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39 Cards in this Set

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phenylalanine is degraded to ___ by ____
tyrosine by phenylalanine hydroxylase and needs tetrahydrobiopterin
PKU results from a complete definciency of ___
phenylalanine hydroxylase
how to tx PKU
diet low in phenylalanine and supplemented with tyrosine
this gives a dark pigment found in urine and cartilage
alkaptonuria - deficiency of homogentisate oxygenase
what are the branched chain amino acids
leucine, isoleucine and valine (degraded by muscle)
what is defect in maple syrup urine dz
defective branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase
steps of cysteine synthesization
homocysteine + serine --> cystathionine (cystathianine synthase) --> cleaved to cysteine and alpha-ketobutyrate (cystathionine lyase) ----- both req PLP
deficiency of cystathionine synthase
def of cystathionine lyase
common genetic dz ; defective rabsorptive transport of cystine and several others - COAL (cystine, ornithin, arginine, lysine) - cystine forms cystine stones
intestinal and renal transport protein defect --> tryptophan and leucine transport problems --> pellagra like symptoms (niacin def) -->
hartnup dz
important amino acid derivs
porphyrins, purine and pyrimidines
type III pryphyrins are
normal type
type I porphyrins are
small part of total porphyrins but in certain dz's --> accumulate and are toxic (cong erythropoeietic porphyria)
porphyrinogens are
precursors to prophyrins (colorless)
what are major sites of heme biosynthesis
liver and bone marrow
which enzymes are inhibited by lead
ala dehydrogenase and ferrochelatase
which enzyme is inhibited by heme
ala synthase
porphyrias ar
genetic disorders of prophyrin synthesis
symptoms: cutaneous sensitivity to light --> skin damage, rash, scarring
cong erythropoetitic porphyrira
symptoms: abd pain and psych symptoms
acute intermittent porphyria
prec factors; ethanol intake, high hepatic iron levels, estrogen, hepatitis and viral infections
porphyria cunea tarda (also skin blistering and reddish urine)
deficiency in porphyria cunea tarda
hepatic urophorphyrinogen decarboxylase
direct bilirubin represents
diglucuronide form of bilirubin
indirect bilibrubin representes
conditions that increase indirect bilirubin
hemolysis, crigler-najjar, gilbert syndromes, low levels of conjugate enzymes in newborns (deficiency of bilirubin glucuronyl-transferase), hepatic damage
conditions that increase direct bilirubin
intact bilirubin-conjugation in liver ; may have biliary obstruction (clay-colored stools)-- hepatic damage, dubin-johnson, rotor syndrome
why is PRPP important
used in pyrimidine synthesis and purine salvage rxns
what is first step of de novo biosynthesis of purine nucleotides
IMP (inosine-5'-monophosphate)
regulation of purine synthesis
first 2 steps are feedback inhibited by final products AMP and GMP AND PRPP stim's purine syntheiss
what does adenosine deaminase do
deaminates adenosine to inosine (important bc a deficiency --> SCID)
what is final breakdown produce of purine degradation
uric acid --> urine
xanthine oxidase is important why
bc it catalyzes two rxns hypoxan --> xanth and xant --> uric acid
adenosine deaminase deficiency
build up for adenosine --> SCID --> adbnormalities in T and B cells
lesch-nyhan syndrome
deficiency of HGPRT --> 2nd'ary gout
hyperuricemia (incr production of urate, decr excretion of uric acid or both
tx for gout
allpurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor)
orotic aciduria is a def of ___ ; tx is ____
UMP synthase ; tx = oral uridine
what does methotrexate do
inhibit dihydrofolate reductase