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195 Cards in this Set

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Who controlled the overland routes to Asia?


What country first discovered a sea route to Asia?


What was the most important legacy of the Protestant Reformation?

The emphasis onthe authority of Scripture.

Why did the Protestants go to the New World?

To escape persecution as a result of theReformation.

Which country dominated New World exploration in the sixteenth century?


Why did Indian population drop dramatically?

Primarily because of disease fromEuropean settlers.

What was the first permanent English settlement in America named?


What does the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is the doctrine that says...?

...that says every believer can pray to God directly.

Who was the “pioneer” of the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther of Germany

Who was an Aztec emperor?


Who journeyed to China during the rule of Kublai Khan?

Marco Polo

Who was the first modern European to reach the Western Hemisphere?

Christopher Columbus

Who was the first European to sail to India?

Vasco de Gama

Who was the first to round the southern cape of Africa?

Bartholomeu Dias

Who discovered Newfoundland for the English?

John Cabot

Who circumnavigated the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who helped Jamestown to survive with discipline?

John Smith

Why did settlers come to America?

For religious freedom, land, and riches.

What was the major differences between Pilgrims and Puritans?

Over staying in the Anglican church.

What was the primary motivation for the settlement of Massachusetts?

Religious freedom

The Puritan attitude toward the Anglican church was that they wanted to...

...to stay inthe church and improve it.

Why was Connecticut different from Massachusetts?

Because it did not require church membership for voting.

Which state was a haven for religious dissenters?

Rhode Island

Before the English came, New Jersey was settled by...?

The Swedes and Dutch.

What was the first self-governing assembly in America?

The House of Burgesses

Who found a refuge in Maryland?

Roman Catholics

Why was Georgia settled?

To protect the colonies from Spain and as a place for prisoners to be sent.

A charter colony was governed by...?

...a trade company or business.

Who led a small group of Pilgrims to Plymouth on the Mayflower?

William Bradford

The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Pilgrims when they first arrived as a...?

....a document of self-government.

What state was the Quakers “Holy Experiment”?


A royal colony was controlled...?

...directly by the king.

What was the first written constitution in America?

Fundamentals Orders of Connecticut

Antinomianism is the belief that...?

...obedience is not necessary for a proper relationship with God.

Who was banished from Massachusetts for believing in the separation of church and state?

Roger Williams

Who was expelled from Massachusetts for Antinomianism?

Anne Hutchinson

Who explored the New York region?

Henry Hudson

Who undertook the “Holy Experiment"?

William Penn

The two largest non-English groups in America were the...?

...Scotch-Irish and Germans.

Who took land in the backcountry?

Scotch-Irish and German settlers

The German immigrants who settled in PA were called...?

...Pennsylvania Dutch

Why were Epidemics more common in the 18th century colonies?

Because of crowded cities.

The “colonial style” of architecture was borrowed from where?

Tudor England.

What was an important native American food?


Why did Puritans emphasize education?

Primarily because they wanted children to study the Bible.

In education, why did the Middle Colonies and the South lag behind New England?

Because the population was scattered in rural areas.

Who used inoculations against smallpox.

Cotton Mather

What was the first city to have a public library in America called?

Charleston, S.C.

____________________ provided the best access to the backcountry.

The Great Philadelphia Wagon Road

What was the standard text in the colonial period?

The New England Primer

Poor Richard’s Almanac was written by whom?

Benjamin Franklin.

What was the most influential religious movement in colonial America?


Puritans became known as _______________.


What is a summary of doctrine in question-and-answer form?


Who wanted to remove old ceremonies from the Church of England?


Episcopal polity is the rule by...?

bishops who appoint lower officials.

Who believed that believers should leave the Church of England altogether?


Who were Low church Anglicans?

A doctrinally sound group that wanted to keep the old ceremonies of the Church of England.

High church Anglicans believed...

...the traditions of the Church were divinely ordained.

Presbyterian polity is the rule by...?

elders elected from among the people, who in turn elect higher officials.

What is complete political independence for each church?

Congregational polity

The Half-Way Covenant allowed for...?

...the baptism of children of unconverted parents.

Who believed in guidance by “inner light”?


Who preached “sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”?

Jonathan Edwards

Who was an outstanding British evangelist during the GreatAwakening?

George Whitefield

What was at the heart of the Louisiana Territory?

The Mississippi River

Why was the French a threat to the 13 colonies?

Because of their strong alliances with the Indians, the British had difficulty defending scattered settlements, and the failure of the colonies to present a united front.

Why did the Iroquois ally with the British?

Because the Iroquois’ enemy had joined the French.

The French and Indian War was a “world war” that brought an end to what?

French power in the new World.

Who commanded a force by that clashed with the French near the Ohio River to start the French and Indian War?

