing

Multiple muscles together


Dynamic like therapy ballIntegrative training And drop on ground for Weight bearing


Cervical spine

Foramina diameter

Flexion. Increase

Extension decrease

Ipsilateral side bending and rotation

8 spinal nerve root

C 4 -5

C 5 nerve root affected

Facet joint

C 2 first palpation


Ligamentum nuchae

Controls flexion

45 degreesC 2 first palpation Ligaments Ligamentum nuchae Controls flexionLigamentum flavum Spinal stenosis Controls extensionPll Widest in cervical spine All

Ligamentum flavum

C 2 first palpation Ligaments Ligamentum nuchae Controls flexionLigamentum flavum Spinal stenosis Controls extensionPll Widest in cervical spine All

C 2 first palpation Ligaments Ligamentum nuchae Controls flexionLigamentum flavum Spinal stenosis Controls extensionPll Widest in cervical spine All

Spinal stenosis

Controls extension


Widest in cervical spine


Alar ligament

Tectorial membrane

Cruciate ligament ascending descending transverse


Endplate and disc


Upper cervical spine

Yes nodding


Axis at ear

Side bending

Axis nose

Mia lps

Mia has nice lps




Lower cervical spine

Cervicothoracic spine

C1-2 rotation

Anterior displacment of same side

Posterior displacement of superior articulate facet opposite side

C2-3 6-7

Flex extend up and forward down and backward

Side bending Nd rotation

Pathophysiology of cervical spine


Degenerative spondylosis .

Posterior thinning of disc

Intervertebral foramina

Nerve root impingement

Neck and upper extremity pain

Deep aching pain

Progress to spinal cord

Cord compression.

Unilateral or bilateral lower extremity

Upper motor extremity signs




Loss of finger dexterity




Bowel and bladder


Vertebral artery.

to basiliar artery





Drop attacks

Light headed



at facet joint

No radicular symptoms

And restricted ROM


Negative neuro exam



Neutral zone

By segmental mobility testing

Initial ROM

Toe region

Elastic zone

End range

Stress and. Strain


Intolerance to sustained posture


Neck gets locked

Lying better than sitting


Motor strength

Arom hypermobility

Example torticollis

Too quickly turn to right

Traoing the capsule meniscoid

At c2-3

And need to mobilize it

So main hypermobility

Subclavian artery to basiliar artery DiZiness Diplopia DysarthriaDysphagiaDrop attacks Light headedSyncopeJoint Djd Hypomotility due to osteophytes at facet jointNo radicular symptomsAnd restricted ROM HypomotilityNegative neuro exam HypermobilityInstabilityNeutral zone By segmental mobility testing Initial ROMToe region Elastic zone End range Stress and. Strain SymptomsIntolerance to sustained postureFatigueFrequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

artery to basiliar artery DiZiness Diplopia DysarthriaDysphagiaDrop attacks Light headedSyncopeJoint Djd Hypomotility due to osteophytes at facet jointNo radicular symptomsAnd restricted ROM HypomotilityNegative neuro exam HypermobilityInstabilityNeutral zone By segmental mobility testing Initial ROMToe region Elastic zone End range Stress and. Strain SymptomsIntolerance to sustained postureFatigueFrequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

So needs cervical stability

Ligament ossified pll

SyncopeJoint Djd Hypomotility due to osteophytes at facet jointNo radicular symptomsAnd restricted ROM HypomotilityNegative neuro exam HypermobilityInstabilityNeutral zone By segmental mobility testing Initial ROMToe region Elastic zone End range Stress and. Strain SymptomsIntolerance to sustained postureFatigueFrequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

Hypomotility due to osteophytes at facet jointNo radicular symptomsAnd restricted ROM HypomotilityNegative neuro exam HypermobilityInstabilityNeutral zone By segmental mobility testing Initial ROMToe region Elastic zone End range Stress and. Strain SymptomsIntolerance to sustained postureFatigueFrequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

at facet jointNo radicular symptomsAnd restricted ROM HypomotilityNegative neuro exam HypermobilityInstabilityNeutral zone By segmental mobility testing Initial ROMToe region Elastic zone End range Stress and. Strain SymptomsIntolerance to sustained postureFatigueFrequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosis

