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181 Cards in this Set

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The delegates of the Constitutional Convention met wtih the intention of forming a new government.
The Articles of Confederation had no judicial system.
The National Bank was the key to the rest of Hamilton's financial program.
After the Revolutionary War, people claimed to be Americans.
The Jay Treaty was popular with the people in America.
There was nothing said in the Constitution about how many terms a person could serve as president.
The delegates of the Constitutional Convention were brought together under false pretenses.
We owed France, and should have helped them when Britain declared war on them, however, we could not afford to go to war at the time.
The creation of the cabinet is found in the Constitution.
The Articles of Confederation created a weak national government on purpose.
John Marshall said he could not issue a writ of mandamus because it was unconstitutional.
People's loyalty remained to their state after the Revolutionary War.
Napoleon had a dream of an American empire.
The Articles of Confederation stated that the government could collect taxes.
James Madison only wanted to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Americans were unhappy with Thomas Jefferson's explanation that it was an implied power of the President to buy the Louisiana Territory.
The French people started a revolution by storming King Louis XVI's castle.
The biggest argument of Hamilton's financial plan was about paying back the state loans.
Judicial review was given to the Supreme Court in an amendment to the Constitution.
All the states made claims to land west of the Appalachian Mountains; the problem was that many of the claims overlapped.
President Jefferson sent people over to France to offer $5 million, then $10 million if necessary for the Louisiana Territory.
Under the Articles of Confederation, most of the power remained with the states.
It was up to the states to enforce the laws the Articles of Confederation Congress made.
France impressed American sailors and seized U.S. ships.
The Federalists lost control of the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch in 1800.
Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory due to the slave revolt in Haiti.
Successful revolutions are contagious.
Which of the following was the root of all the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?
They had no authority over individual citizens and very little over the states.
Why would Maryland not ratify the Articles of Confederation?
States had claims to the territory between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.
Which of the following is a reason Jefferson was given why he could not wait to buy the Louisiana Territory?
Napoleon might change his mind
Which of the following caused many to think the states should have some type of union?
Spirit of Republicanism
Which of the following is not true about the Louisiana Purchase?
The people of the U.S. were against purchase.
What led to Judicial Review?
Midnight Judges
The South's economy went back pretty much like it was before the Civil War.
The South needed a new system of labor after the Civil War.
President Johnson thought reconstruction was the job of the President only.
President Johnson's reconstruction policies were based upon charity.
Mississippi and Georgia refused to ratify the 13th Amendment.
At first Congress only wanted to modify Presidential Reconstruction.
Congress failed to pass an extension of the life and power to the Freedman's Bureau at first.
Most of the Congress, after the Civil War, was made up of Northern Democrats.
The Mississippi Plan was accepted throughout the South.
President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act after he first vetoed it.
The 13th Amendment was the official end of slavery.
Most Blacks depended on whites for their livelihood after Reconstruction.
Radical Republicans were willing to give federal land in the north as well as taking land from the planters to give to the Freedmen.
The Moderate Republicans didn't want to grant too much power to the federal government.
The new forms of Southern government looked too much like the old ones under Presidential Reconstruction.
Booker T. Washington encouraged African Americans to demand their equality.
After the Civil War the South had to work out the meaning of emancipation.
Most of the Congress, after the Civil War, was made up of Northern Democrats.
The Mississippi Plan was accepted throughout the South.
President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act after he first vetoed it.
The 13th Amendment was the official end of slavery.
Most Blacks depended on whites for their livelihood after Reconstruction.
Radical Republicans were willing to give federal land in the north as well as taking land from the planters to give to the Freedmen.
The Moderate Republicans didn't want to grant too much power to the federal government.
The new forms of Southern government looked too much like the old ones under Presidential Reconstruction.
Booker T. Washington encouraged African Americans to demand their equality.
After the Civil War the South had to work out the meaning of emancipation.
Radical Republicans wanted to take land away from planters and redistribute it.
President Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights bill but passed the Freedman's Bureau.
