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77 Cards in this Set

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World's Banker & Policeman
Leader of the World
Once you get it, you start losing it.
Only 2 Countries have been Hegemony
Subsistence Communities
Non-monetary economy that relies soley on natural resources.
They have just enough to get by.
Capitalist World System
First World: Core Countries
Second World: Semi-Peripheral Countries
Third World: Peripheral Countries
Global Policeman
Hegemony Country.
USA is hegemony country as of now (2013).
Iron Curtain
Churchill divided Europe into 2 seperate areas; Communist countries & Capitalist Countries
Joseph McCarthy
Known as "Tailgunner Joe".
Created a new definition of loyalty-conformity
He wanted to expose communist thus accucsed everyone of being one.
HIgh Noon
Western film that criticized HUAC's communist hunts.
Beat generation.
Jazz slang.
Hippies w/o flowers.
Right to Work
Worker has right to work at a job w/o having to join a union.
Jackie Robinson
Acquited for refusing to move to the back of a bus in Forthood, TX.
Played football with Kenny Washington & Woody Strode.
In 1947 he signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Woody Strode
First black in the newly integrated NFL.
After retirement he became Hollywood's "tough guy".
Pro-Segregation by Thurmond.
Checker's Speech
Nixon accused of corruption for accepting gifts so he defends hisself by giving a speech on t.v.
The name "Checker's" is a reference to a puppy dog.
The area between India and China.
SE Asia.
Dien Bien Phu
Battle between the French & Vietnamese.
Vietnam won.
Ralph Ellison
Wrote "Invisible Man" (Do NOT get it confused w/ "THE Invisible Man").
In the book, the character was described as having no individuality. No one gave him credit b/c he was black.
Rosa Parks
A young woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus.
She along with others planned this event, including getting arrested.
Ella Baker
Speaker for African American civil rights and human rights.
JFK boat that malfunctioned (when he was in the Army before becoming President).
He swam to a nearby island with 2 boys and a rope until someone found them.
Brown vs. Board of Education
Marshall attacks the principle and not the specifics saying that segregation stigmatizes a group of children, wrecking their self esteem for life so no, we're not equal.
Clarks Doll Experiment
Children were tested to see which doll (out of the options given) were cuter, smarter, better, etc. For each question asked all of the children pointed to the lighter doll.
The test was re-done in 2006 and the same results appeared.
Thomas Midgley
Worked for General Motors.
He created lead in gas as well as chlorofluorocarbon in aerosole bottles.
Freedom Riders
Inspired by Bayard Rustin.
"Journey of Reconciliation"
CORE & SNCC were involved.
Civil rights activist who rode buses into the south to challenge supreme court who said segregated buses were unconstitutional.
Freedom Summer
Voter registration drive in MS where 3 philedelphia workers were murdered. 2/3 were white northeners.
Cuban Missile Crisis
U.S. heard of missled being aimed towards U.S. from the soviets but Kennedy stopped it only to find out later that the soviets had some in Cuba pointed towards U.S.
Daisy Girl
Commercial from Johnson stating that Goldwater will cause a nuclear war so do not vote for him.
Malcolm (X) Little
As a youth he was a petty criminal. Upon leaving jail he became a spokesman for the Nation of Islam (Black superiority, seperation of races)
"Plymouth rock didn't land on us, we landed on Plymouth rock".
Converted to Sunni Islam & became Muslim and changed his name, again.
Young Patriots
Children of Appalachian emigrants.
Southern Whites.
Black Panther Party supported.
My Lai
Village in Vietnam.
Soldiers massacred 350-500 people.
U.S. attempted to cover it up.
Ralph Nader
Nadar the Crusader.
Brought attention to dangers of vehicles.
Consumer activist.
Stone Wall
Effort to draw attention to those w/o full rights (gay's).
Riot that started in NYC at a gay club names Stone Wall for gay rights.
Red Power
American Indian Movement.
Got attention by Occupation Alcatraz (prison).
Title IX
Band gender discrimination in higher up education.
To allow female athletic programs.
Stagnant economic growth and high inflation at the same time.
Three Mile Island
Nuclear power plant that caused a partial meltdown.
Equal rights amendment
Equal rights under law regarding your sex.
Non-discriminatory because of sex.
Law did not pass.
Lower taxes.
Cuts in social programs (welfare, food stamps, school lunches, etc).
Sandra Day O'Connor
First woman on Supreme Court.