Cruciate ligament


A s

Downs syndrome

Weak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens

Red flags

Frequent manipulationNeck gets locked Lying better than sitting Objective Motor strength Arom hypermobilityExample torticollis Too quickly turn to rightTraoing the capsule meniscoidAt c2-3 And need to mobilize itSo main hypermobilitySo needs cervical stabilityLigament ossified pll Hypertrophic and bone formation narrow spinal canal and central stenosisCruciate ligamentRaA s Downs syndromeWeak or LAX cruciate ligament and dens Red flags Numbness in head HeadachesMyelopathyUpper cervical painROM stiffness not willing to move Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

Numbness in head



Upper cervical pain

ROM stiffness not willing to move


Soft disc herniation

Without arthritic changes

Pain to shoulder


Not elbow

Flexion causes pain



Crepitus palpation

Severe pain on compression

Disk herniationSoft disc herniationWithout arthritic changesPain to shoulderScapula Not elbow Flexion causes painBone Fracture Crepitus palpationSevere pain on compression ROM limited Painful weakness in isometrics Jefferson c1 vertebraDens c2 or dens fractureClay shoveler 1 or more spinous processDeconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

ROM limited

Painful weakness in isometrics

Jefferson c1 vertebra

Dens c2 or dens fracture

Clay shoveler

1 or more spinous process

Deconditioned people with manual labor when extended fractures

Thoracic spine


Common site for cancer



On top of t7 vertebra

Rib like the gum on the tooth

So we have the costovertebral joint with radiate ligament

Physiological movement

Flexion superior facet upward and forward

Downward superior and backward




Pain radiates to arm anterior pain

Local tenderness

Shingles herpes zoster

Reactive chicken pox

Affects spinal gsnglis

Radicular pain



Rash dermatome T 5-10



Schuermann disease

Anterior wedge of vertebra

Fixed kyphosis

Stretch concave and strength convex

Anklyosing spondylitis


Fusion and ossification

Bamboo spine

Diffuse back pain

Morning pain decrease with movement

Spinal stiffness

No neuro signs


Idiopathic 80%

CP muscular dystrophy polio sci

Affects ribs so respiratory problems


Pain with movement

Tap test

Difficulty breathing

Prolonged steriod use

Rib fracturePain with movement Tap test Difficulty breathing Prolonged steriod use Compression. FractureMostly Osteoporosis Anterior wedging Flexion most painMay be history of trauma

Compression. Fracture

Mostly Osteoporosis

Anterior wedging

Flexion most pain

May be history of trauma

Tap test positive


Tooth morning breath

Morning stiffness

Disc herniation

Lower thoracic pain

Bandlike pain

Flexion most painful

Slump test positive

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Tunnels made up of



Bony tunnel

Clavicle superior

Inferior 1st rib

Lateral g h JT

Medial spine c7

Large c7 transverse

Elevation 1 St rib

Fracture clavicle

G h JT arthritis

Muscle tunnel

Medial scalene

Lateral pec minor


Brachial plexus

Subclavian and axillary aetery and vein


Common in females

1 St rib elevation

Commo. Cause

Scalene powerful contraction in breathing

Elevated the rib

O trauma at scalene muscle

T 1 nerve root

Arterial stage



Pulse less

Disc herniationRareLower thoracic painBandlike pain Flexion most painfulSlump test positive Thoracic outlet syndromeTunnels made up ofMuscleBone.Bony tunnelClavicle superior Inferior 1st rib Lateral g h JT Medial spine c7 Large c7 transverseElevation 1 St rib Fracture clavicle G h JT arthritis Muscle tunnel Medial scalene Lateral pec minor Content Brachial plexus Subclavian and axillary aetery and vein 25-40 Common in females 1 St rib elevation Commo. Cause Scalene powerful contraction in breathingElevated the rib O trauma at scalene muscle T 1 nerve root Arterial stage Ischemic Colness PainPulse less Subclavian artery nerve compression. Venous Cyanotic Ue swellingHeaviness Subclavian axillary vein Less commo ln Neurogenic Common True neurogenic C 8-t1 Pain ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Subclavian artery nerve compression.

