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9 Cards in this Set

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French and Indian War
-1754-1763, also known as the North American part of the Seven Years War
-Seven Years War fought not just in America, but also in Europe, the West Indies, the Philippines, Africa, and in ocean waters
-Land disputes over Ohio Valley in mid-1700s
-George Washington and group of militiamen start war when they fired upon a small detachment of French troops near Fort Duquesne in 1754, killed French leader of group
-French troops soon appeared with reinforcements, surrounded Washington's makeshift "Fort Necessity" and forced surrender within 10 hours
-Started F&I War
-French put more troops in European fighting rather than the New World, allowing the British to succeed
-In 1757, William Pitt put in charge of London government
-Nicknamed "Organizer of Victory"
-Concentrated of Quebec-Montreal areas
-Helped Britain to victory in 1763
George Washington (Prior to Revolutionary War)
-1754: Sent to Ohio country as a lieutenant colonel in command of 150 Virginia militiamen
-Encountered French troops about 40 miles from Fort Duquesne and fired upon them, beginning F&I War
-French troops soon appeared with reinforcements, surrounded Washington's makeshift "Fort Necessity" and forced surrender within 10 hours
-Washington allowed to march troops out with full honors of war, but still humiliating
-Later aiding General Braddock as his assistant
-After battle outside Fort Duquesne where Braddock was killed, Washington was left in charge of remaining 300 troops, where they attempted to defend the frontier
-After war, British refused to recognize any American militia commissions above the rank of "Captain"
General Braddock
-60 year old officer experienced in European warfare from Virginia
-Sent with 2,000 men in 1755 to capture Fort Duquesne
-Moved slowly with heavy artillery
-Attacked a few miles from Fort, French troops surrounded them
-Braddock mortally wounded
-George Washington left in charge of remaining 300 troops
Albany Plan of Union
-Proposed by Benjamin Franklin
-20+ representatives from various colonies gathered in Albany, NY to discuss a unified government for all thirteen colonies
-Representatives also planned their defense related to the French and Indian War
George III (the "crown")
-England emerged as the world's greatest colonial power after Seven Year's War
-Made a lot of anti-French laws in colonies
-Peace of Paris
Salutary Neglect
-Refers to an unofficial and long-lasting British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws
-Meant to keep the American colonies obedient to England.
Peace of Paris (1763)
-Fall of Montreal pushed France to end war
-By the time treaty created, French power was thrown completely off the North American continent
-Great Britain emerges as the dominant power in North America
Pontiac's Rebellion
-Confederation of Native American tribes
-May, 1763 Native Americans attacked a number of British forts and settlements
-Hundreds of Englishmen killed/captured
-Natives EXTREMELY brutal
-Biological warfare used against Natives (blankets infected with smallpox)
-Ended with peace treaties in 1764
Battle of Quebec
-William Pitt chose James Wolfe to take over Quebec
-Wolfe has been officer since age 14
-Attacked a poorly guarded part of rocky eminence protecting Quebec at night
-Ambushed Quebec in the early morning
-French led by Marquis de Montcalm
-By the end of the battle, both officers were mortally wounded, but the city was in the hands of the English