George Washington

Who had stronger Indian allies during the French and Indian War than the British?

The French

What was Britain’s biggest disadvantage during the French andIndian War?

Lack of colonial unity

Why was Franklin’s Albany Plan a failure?

Because the colonists feared centralized government.

Who were the Acadians?

They were French settlers forced to leave Nova Scotia.

What was the British 3-part plan to win the 7 Years’ War?

To leave fighting in Europe to its ally, Prussia, to use its fleet to isolate the French colonies, and to replace old and incompetent commanders.

What was the key campaign of the French and Indian War?

The capture of Quebec.

What brought an end to the French and Indian War?

The Treaty of Paris

What was one of the major reasons that the colonies were taxed after the French andIndian War?

The reason was that the British needed money to pay for the war.

Why dud Nationalism(love of country) grow in the American colonies?

Because the colonies were isolated from the help of Britain, private ownership of land gave Americans a stake in their society, and the colonies were used to self-government.

What was the first successful example of colonial unity?

the Stamp Act Congress.

The French called the territory they claimed along the Mississippi River_________.

(Hint: Named after their King Louis)


During the Boston Massacre the British killed how many unarmed Patriots?

Five unarmed Patriots.

Who was the colonial commander who fought the first skirmishof the French and Indian War?

George Washington

Who proposed to unite the colonies against France?

Benjamin Franklin

Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty who could get people fired up?

Sam Adams

______________ is surprise attack by small hidden groups.

Guerilla warfare

What is “’Power of the purse”?

It's the requirement that salaries, taxes, and expenditures be scrutinized by elected officials.

What did the Proclamation Line ban?

Colonization past the Appalachian Mountains.

What was the Stamp Act?

The British attempt to tax legal and commercial documents in the colonies.

What was the Sons of Liberty organization?

The organization that opposed the tyranny of British rule.

What was the Quartering Act?

The requirement that the colonists help provide for the British Army.

What were the Townshend Acts?

A series of direct taxes on colonial goods like glass.

What was the crucial issue behind the War of Independence?

Practical self-government.

What sparked the Coercive Acts?

The Boston Tea Party

What was a major accomplishment of the First Continental Congress?

To assert the rights of the colonies to govern themselves.

What was a major reason thecolonists lost the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The American soldiers running out of ammunition

Who wrote Common Sense and what did it encourage?

Thomas Paine, encouraged independence from Britain.

Who tried to defend New York City and why?

George Washington, because giving up the city without a fight would damage support for the war.

Why was the Saratoga campaign an important victory for the Patriots?

Because it brought France into the War on the side of the colonists.

Who agreed to hand over a fort and has been known for his treasonever since?

Benedict Arnold

“_________" helped the war effort by using guerilla warfare.

“Swamp Fox”

Who were the Loyalists or Tories?

They were the colonial supporters of the British during the American Revolution.

Who was the Virginian Patriot whose speeches supported the war?

Patrick Henry

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was a member of the committee that drafted the Declaration ofIndependence and an American negotiator for the Treaty of Paris?

John Adams

Who was the British general who surrendered his army atYorktown?

Charles Cornwallis

What were the first engagements of the American Revolution?

Lexington and Concord

Which fort was an early American success that supplied artillery for theforces around Boston?

Fort Ticonderoga

___________ was a costly British victory outside Boston.

Bunker Hill

______________ was the Continental army’s winter headquarters during the darkwinter of 1777-1778.

Valley Forge

__________ showed a new professionalism to the Continental army.


What is America’s greatest contribution to political thought?

The Constitution

Why did the colonists created a weak confederation?

Because each colony was jealous of its power and didn’t want to give any up.

The Articles of Confederation can be summed up with the words “__________________”.

Limited government

What was the most important accomplishment of the Annapolis Convention?

The calling of a new convention to remedy the weaknesses of the Confederation

Who is considered the “Father of the Constitution”?

James Madison

What state refused to participate in the ConstitutionalConvention and was the last to ratify the Constitution?

Rhode Island or “Rogue Island”

What was the Virginia Plan?

The bicameral plan supported by large states at the Constitutional Convention.

What was the New Jersey Plan?

The unicameral plan supported by the smaller states at the Constitutional Convention.

Who presented the compromise that broke the deadlock overrepresentation in the Constitution?

Roger Sherman

What does the Constitution include?

Limited government, separation of powers, and checks and balances.

In the original Constitution, how were the members of the House of Representatives elected?

Directly by the people.

What is the Preamble?

The introduction to the Constitution.

Define Federalism

Division of powers between national and state levels ofgovernment.

Define Bicameral

Two house Congress

Define Unicameral

One house Congress

What does limited government mean?

That there are restrictions on the power of a government.

Define separation of powers

Division of government into branches.