RareLower thoracic painBandlike pain Flexion most painfulSlump test positive Thoracic outlet syndromeTunnels made up ofMuscleBone.Bony tunnelClavicle superior Inferior 1st rib Lateral g h JT Medial spine c7 Large c7 transverseElevation 1 St rib Fracture clavicle G h JT arthritis Muscle tunnel Medial scalene Lateral pec minor Content Brachial plexus Subclavian and axillary aetery and vein 25-40 Common in females 1 St rib elevation Commo. Cause Scalene powerful contraction in breathingElevated the rib O trauma at scalene muscle T 1 nerve root Arterial stage Ischemic Colness PainPulse less Subclavian artery nerve compression. Venous Cyanotic Ue swellingHeaviness Subclavian axillary vein Less commo ln Neurogenic Common True neurogenic C 8-t1 Pain ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

RareLower thoracic painBandlike pain Flexion most painfulSlump test positive Thoracic outlet syndromeTunnels made up ofMuscleBone.Bony tunnelClavicle superior Inferior 1st rib Lateral g h JT Medial spine c7 Large c7 transverseElevation 1 St rib Fracture clavicle G h JT arthritis Muscle tunnel Medial scalene Lateral pec minor Content Brachial plexus Subclavian and axillary aetery and vein 25-40 Common in females 1 St rib elevation Commo. Cause Scalene powerful contraction in breathingElevated the rib O trauma at scalene muscle T 1 nerve root Arterial stage Ischemic Colness PainPulse less Subclavian artery nerve compression. Venous Cyanotic Ue swellingHeaviness Subclavian axillary vein Less commo ln Neurogenic Common True neurogenic C 8-t1 Pain ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling



Ue swelling


Tunnels made up ofMuscleBone.Bony tunnelClavicle superior Inferior 1st rib Lateral g h JT Medial spine c7 Large c7 transverseElevation 1 St rib Fracture clavicle G h JT arthritis Muscle tunnel Medial scalene Lateral pec minor Content Brachial plexus Subclavian and axillary aetery and vein 25-40 Common in females 1 St rib elevation Commo. Cause Scalene powerful contraction in breathingElevated the rib O trauma at scalene muscle T 1 nerve root Arterial stage Ischemic Colness PainPulse less Subclavian artery nerve compression. Venous Cyanotic Ue swellingHeaviness Subclavian axillary vein Less commo ln Neurogenic Common True neurogenic C 8-t1 Pain ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Subclavian axillary vein

Less commo ln



True neurogenic

C 8-t1


Positive emg

Non specific neurogenic

Irritability of nerve

Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain.

PainPulse less Subclavian artery nerve compression. Venous Cyanotic Ue swellingHeaviness Subclavian axillary vein Less commo ln Neurogenic Common True neurogenic C 8-t1 Pain ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Median and ulnar nerve

Burning tingling numbness

Arm over the head

Side bending head

Repetitive mocmen of hand

ParesthesiaPositive emg Non specific neurogenic Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Sleeping over head

Dysfunction in bony and muscular tunnelIrritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Irritability of nerve Lateral neck and supraclavicular pain. Median and ulnar nerveBurning tingling numbness Arm over the headSide bending headRepetitive mocmen of handSleeping over headEasing support and holding close to bodyMostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Easing support and holding close to body

Mostly poor posture

4 common signs in tos

Positive ultt

Paradoxical breathing


Mostly poor posture4 common signs in tos Positive ultt Paradoxical breathingScalene Pec minor tendernessRoos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Pec minor tenderness

Roos adson militaryNot only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

Not only pulse absent but also

Not only pulse absent but also Numbness and tingling

but also Numbness and tingling




3 bones

Temporal bone ( temporalis muscle)

Zygomatic arch ( Masseter )

Medial pterygoid closes the mouth

Both for jaw closure

Sphenoid bone ( lateral pterygoid muscle )


Upper portion.

Lower portion


Auricularis anterior and superior

Wiggle ears

Cranial nerve

Ophthalmic nerve


Mandibular nerve

Eye forehead


Diff pain back to ear

Ear symptom

Digastric muscle ham

Anterior belly

Trigeminal and other nerve

Depress mandible


1 bone

Ginglymoarthrordial joint

G hindge

A glide.