Iran Contra
Overthrow social government of Nicargua.
U.S. made deal w/ Iran to sell them weapons in secrecy.
U.S. took the money to help rebels.
Policy allowed for free speech & open debate.
Ethnic Cleansing
An attempt to wipeout mass groups of people.
Marshall Plan
America's aid to Europe (Germany & Japan) to prevent spread of communism expansion.
Truman Doctrine
U.S. aid to British Empire.
U.S. becomes global policeman (hegemony)
U.S. stepped in to prevent anyone from becoming commuist.
House Committee on UnAmerican Activities.
Investigations into Hollywood because of alleged communist activites.
Blacklisting The Hollywood 10
Seduction of the Innocent
Werham warned that comic books were a negative form of pop literature and serious cause of juvenile deliquency.
Strom Thurmond
S.C. Dixiecrats.
2nd longest serving senator in U.S.
Ran for Presidency.
Democrat. Pro-Segregation.
Mutually Assured Destruction
Massive retiliation.
Nuclear bomb.
"You attack us, we both die."
U-2 Incident
Spy plane U.S. pretended not to know about but eventually admitted to it.
Kerner Report
To figure out what happened and why L.A. cops pulled over and arrested a black guy.
Factors: White racism, poverty black frustration, need for public housing.
Caused a huge riot.
Black Power
Self Determination & Self Identity.
Carmichael said this after 27th arrest.
Take pride in being black.
Black is Beautiful
"Say it loud, i'm black and i'm proud"
Be proud and not ashamed of being black.
Culturally proud.
Black Panther Party (BPP)
Black nationalism to marxism (police the police).
Black liberation army. They would follow cops around neighborhoods as self defense.
Cesar Chavez
Leader of labor rights for United Farm Workers.
Latino activism.
Salvador Allende
Socialist. President of Chile in 1970.
U.S. killed him and put dictator in his place.
Ralph Abernathy
Stood alongside Dr. MLK Jr
Leader of SCLC and led March of DC May 1968
Earl Warren
Chief justice of supreme court
Liberal though thought to be a conservative
Stokely Carmichael
Co-founder of SNCC
Black Power
Julian Bond
Protestor for Civil Rights
Co-founder of SNCC
Chairman of NAACP
Fred Hampton
led BPP in Chicago.
Killed by Chicago police in his bed. Over 100 rounds fired.
Thomas E. Dewey
Led in all of the polls again Truman so everyone thought he would win but Truman actually defeated him.
Newspapers had Dewey on front cover already printed but changed it when Truman won.
Bayard Rustin
Founder of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Organized bus and freedom rides
Dr. MLK Jr's role model
War on Poverty
Appalachian whites mostly in poverty.
Food stamps, headstart, legal services, etc
Affirmative Action
Nixon said "the consequences through poverty over generations needed to be changed".
Former liberals.
Wanted to be hard on communist.
Military Industrial Complex
Eisenhower warned against this.
Government get tied up with defense business results in more wars and threats only to keep the defense businesses' in business.
Port Huron Statement
60 students for democratic party.
Manifesto of N. American student activist.
Southern Manifesto
Resistence to forced integration.
Denounced Brown as "a clear abuse of judicial power". Released by Southern Senators.
Taft-Hartley Act
Suspend strikes w/ 80 day cooling period.
Requires Union officials to swear they are not communist and authorized states to pass "right to work" laws.
Milton Friedman
Conservative economist.
Opposed Kearnes who's philosophy is "government spending money stimulates the economy".
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP lawyer.
"Seperate but equal"
He belived this was not true. we did not have the same as whites.
1st black on supreme court justice.
George Wallace
Governor of Alabama.
Baracaded doors of UofA to prevent segregation.
Barry Goldwater
5 term U.S. senator from Arizona. Republican party, ran for pres against Johnson.
Extremely aggresive against communism.
Robert Williams
NAACP leader of N.C.
Defend yourselves.
He broke w/ non-violence.
"Negro's with guns"
William Gaines
Comic book editor who testified against congress about the violent comic books.
Warsaw Pact
Soviet Union's response to NATO.
Mutual defense between 8 communist states to defend each other.
Hubert Humphrey
Young mayor of Philidelphia,
Time for democratic party to get out of shadow of states rights and walk for the rightly into bright sunshine of human rights.
VP of Johnson
Great Society
Johnson initiatives that strengthened power of federal government and advanced domestic liberal goals.