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52 Cards in this Set

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When did the Spanish-American war start?

1898, from April to August

What were the causes of the Spanish-American war?

-Inspired by aggressive & patriotic press campaign.

-Intended to protect US business interests.

-An unfortunate misunderstanding, caused by the Maine incident.

-The misrule of the Spanish & Cuba's closeness to America; America had to intervene.

-US fears of an independent Cuba that it could not control.

-US's desire for more territory & business

-a 'Christian mission'

-a deliberate distraction for Americas economic depression.

-Part of Americas tendency to confuse selfish US interests with progress & wellbeing of other people.

-The strong imperialistic attitude of McKindly & many influential Americans, coupled with popular support & strategic importance of Cuba, were probably most significant.

Where was the Spanish Navy destroyed in the Spanish-American war?

Manila Bay in the Philippines, largely due to the fact that America had a modern navy and Spain did not.

Whom gained large amounts of fame due to the Spanish-American war?

Theodore Roosevelt and his 'Rough Riders'

Why did Spain surrender in the

Spanish-American war?

There army in Cuba was defeated by American and Cuba troops and their navy was destroyed at Manila Bay.

What was the treaty that ended the

Spanish-American war?

Treaty of Paris

What was the result of the Treaty of Paris?

-US would gain Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

-Spain was required to withdraw from Cuba.

How did American opinions change after the Spanish-American war?

"Cubans were not ready to rule themselves." - This is however largely seen as an excuse to ensure that US businesses could operate there.

Why didn't America annex Cuba?

The Teller Amendment (passed in 1898, in response to Mc Kindly's war message) forbid the annexation of Cuba. Which was likely passed due to sugar plantation owners in the US Teller fears competition from Cuba.

When and what was the Platt Amendment?

1901, gave America greater control over Cuba and gave them Guantanamo Bay as Coal refueling station.

When did the Platt Amendment expire and what was the impact?

1934, gave Cubans more autonomy and relaxed tensions.

Who was the pro-American dictator that was came into power in Cuba in 1934?

Fulgencio Batista, who ruled cruelly.

Prior to 1934 when did America return to Cuba to maintain order?



How did life change for the residents in Cuba?

Arguably better, initially better than under Spanish rule. Many companies took over large amounts of Cuban land & broke up the Cuban village system, which was based on communal ownership. This was done to increase sugar production. It caused rural depopulation and Cuban communal landowners were reduced to being laborers. The education system was used to impose American culture on the Cubans.

Under what act was the US to administer Puerto Rico?

Organic Act of 1900

When was Puerto Rico given its own legislature to deal with local matters, along with its citizens also granted US citizenship?


What was the era US' involvement in the Caribbean and Central America called?

The era of Banana Wars

What does the term Dollar Diplomacy mean and who invented it?

Dollar Diplomacy: The US foreign policy of advancing American business interest, using military power if necessary.

Invented by: President (William) Taft

In the 1860s who came into power in Mexico?

Emperor Maximilian (European)

What happend in Mexico in 1867?

Mexican Republicans executed Emperor Maximilian.

In what 18th decade did Mexico see stability?


In the 1870s when Mexico saw stability what was America's reaction?

To encourage business investment.

When did Mexican Revolution (civil war) break out?

1910 (to 1920)

With the Panama Canale under construction what was Woodrow Wilson's reaction to the Mexican revolution?

Sent US forces to 'restore order' in 1914 & 1916. To ensure no strategic threat to the US.

After American intervention in the Mexican Revolution relations remained tense until?

1920, when a new administration came into power in DC with a greater competence in Mexican rule, this improved relations.

In 1860s who tried to negotiate with Columbia about a canal and what was the outcome?

William Seward

The outcome was that the Senate stopped him.

What were the 3 locations a canal could be built?




Who stirred up the Panamanian independence movement in 1902?

A French company along with American aid.

When was Panamanian independence established?


Why did Columbia not intervene?

The US had ships of the shore of Panama to discourage Columbian intervention and to encourage Panamanians.

How wide was the strip that America acquired from Panama.


In 1903 along with Panama becoming an independent republic what was it made?

A protectorate

When and what was the Theodore's corollary to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823.

Sanctioned US armed intervention when it was felt necessary to prevent financial or political collapse.

When was the canal finished?


When did Teddy Roosevelt send US marines to the Dominican Republic to "allegedly" prevent European powers taking action to collect debts owed to them.


With US warships of the shore of the Dominican Republic what happened to the county?

-It became a US protectorate; with americans running the economy.

When and why did marines return in the Dominican Republic?

From 1916 until 1924 when "order was restored". To 'police' or protect US interests

What year was the trained US marine dictator put in power of the Dominican Republic and what was his name?

1930, Rafael Trujillo

What did Rafael Trujillo allow?

US business interests to dominate the economy of the Dominican Republic.

What led the president of Nicaragua into debt and what was the said presidents name?

Armed conflict with its neighbors.

President Jose Zelaya.

What led to US intervention in Nicaragua?

-Internal conflict

-Threat to US business interests

When was Nicaragua announced as a US protectorate?


What did being a protectorate mean for Nicaragua?

- US fleet and Marines sent

- US managed the Nicaraguan economy

What 19th decade did the Americans leave Nicaragua and why did they leave?

1930s; they left as a pro-American dictator was installed. The Somoza Family.

What led to the arrival of US marines in Haiti?

-Foreign debts

-Internal unrest

-Fear of intervention by others

When did the US marines arrive in Haiti?


When did the US marines leave Haiti?


How many Haitians died under US occupational rule?

10,000 died

Who ruled the country of Haiti under American occupation?

Pro-American dictators and the US controlled the economy.

What ended the 'age of intervention'?

-The economic depression

-FDR's Good Neighbor Policy

What was the the Good Neighbor Policy?

'It was a policy that resulted in the propping up dictators of varying brutality who supported US business and strategic interests.'

Although the policy was supposed to respect the rights of other nations in the Americas & to place more focus on co-operation & trade and less on the use of military force.

What was the reason for US involvement in Central America & the Caribbean?

A mixture of commercial, business and strategic interests.

Often the reasons for interventions were altruistic (bring stability, keep order, peace and democracy) however the inhabitants of those places often suffered. Wages often fell and one harsh dictator was replaced by another.