Depression. Mouth opening

Normal more 40 mm

40-30 fork 30 20 piecds 20 push food

Protrusion 4-6 mm

Lateral deviation 10 mm

Close med pterygoid temp mast

Open lat pterygoid digastric

Retrusion stylohyoid geniohyoid. Mylohyoid


Signs and symptoms

Pain muscle of mastication

And front of ear lateral face pain

Join clicking popping crepitus

Ass symptoms


Ear pain

Dizziness inner ear and tmj attached

Pressure. In middle ear

Muscle hypertrophy

Muscle atrophy


Tmd classification

Capsulitis / synovitis



chewing on jaw post op operation

Pain at rest

Pain at palpation

Pain with loading on contralateral side

Bc ipsi contract and contra distraction

Capsular fibrosis


Opening less than25 mm

Deviation towards the affected side

No joint sounds

Not painful just stiffness

Tmd classified

muscle disorders

Pain on palpation.


Click thud

Causes subluxation

Yawning eating

Opening 60 mm more



Pain at rest Pain at palpationPain with loading on contralateral sideBc ipsi contract and contra distractionCapsular fibrosis Hypomotility Opening less than25 mm Deviation towards the affected side No joint soundsNot painful just stiffnessTmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Pain at rest Pain at palpationPain with loading on contralateral sideBc ipsi contract and contra distractionCapsular fibrosis Hypomotility Opening less than25 mm Deviation towards the affected side No joint soundsNot painful just stiffnessTmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Pain at rest Pain at palpationPain with loading on contralateral sideBc ipsi contract and contra distractionCapsular fibrosis Hypomotility Opening less than25 mm Deviation towards the affected side No joint soundsNot painful just stiffnessTmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Pain at rest Pain at palpationPain with loading on contralateral sideBc ipsi contract and contra distractionCapsular fibrosis Hypomotility Opening less than25 mm Deviation towards the affected side No joint soundsNot painful just stiffnessTmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Pain at rest Pain at palpationPain with loading on contralateral sideBc ipsi contract and contra distractionCapsular fibrosis Hypomotility Opening less than25 mm Deviation towards the affected side No joint soundsNot painful just stiffnessTmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

No pain but muscle guarding pain

Anterior disc displacement

No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.

Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight down

Tmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Tmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Tmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Tmd classified3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Reciprocal joint sounds.

3. Masticatory muscle disorders Pain on palpation.HypermobilityClick thud Causes subluxation Yawning eating Opening 60 mm moreTrauma Dislocation No pain but muscle guarding pain Anterior disc displacement Open straight deviates c shapes curve and comes back straight downReciprocal joint sounds.OsteoarthritisUnilateral involvedPain with palpationLimit opening Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured


Unilateral involved

Pain with palpation

Limit opening

heard with stethoscope

R a

Bilateral Involved

Bony ankylosis

Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery

Crepitus heard with stethoscopeRadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

RadiographR a Bilateral InvolvedBony ankylosis Fibrous ankylosis trauma or surgery Intracapsular Treatment Pain scale Jaw disability checklist Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured



Pain scale

Jaw disability checklist

Improve in 6-8 weeks .cannot be cured

Shoulder special test and scapula

Internal impingement

Hawkin kenedy

Neer test

External impignment

Painful Arc syndrome

R c

do empty can/jobe test subacrominal impingement or RC pathology

then do

Full can impingement

RC lesion

Speeds internal rotation and desist flexion and external rotate resist extension bicepts pathology

Shoulder instability

Anterior apprehension test / crank test

And then release test

Relocation test

Posterior instability

Miniaci test

Horizontal adduction and internal rotation and end position abduction. And external rotation. Load and shift Sulcus test

And external rotation.

Load and shift

Sulcus test

Slap lesion

Internal rotate and lift to 90 with resistance

External rotate and lift to 90 add resistance

Positive if pain is less than 2nd position

Shoulder ROM

Apley scratch test

Both hands touching the back with internal and external rotation

Lack of shoulder muscle strength

Muscle strength

Behind muscle

Serratus anterior

Short lever hand and add resistance

Observation for scapular winging

Subscapular muscle

Lift off sign

Back on dorsum of back on lumbar spine

Lift off

If can then add resistance

Scapula dyskinesia


scapular assisted test

Fix clavicle with one hand

In abduction assist the scapulae in inferior angle if pain less then lower trape and serrtus anterior weakness

S r t

Scapular resisted test abduction and stabilize clavicle and spine of scapula

Forearm fix on scapular

And perform empty can test and resist

Weakness in lower trap and serratus anterior


Flexion 140-150


Pro and sup 90 without added adduction trip movement to supination.

