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21 Cards in this Set

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Albany Plan of Union (1754)

Meeting of colonial leaders at Albany, New York. The purpose was to unite the colonies and discuss the common threats they faced political and economic, including the possibility of a war with France

Proclamation of 1763

Imaginary line that British colonists were not to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, into Native American / French disputed territory

Boston Massacre (1770)

A crowd of Boston colonists were taunting British soldiers, the Red Coats fired on the colonists killing 5 motivating Samuel Adams to promote anti-British feeling among the colonists in Boston Massachusetts

13 American Colonies

The New England Colonies- Religion

The Middle Colonies – Trade / Business

The Southern Colonies – Agriculture

Stamp Act (1765)

Taxed all printed materials such as, legal documents, playing cards, and newspapers. It was repealed because:

First, the Colonies were never taxed before. Second, they had no representatives in Parliament to discuss the tax

Declatory Act (1766)

Gave Parliament the power to tax, make laws, and have the authority to make decisions for the colonies in all cases.

Townshend Acts (1767)

Tax that applied to imported goods, paid at the port, Taxed goods were glass, tea, paper and lead

Tea Act (1773)

Parliaments actions were to save the British East India Company from bankruptcy and the British Crown allowed the company to sell tea to the colonies at cheaper cost.

Boston Tea Party (1773)

Boston colonists, dressed up as Native Americans, and threw 342 chests of tea overboard the East India Company ship.

Coercive/ Intolerable Acts (1774)

1.Parliament wanted to punish the Boston colonist for the Tea Party

2.Closed Boston harbor until the colonist of Massachusetts paid for the tea

3.Banned town meetings

4.Royal Officials were to be tried in other colonies or Britain

5.Forced Bostonians to shelter Red Coats in homes.

Continential Congress (1774)

Delegates from all colonies (except Georgia) met in Philadelphia to discuss the idea of becoming Independent from Great Britain.

Battle at Lexington and Concord (April 1775)

Massachusetts colonists were stockpiling weapons at Concord, British soldiers were ordered to disarm the colonist, on the way to Concord, Minutemen (Patriots) meet at Lexington and shots were fired.

Battle at Trenton and Princeton (1776)

(1776) General George Washington crossed the Delaware River December 25, 1776 led a surprise attack on Hessian (German mercenaries) soldiers stationed at the Old Barracks Fort in Trenton.

Battle of Saratoga (1777)

Patriot forces defeated British General Burgoyne and reclaimed the North, this victory allowed France to declare war on Britain and join the fight. The turning point in the war!!!

Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776

Had four major sections:

1) Preamble, introduction that states people who wish to form a new country should explain their reasons.

Next two sections deal with colonists rights and grievances against Britain

Final section deals with the existence of a new nation The struggle for American Independence, the American Revolution had begun

Valley Forge (1778)

General George Washington and his troops endured a winter of terrible suffering, lack of food, clothing, and shelter. His greatest challenge was keeping the Continental Army together.

Victory at Yorktown (1781)

General Cornwallis surrendered to Washington forces, ending the war!!!With the help of French Naval bombardment, and troop reinforcement

Treaty of Paris (1783)

A formal peace agreement, was signed by Great Britain and recognized the United States as an independent nation

George Washington

Served as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, Kept the Continental Army together at Valley Forge, and America’s First President

Federal System

National government and State governments share power

Bill of Rights

First 10 Amendments of the Constitution, granted personal freedoms, liberty, and natural rights