What do checks and balances do?

Balance the power between the different branches of government.

What does the electoral college do?

Elects the president based on the votes of the people.

Define amendment

A change or addition to the Constitution.

What was the first document to unite the American coloniesunder one government?

Articles of Confederation

______________ was the official recognition of America’s independence.

Treaty of Paris

Ordinance of 1784 proposed by Thomas Jefferson proposed creating 10 = statesin the Northwest, banning slavery in them, and giving away land to settlers.


What was the Newburgh Conspiracy?

An effort by military officers to force Congress to pay their salaries and pensions.

What was Shays’ Rebellion?

An effort by farmers to protect their lands from creditors.

What was the Constitutional Convention?

An effort to solve the weaknesses of the Confederation.

What was The Federalist?

A collection of essays supporting the Constitution.

The South accepted assumption of state debts in return for ____________________________________.

Locating the national capital in the South.

What first created debate over constitutionalinterpretation?

Creation of a national bank

What were the main objectives of the first national bank?

To issue a unified currency and to provide loans to local businesses.

Why did the Untied States break the Treaty Alliance with France?

Because the French had overthrown their old government.

What was the main effect of Jay’s Treaty?

It averted war with Britain.

How did the Europeans take advantage of America’s weakness during the 1790s? by raidingAmerican ships.

By raiding American ships.

The United States fought an undeclared war with whom during the 1790s?


What did the Alien Acts grant the president?

Power to expel or imprison immigrants.

What did the Sedition Acts grant the president?

Power to prohibit “treasonous” speech.

What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights.

Who suggested that states have the right to secede when the federalgovernment acts unconstitutionally in the Virginia Resolutions?

James Madison

Who established the nation’s first cabinet?

George Washington

Who was the first head of the Department of State?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

Who introduced the amendments that became the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

Who was America’s best-known frontiersman.

Daniel Boone

Who was America’s second president?

John Adams

What is the Cabinet made up of?

The department heads who advise the president.

Loose constructionists allow...

...great flexibility in interpreting the Constitution

Strict constructionists allow...

...little flexibility in interpreting the Constitution

Who did the Republicans support and what did they distrust?

Supported the common people and distrusted centralized government.

What did Federalists support?

Industry and the rule of property owners

What was the Proclamation of Neutrality?

America’s refusal to take sides in the war between Britain and France.

What was “Midnight appointments"?

An effort to fill the judiciary with Federalists.

What did Jeffersonian Republicans strongly support?

States’ rights.

Who was an Indian assistant to Lewis and Clark?


Why was Tecumseh a threat to the United States?

Because he attempted to unite the Indian tribes into one nation.

At the beginning of the War of 1812, why did America have an advantage?

Because Britain was involved in the Napoleonic Wars.

What happened during the siege of Detroit?

An American general surrendered his entire force without a fight.

What was astounding victory by a makeshift American fleet?

The Battle of Lake Erie

What did the Hartford Convention lead to?

The death of the Federalist Party.

Who was president during the “Era of Good Feelings”

James Monroe

What did the Rush-Bagot Treaty establish?

A permanent disarmed region on America’s northern border.

What does the Monroe Doctrine say?

No European country can intervene in the Western Hemisphere.

What did the Barbary states in North Africa do?

Raided American ships and demanded high ransoms.

In the Battle of New Orleans the Americans won against the British regulars andthe war was already over.


The U.S. bought Florida as a result of...

the Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain.

Who was the third president of the United States?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was first chief justice of the Supreme Court?

John Marshall

Who was the powerful ruler of France?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who were the explorers of the Louisiana Territory?

Lewis and Clark

Who was the explorer of the Great Plains?

Zebulon Pike

Who was one of the greatest Indian leaders in North American history?


Who was the Indian Territory governor who defeated theProphet?

William Henry Harrison

Who was the Indian who attacked whiskey and the white man’s ways?

The Prophet

Who was the president who oversaw the War of 1812?

James Madison

Who was the vice president accused of treason?

Aaron Burr

Who was the “War Hawk” from Kentucky who became speaker of theHouse?

Henry Clay

Who was the author of the national anthem?

Francis Scott Key

What was Judicial review?

right of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional.

What was delegated powers?

authority specifically given to the national government by the Constitution.

What was impressment?

the seizure and forcible reenlistment of deserters from the British navy

What was Louisiana Purchase?

transfer of a huge tract of land from France to America

What was the Embargo Act?

the ban of all American trade with the rest of the world

What was the Non-Intercourse Act?

an offer to restore trade with the first warring countrythat lifted its trade restrictions

What was the Macon’s Bill Number Two?

an offer to stop trading with the enemy of the country that first lifted its trade restrictions

What was the Hartford Convention?

a threat by New England representatives to secede