Due to Radical Reconstruction, there were more blacks registered to vote than whites in the South.
After modification attempts failed, Congress wanted to take full control of Reconstruction.
Legislatures under Radical Reconstruction used property taxes to raise money.
Tenant farmers wanted to grow tobacco.
The Moderate Republicans wanted to destroy the planter class.
The South developed many new industries during Reconstruction.
Booker T. Washington believed that Blacks should learn a trade and earn their equality.
Most Blacks supported the Mississippi Plan.
What allowed the Planter class to regain control over state legislatures in the South?
Mississippi Plan
What was the first time Congress overturned a veto on major legislation?
Civil Rights Act
Which of the following was not a Supreme Court ruling that favored segregation?
Civil Rights Act
What ended Reconstruction in the South?
Compromise of 1877
What was the name of the agency that was developed to help African Americans adjust to their new freedom?
Freedman Bureau
Which of the following was NOT a part of the Reconstruction?
Forty Acres and a Mule
What kept African Americans away from the voting polls?
Jim Crow Laws
Which of the following is the Plessy vs. Ferguson court case?
Separate but equal was legal
Which of the following did President Johnson NOT do?
Gave them grants to farms
What caused the tobacco industry to boom?
Cigarette making machine
What laws were passed in Southern states that were intended to stop movement of freed African Americans and return them to plantation labor?
Black Codes
Which of the following was NOT a part of Reconstruction Legislatures?
Who believed that the purpose of Reconstruction was "to restore the proper and practical relations between those states and the Union?"
President Lincoln
Which of the following was not a reaction to freedom by the African Americans?
Started the NAACP
The poll tax and proof of literacy were associated with which of the following?
Jim Crow Laws
Which of the following is NOT a policy the radicals wanted to use to achieve their goals?
Disband Southern legislatures
What did the Southern states vote to reject?
14th Amendment
Which of the following was NOT a problem of Reconstruction legislatures that we talked about?
No respect
Which of the following did Congress hope to achieve with a conviction in President Johnson's impeachment?
Give Congress more power
What greatly expanded in the South after Reconstruction?
Laissez faire capitalism calls for government intervention.
The Sherman Anti Trust Act outlawed all monopolies and trusts that restrained trade.
Most women worked because the families needed the income.
The purpose of the blacklists was to hurt the employers.
Karl Marx wanted to overthrow the communist economic system.
The typewriter allowed users to quickly produce easily legible documents.
Carnegie's real financial success came from him learning to reduce production costs.
An American built the first horseless carriage.
The Union Pacific and the Eastern Pacific were the two companies to build the first transcontinental railroad.
The Great Upheaval was a year that the U.S. experienced a great number of strikes.
A company with a monopoly has complete control over price and quality.
No one argued that rapid industrialization was harmful and unjust to the working class because our economy was doing so well.
Thomas Edison's workshop was located in New York.
Whale oil replaced kerosene.
Typing pools provided jobs for clerical workers.
Black Gold was a nickname for oil.
The Great Upheaval involved violence.
A value of self-reliance led many leaders to support the ideal of laissez faire.
The Sherman Anti Trust Act didn't do any good.
A contract promising that a worker would not join a union was called a yellow-skunk contract.
The increased availability of steel led to widespread industrial use.
What is not an item that determines what and how much is made in a free market economy?
What was not a way companies persuaded customers to use their products?
Free samples
Who proposed a political system that would remove the inequalities of wealth?
Karl Marx
Where did the two railroads meet to drive the final spike on the first transcontinental railroad?
Promontory, Utah
Who made railroad luxury passenger cars?
Who was a pioneer in communications technology?
Thomas Edison
Who made their fortune by inventing an air brake for railroad cars?
Who made significant contributions to the light bulb?
Who owned the Standard Oil Company?
John D. Rockefeller
Who was a pioneer of the railroad industry?
Cornelius Vanderbilt
What was not an area that Thomas Edison made significant discoveries in?
What was the first product to be refined from crude oil?
