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43 Cards in this Set

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Political doctrine or philosophy that aims to defend interests of the common people against a corrupt/elite government.
*More radical than progressives
Jacob Riis
Photography pioneer: used photo journalism to help poor laborers/lower class
George Washington Plunkitt
Ward boss--NY's "Tammany Hall Machine"
a rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards--low income housing
the process of human movement and centralization towards and into cities and urban areas
Jane Addams and Hull House
Jane Addams: founder of Hull house and social worker. Hull house was a settlement house for the poor and offered night schooling..almost like a community center
Nativists that favored political reform, used populist ideas but less radically.
Lester Ward
1st president of American Sociological Association
A journalist, author, or filmmaker that investigates and exposes societal issues. Ex: Upton Sinclair
Social Gospel movement
Reapplicator of Christian principles to social problems as seen in progressivism & "Christians Against Poverty"
Ida Tarbell
Leading muckraker, wrote "History of Standard Oil Company"
Walter Rauschenbusch
Christian Minister, part of social gospel movement. Wrote "Christianity and the Social Crisis"
Florence Kelley
abolitionist republican, went to Hull House, served as a factory inspector. Helped establish Food and Drug Act of 1906 and founded the National Consumers league.
National Consumers League
Founded in 1899. Set and produced standards to help consumer safety.
Ida B. Wells
Muckraker: exposed black lynchings in the South
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Civil rights organization; fought Jim Crow laws, Ida B. Wells attended 1st meeting
Robert LaFollette
Progressive politician: 20th governer of wisconsin, ran for president. Anarchist that advocated election reforms. (Primaries, recall, workmen's compensation laws)
A petition which can propose a constitutional amendment or persuade the posting of legislation
Muller v. Oregon
Restricted discrimination against women, a woman was forced to work more than 10 hour days. The case ended in favor of the woman.
Louis Brandeis
Supreme court justice, appointed by Woodrow Wilson. "The Brandeis Brief" provided supreme court in Muller v. Oregon w/info on how long working hours affected women.
John Dewey
Leading representative of US progressivism schooling. Founder of philosophical school of Pragmatism.
Margaret Sanger
Founder of American Birth Control League (became Planned Parenthood).
Knights of Labor & Terrence Powderly
Nativist organization founded by Terrence Powderly that sought to bring laboreres together: wanted to achieve "emancipation" from this slavish workplace.
J.P. Morgan
Formed G.E., U.S. Steel Corporation. Merged large companies to make one monopoly
Homestead Act
Law that gave 160 acres of land to settlers in West.
Restrictions of Immigration
Chinese Exclusion Act, Contract Labor Law
Government plays protecting role in society: encourages exports and discourages imports (esp. through tariffs)
Friedrich List
Economic philosophy that gov't sets standards that all factories must obey. Production, NOT consumption. More focus on common good.
Free-market trade/economies: minimal gov't role. Individuals do what is best for nation.
Vertical Integration
Company owns every step in production; ex. Carnegie Oil
Horizontal Combination
Owns/sells one specific product to numerous markets; ex. Standard Oil
National Labor Union
Helped improve laborers' conditions by stabilizing wages and shortening hours.
Haymarket Square, the Haymarket 8
Riot for laborers rights and conditions when a bomb went off: end of Knights of Labor. 8 men convicted of throwing bomb; all German and were linked to anarchy.
Square Deal
1. Threatened to use army to keep mines open for miners
2. Used Sherman Anti-Trust Act to reduce monopolies
3. Added Dept. of Commerce and Labor 4. FDA 5. Meat Inspection. 6. Conservation of massive areas to Ntl. Forests
Difference between Poplulist (People's Party) and Progressives
Populists: Lower classes, radical ideas
Progressives: Upper class whites with less radical populist ideas, nativists.
Acts to Control Monopolies:
1. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
2. Interstate Commerce Act--regulated railroads, no discrimination
3. Hepburn Act--helped ICC, let gov't view railroad $ records
4. Clayton Act--eliminates price discrimination between purchasers
Pullman Strike
In depression of 1893, want for cars dropped and Pullman cut wages by 28% and did not lower rents for apts. they owned. Sparked railroad workers across nation to strike.
Great Railroad Strike
B&O Railroad wagecuts provoked strike, extremely violent strike. National Guard forced to intervene.
Homestead Act
Battle between labor union and Carnegie Steel Co. in Homestead, PA. Pinkertons were sent to stop strikers, and failed. Ntl. Guard had to oppress strikers.
Lincoln Steffens
One of the most influential muckrakers--used journalism. Exposed city bosses, urban machines.
AFL, Samuel Gompers
Saw capitalism as path to bettering labor, aimed to better lives of workers but not by challenging corp. owners. S.G. founded org. and was opposed to socialist views.
Eugene Debs
Eugene Debs: Socialist, founded ILU and ran for president. Participated in Pullman Strike.
American Protective Association
Anti-Catholic secret society, made up of mostly Irish Protestants. Wanted to make English a prerequisite for immigrants.