Passive end field


Elbow flez extension sup and pronation with wrist flexion and extension

Joint play



Palpation on ligament below the olcron and flex to 30


Ulnarohumeral joint

70 flex

10 supination.

and distal glide

Radiohumeral joint




Joint line and thumb on radial head

5 supinationExtension Distraction. RadiohumeralJoint line and thumb on radial head PA glide to chest Across the flexors to radial head caudal

PA glide to chest

Across the flexors to radial head caudal

Tennis elbow

Cozen test

Palpate lateral epicondyle

Pron radial and wrist extension

In extension apply resistance

Dorsal and distal glide Radiohumeral joint 5 supinationExtension Distraction. RadiohumeralJoint line and thumb on radial head PA glide to chest Across the flexors to radial head caudal Tennis elbow Cozen testPalpate lateral epicondylePron radial and wrist extensionIn extension apply resistance Mills testHold the humerus Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully Pain positive testLateral epicondylitis test Extensor digitorum Hand on latersl epicondyleResist 3rd finger Medial epicondyle Golfers elbow Palpation on medial epicondyleExtend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch

Dorsal and distal glide Radiohumeral joint 5 supinationExtension Distraction. RadiohumeralJoint line and thumb on radial head PA glide to chest Across the flexors to radial head caudal Tennis elbow Cozen testPalpate lateral epicondylePron radial and wrist extensionIn extension apply resistance Mills testHold the humerus Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully Pain positive testLateral epicondylitis test Extensor digitorum Hand on latersl epicondyleResist 3rd finger Medial epicondyle Golfers elbow Palpation on medial epicondyleExtend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch

Mills test

Hold the humerus

Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully

Pain positive test

Palpate lateral epicondylePron radial and wrist extensionIn extension apply resistance Mills testHold the humerus Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully Pain positive testLateral epicondylitis test Extensor digitorum Hand on latersl epicondyleResist 3rd finger Medial epicondyle Golfers elbow Palpation on medial epicondyleExtend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch

Lateral epicondylitis test

Pron radial and wrist extensionIn extension apply resistance Mills testHold the humerus Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully Pain positive testLateral epicondylitis test Extensor digitorum Hand on latersl epicondyleResist 3rd finger Medial epicondyle Golfers elbow Palpation on medial epicondyleExtend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch

Pron radial and wrist extensionIn extension apply resistance Mills testHold the humerus Flex wrist prona and extension the elbow fully Pain positive testLateral epicondylitis test Extensor digitorum Hand on latersl epicondyleResist 3rd finger Medial epicondyle Golfers elbow Palpation on medial epicondyleExtend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch

Extensor digitorum

Hand on latersl epicondyle

Resist 3rd finger

Medial epicondyle

Golfers elbow

Palpation on medial epicondyle

Extend forearm and extension of wrist and stretch


Wrist and hand

Active passive



Ulnar and radial deviation


Fix on trapezium and flex the thumb


Join play

radio carpal

Towel and hand out of the table


Ap and pa glide

Medial and lateral glide

And fingers also

Phalen test

Full flexion bilateral

Tinels sign for carpal tunnel test

Index finger towards the elbow on nedia n nerve

Positive tingling on median nerve thumb index and middle finger

Point at which paresthesia shows axon growth

Allen test

Radial and ulnar artery

Open and close and squeeze hand fist and compression of both artery

And release one of the artery

Them again for the other artery

To see the dominance

Digital blood flow

Capillary refill test

Return in 3/sec

Arterial insufficiency


For abductor pollius tendon

Finkelstein test For abductor pollius tendon Extensor longus tendon Paratendonitis inflammed Ulnar deviation