What word did the book use to describe Thomas Edison?
What caused the Pony Express to close down?
Who owned the first power plant?
Thomas Edison
Who helped develop a transformer that could transmit a high voltage alternating current?
What union was opened to skilled and unskilled workers?
Knights of Labor
What union supported the Pullman Strike?
American Railway Union
What union was started just for skilled workers?
American Federation of Labor
What are people who oppose all forms of government called?
What was the theory that the "fittest" people, businesses, or nations should and would rise to positions of wealth and power called?
Social Darwinism
What is the belief that the economy will prosper if businesses are left free from government regulation?
free enterprise
What is a guarantee to protect an inventor's rights to make, use, or sell the invention?
Company money
What is grouping several companies under one board of directors to eliminate competition and to regulate production?
What were major railroads that were connected by feeder lines to outlying areas called?
trunk lines
What is gaining exclusive control of an industry called?
What is the idea that individual ownership of property should not be allowed. Property and means of production are owned by everyone in the community?
What is it called when a company sells shares of ownership, called stock, to investors in order to raise money?
What is acquiring companies that provide the materials and services which the main enterprise depends upon called?
vertical integration
What is the economic system where private businesses run most industries and competition determines how much goods cost and workers are paid called?
What is it called when a company controls other companies producing the same product?
horizontal integration
What outlawed all monopolies and trusts that restrained trade?
Sherman Anti Trust Act
What was the method of steel-making that burned off the impurities in molten iron with a blast of hot air called?
Bessemer Process
Who established the famous settlement house in Chicago and what was it called?
Jane Addams; Hull House
Give the names of two people that were a part of the nouveau riche.
Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt
What caused cities to grow upward?
What caused cities to grow outward?
mass transit
What two types of filth could you find outside the crowded tenements?
raw sewage and piles of garbage
True or False: Many Americans saw immigrants as too different to fit into American society.
True or False: Immigrant workers did not play an important role in operating factories that contributed to a strong U.S. economy.
True or False: Between 1865 and 1900 the percentage of Americans living in cities tripled.
True or False: Immigrants were often urged by employers, public institutions, and sometimes even family members to join the American mainstream.
What law did President Grover Cleveland veto?
to make the immigrants take a literacy test
What were economic depressions called before they were called depressions?
What was the name of the immigration station in the New York harbor?
Ellis Island
What was the name of the immigration station in San Francisco Bay?
Angel Island
What means "newly rich?"
nouveau riche
Many American members of the new upper class imitated the social behavior and etiquette of what culture?
British Victorian
What kept wages low for working-class men and women?
Ever-growing population of immigrants eager to work
Why was pollution so horrible in the tenement areas?
They were built next to the factories in the adjoining industrial areas
Why did many of the nouveau riche spend their great wealth freely?
So that everyone would know how successful they were
What Act denied citizenship to people born in China and prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers?
Chinese Exclusion Act
What caused people in California to be less tolerant of Chinese workers in 1873?
Unemployment following the Panic of 1873
List 3 of the 4 things that they screened immigrants for at immigration stations?
mental illness, criminals, disease
These people were mostly Protestants from Northwest Europe.
Old Immigrants
New class of American city-dwellers that made their fortunes from businesses of the Second Industrial Revolution.
nouveau riche
Buildings that housed many poor city-dwellers in the late 1800s and the early 1900s.
Requiring parents to send their children to school.
compulsory education laws
Organizations that helped immigrants in cases of sickness, unemployment, and death.
benevolent societies
Public transportation systems, such as commuter trains and subways.
mass transit
Style of music created by African American pianists in the 1890s.
Residential neighborhoods on the outskirts of a city.
Community service centers that were founded in the late 1800s.
settlement houses
Poor accommodations in a ship's lower levels.
People that mostly came from southern and eastern Europe.
new immigrants
Large, multistory buildings
A style of sensational reporting used by newspapers to attract readers.
yellow journalism
Spending money just to display one's wealth.
conspicuous consumption
"Light Play."