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52 Cards in this Set

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What makes books easy to be copied
Gutenburg's printing press
king and queen get married for spain
ferdinand and isabella
kicking out muslisms, ferdinand and isabella accomlish this
who gives columbus a charter to America and why
Spain, Spices
who drew the first map of the new world
Americo Vespuchi
how many indians were in mexico
50 million
What outlaw lands in mexico
whats the name of the language cortez uses
Aztec leader
who were the conquistadors
conquered the new land
oldest European settlement
St. Augustine
Where does the dutch land to trade
New York
woodland civilization also known as
3 main indian groups in U.S.
Pueblo, Woodland, Missipian
Differences between Indians and Europeans
Movement, Land use, Gender roles, View of nature
Similarities between Indians and Europeans
Communities, Trade, Violence
Who criticized the Catholic church
Martin Luther
charge catholics put on people to get out of purgatory
Monarch who really wants a son
King henery
King henery's first wife
Catherine of Aragon
Name of the english church apart from catholic
Church of England, Anglican
2 marys
Mary Queen of scotts, bloody mary
Oldest son enherits
First stock buisness
Joint Stock Company
Responsobility of government to get country rich
columbian exchange
imported and exported plant animals and diseases between spain and the new world
3 reasons the power shifts from balanced between europeans and indians
disease, disruption of culture, dependence on europeans
long term interactions between indians and europeans
diplomacy,war, trade
first attempt to settle in virginia is where
what happened in roanoke
governor john white left his daughter and grand-daughter for 3 years and when he came back they were gone
What is the second attempted settlement in virginia
Who introduces tobacco to jamestown
John rolfe
what is made by the starving times in 1609
martial law
what is the first representitive democracy
house of burgesses
what are similar to slaves before slavery is in america
indentured servitude
what is the 2nd colonized state
Why did pilgrims come to Plymouth
Religious freedom
Religious leaders are the civil leaders
Who believed strongly in Pre-destination
John Calvin
Who starts city on a hill
John winthrop
What christian wants seperation between church and state
Roger william
what was new york's orginal name
New ampsterdam
Who founded pennylvania
William Penn
Where were the first Slaves in America from
What are the 4 original crops of the south
tobacco,rice,indigo, and sugar
What 2 main factors caused spain to be weakened
War Debt, Spanish Armada destroyed
Who claims Louisiana
De La Salle
How many slaves are taken out of africa
How many slaves are taken to the united states and what percent is it
430,000 3.6%
Name of the governor who denied retaliation against indians
what is the name of the rebellion against governor burkley
Bacons rebellion
4 factors leading to the shift in slavery
racism, fear of indentured servants, change of life expectancy, change in supply