Extensor longus tendon

Paratendonitis inflammed

Ulnar deviation


Gait cycle

Heel strike

Loading response


Terminal stance

Pre swing

Initial swing


Terminal swing

Active range


x 120

Add 30

Abd 30-50

MidswingTerminal swingActive range Flex 120Add 30Abd 30-50 Ext Int flex to 90 40-60// 30-40 bring outwards and inwards Ext 10-15Passive range with end field Isometrics

0Add 30Abd 30-50 Ext Int flex to 90 40-60// 30-40 bring outwards and inwards Ext 10-15

0Add 30Abd 30-50 Ext Int flex to 90 40-60// 30-40 bring outwards and inwards Ext 10-15

Ext Int flex to 90 40-60// 30-40 bring outwards and inwards Ext 10-15

outwards and inwards

Ext 10-15

Passive range with end field



Ischium and extension

Opp pelvis fix and abduction

Figure 4 and adduct

To 90 and external rotation and internal rotation


Do not let me move you

If pain in

Extension external rotation adduction

Glut max affected

Flexion and extension

Put to abt 30 degree

Joint play

Abd external rotation flex

Long lever

Short lever

Flex abd ext rot

Distract with hand

Lateral distraction

Hand and joint line

Traction perpendicular to greater trochanter

Leg on the therapist shoulder

Quadrant test/hip scouring

Add internal compression in short lever aand abduction external rotation compression in arc movement

Irregularity in movement

And also instability

Hip abductor

Hold on to the wall

Lift on leg up

Pelvis should rise not be on the same level

Elys test

Rectus femoris contracture

Hip and knee flexion tightness

Thomas test

Excessive lumbar lordosis

Extended leg lifts off

Or if abducts then it band tightness

Rectus femoris / Kendall test

The knee joint lifts from 90- 80 abv

Obers test

Lower leg flexion

Stabilization pelvis

In extension

Lower leg to table

Piriformis test

Side lying

Pelvis fix and knee bend and down pressure to the bed

Positive of pain in buttock or radiating pain down the leg



In flex and extension so comes close to 20 to extension

Backsaver sit and reach test

Positive if cannt reach the toes

Bent knee stretch test

Proximal hamstring tightness

One leg fixed and other hand reach Positive if cannt reach the toes Bent knee stretch test Proximal hamstring tightness And extend kneePain at ischial tuberosity Weber Barstow maneuver Scoilosis Foot pronation

reach Positive if cannt reach the toes Bent knee stretch test Proximal hamstring tightness And extend kneePain at ischial tuberosity Weber Barstow maneuver Scoilosis Foot pronation

Pain at ischial tuberosity

And extend kneePain at ischial tuberosity Weber Barstow maneuver Scoilosis Foot pronation

Weber Barstow maneuver

Scoilosis Foot pronation

Foot pronation

Patrick Faber figure four test

And press to treatment people

Hip jt


Iliopsoas spasm

Anterior labral tear test

Labral year

Ext rot abd flex

Arc in

Int rot add extension

With without click

Or pain

Going out side of eye

Posterior labral tear test

Flex add Int rotation

Ext rot abd extension

Going outside

In side of eye

Sign of buttock

Abscess in buttock



Flex kne and bend knee more

If can't bend positive sign

Knee joint


Flex 135

Extension 0 -15

Ask to Quad contract

Patella in flex up and laterally

Extension down and medially

Int rot and external rotation

In bring inward ankle 20-30

Ext 30-40

Bring ankle outward


Unaffected to affected limb

Foot to buttock +flexion





Inferior glides

Lift hip 30

Knee Int and external rotation 30


Knee and ankle

Flex and ext

Dorsi and plantarflexion

Ankle included because muscles included

Joint play

Sitting and pull knee

Anterior glide

Sit on ankle

Ap and from back pa glide

Ap glide on fibula

Grasp head of fibula

Fix tibia

And push backwards

Patella tap test

Large Swelling

Up and down stroke and lockTake one finger and tap on it

Take one finger and tap on it

Take one finger and tap on it

Brush/stroke/budget test

Sma swelling

Medial to up

Lateral to down

And then look for wave on medial side

Apleys test

Meniscus tear


Fix leg with own leg and medial and lateral rotation.

And distraction

Ligament affected

Then compression

Medial and lateral rotation

Meniscus damage

McMurray test

Tibia rotate medially and extend

Lateral meniscus.

Tibia in lateral rotation...

Medial meniscus.

Positive click .lock. Pain

Like cutting the hair in nose

Thessaly test.


Stand and flex on knee

Rotate on tibia 3 times on each side

Pivot shift test


Extended to flex

Tibia sublux on femur

Positive clunk noise

Anterior drawers test

Acl test

Sit on foot and pull the leg

Posterior drawer test

Pcl tear

Same as anterior drawer but push backwards

Posterior sag sign

Both tibial tuberosiw

In line

If positive

Slowly extend knee with hip 90

Shift back in anterior direction

Lachman test

Ant and posterior hand

Push up and down from tibia and femur

Varus and valgus stress test

In 2 angles

Leg on therapist lap fully extended

And knee in 20-30 flexion


Frontal plane

Nose to sternum




Iliac crest

Asis spine

Trunk and arm length .

Apex of patella .

Varus and valgus position.

Line from earlobe to pelvis

Lumbar in


Asis psis 15 degree

Knee hypeeeztended

Spine of scapula

Psis glut fold

Achilles tendon


0-35 dura movement

35-70 sciatic

More than 70 joint pain

Neri sign

Flex trunk

Flex ankle dorsiflex

Slump test

Slump trunk



Ultt 1

Median nerve

Leg dorsiflex Ultt 1Median nerve Shoulder depression abduction 10 extend elbow and fingersUltt ulnar 110 Extend Hand touching the earUltt 3 Radial Pronation

Ultt ulnar

Shoulder depression abduction 10 extend elbow and fingersUltt ulnar 110 Extend Hand touching the earUltt 3 Radial Pronation



Hand touching the ear

Ultt 3

Radial Pronation





Depress with your hip

AcroiumSpine of scapulaPsis glut foldKnee levelsAchilles tendon Slr 0-35 dura movement 35-70 sciatic More than 70 joint painNeri sign Flex trunk Bragard sign Flex ankle dorsiflex Slump test Slump trunk Head Leg dorsiflex Ultt 1Median nerve Shoulder depression abduction 10 extend elbow and fingersUltt ulnar 110 Extend Hand touching the earUltt 3 Radial Pronation Depress with your hip Cluster of wainner /cervical radioculopathy Ultt A Cervical spine assessment Movement actve Distraction test Spurling test Prone instability test HypermobilityProne Pa pressure see if painLift legs off ground and apply pressure if pain reduces Stability exercises needed Prone knee bending test Lumbar radioculopathyL2-3 femoral nerve Prone position. Flex knee Prone lying

Knee levelsAchilles tendon Slr 0-35 dura movement 35-70 sciatic More than 70 joint painNeri sign Flex trunk Bragard sign Flex ankle dorsiflex Slump test Slump trunk Head Leg dorsiflex Ultt 1Median nerve Shoulder depression abduction 10 extend elbow and fingersUltt ulnar 110 Extend Hand touching the earUltt 3 Radial Pronation Depress with your hip Cluster of wainner /cervical radioculopathy Ultt A Cervical spine assessment Movement actve Distraction test Spurling test Prone instability test HypermobilityProne Pa pressure see if painLift legs off ground and apply pressure if pain reduces Stability exercises needed Prone knee bending test Lumbar radioculopathyL2-3 femoral nerve Prone position. Flex knee Prone lying

Cluster of wainner /cervical radioculopathy

Ultt A

Cervical spine assessment

Bragard sign Flex ankle dorsiflex Slump test Slump trunk Head Leg dorsiflex Ultt 1Median nerve Shoulder depression abduction 10 extend elbow and fingersUltt ulnar 110 Extend Hand touching the earUltt 3 Radial Pronation Depress with your hip Cluster of wainner /cervical radioculopathy Ultt A Cervical spine assessment Movement actve Distraction test Spurling test Prone instability test HypermobilityProne Pa pressure see if painLift legs off ground and apply pressure if pain reduces Stability exercises needed Prone knee bending test Lumbar radioculopathyL2-3 femoral nerve Prone position. Flex knee Prone lying

Movement actve

Distraction test

Spurling test

Prone instability test




Lift legs off ground and apply pressure if pain reduces

Stability exercises needed

Pa pressure see if painLift legs off ground and apply pressure if pain reduces Stability exercises needed Prone knee bending test Lumbar radioculopathyL2-3 femoral nerve Prone position. Flex knee

Prone knee bending test

Lumbar radioculopathy

femoral nerve

L2-3 femoral nerve Prone position. Flex knee

Prone position. Flex knee

Prone lying

Muse strength testing

And length testing


Grade 0 no movement no feeling movement

Grade 1 trace or flicker of movement

Grade 2-graviry eliminate rom full

Grade 3 against gravity full rom

Grade 4 ful ROM moderate resistance

Grade 5 full ROM full resistance

Lift off sign

weakness o subscapular muscle

Lateral rotation. Lag sign

Lateralrotation weakness of teres minor and infraspinatus

Hold In lateral rotation

If arm comes to neutral or anterior positive test

Lat Dorsi

Ext add internal rotation.

Scap and 90, flex

Extend and medially rotate arm

And palpste muscle

Serratus anterior

Flex the arm and apply pressure or on the wall

Rhomboid weakness

Palapste the medial border of scapula

Ask to extend the arm and index finger gets pushed away strength normal

Trap muscle

Generally abduction to 110 and add resistance

Shrug shoulder uppee frap

Prone u shape Nd Abduction

Prone 120 degree and resist extension


Piriform test

Side muscle

Side lying

Touch kne to bed

Obers test

Thomas test

At hip

Kendall test

Thomas but knee

Ely test

Prone lying

Hip and knee flexion both occurs the. Muscle tight


90 90


Stretch test

Pec major and minor tightness

Hand behind Nd the head

Shoulder to bench

Pressure at corcoid pressure

Downward pressure

If tight pec minor tightness

Biceps tightness

Patient out of bed

And hand is stretched down



Flex and lateral rotate the arm and flex forearm

Si joint

Cluster of laslett

1Asis pressure

Check for Bilateral si joint pain

2 Side lying vertical pressure 3Sacral thrust testHand on apex of sacrumPosterior force

4Hand on si

Press leg down


Come to Side of bench

Right side flex

And opp leg extend down

Van der wurff cluster

Distraction. Test

Anterior part of ilium and seperate

Side lying compression test

Down Ward pressure

Thigh thrust test

One hip to 90

Palpate opp ilium

Pressure down on flex hip

Patrick or faber test

Figure 4

And pressure Down the knee

Gaeslen test

Out of bed one leg out of bed one leg flexed

Patrick test

Figure 4 test

Piriform test

Side lying knee to bed

Patient history

RPS form




Reference from gp

Screened for red flags

If not gp then screen fed flGs and refer bck .

Health seeking question

Chief complains

Body function

At site like





Pain intensity nprs

Rest 5/10

Load 9/10

Activities psc

3 specific activities in difficult

Walking 5/10

Stair climbing 8/10

Making bed 4/10


Plsyyi g tennis


Martial status

Coping strategies


Environment factor

4th floor

Barriers or facilitators

Shoulder impingement

Primary impingement

Structural cause


External impingement

Full can

RC pathology


Secondary impingement

RC pathology full can

Scapular dyskinesia



Biceps or slap

O brien

O shape resistance

DOwn add external rotation.

And then internal rotation

If less pain in 1st position positive

Speed test

G I r d

Thoracic outlet syndrome

3 sites


Eye brow

Scalene Muscle

No venous tos


BT pec minor tendon


Roos test

All 3 interval of brachial plexus nerve



Adson test

Scalene muscle

Extension abduction external rotation. Radial pulse palpate e tend head and breath and hold breath

Eden test

Military brace test

CCostoclavicular SPACe

Brachial plexus

Compression clavicle

Palpate pulse if less positive

Wright test

Hyperabduction test

Crank position.

Pec minor

Palpate radial pulse

Hyper abduction shoulder

And palpate pulse


Bridge of nose is thinned

Joint space is narrowed

So weight reduction.

Stretch ham glau quad





Also at hip movements



Knee brace

Also assistive aid



Aquatic exercises


Cane like a earring whole

If one side damage then hold on opp side

You can see it on the same side for knee and ankle

Quad cane

With distance small closer to you