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53 Cards in this Set

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Articles of Confederation

Ratified in 1781, but was not strong enough for a Federal Government. Replaced by Constitution.

Robert Morris

From 1781 to 1784, he served as the powerful Superintendent of Finance.

Land Ordinances: 1784 & 1785

Rejected Jefferson’s proposal, but wanted to sell land.

In 1785, wanted to create 3 or 5 states, and sold at public auction.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Act by Congress created Northwest territory. (Modern day Ohio) Set precedent to allow government to expand territory.

Shays’s Rebellion

1787 - Springfield, Western Massachusetts passed laws to collect high taxes, pissed off farmers who rebelled. Showed gov't wasn't strong enough. Led to Constitution.

The New Jersey Plan

1787 A pan proposed in opposition to the Virginia Plan that sought to create 2 houses of Congress.

The Virginia Plan

1787 plan proposed by James Madison that opted for population-weighted representation, proposed at the constitutional convention.

Constitutional Convention of 1787

Madison and Hamilton met in 1787, and hoped to strengthen the government. A whole new government. This was in secrecy.

Great Compromise

Adopted most of Virginia plan. 3 branches, roughly equal. 2 houses of Congress.

Three-Fifths Compromise

counted slaves as 3/5ths of people.

The Federalist Papers

Hamilton, Madison, Jay - wrote a series of essays (85) known as the federalist papers. Swayed New York.

George Washington

only president elected unanimously.

Alexander Hamilton

Increase in grain production - Increase in road building. - Increase in banks. More banks.

Wanted bank of United States and to fund the public debt.

Whiskey Rebellion

Hamilton passed tax on Whiskey, and farmers attacked tax collectors.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

General Anthony Wayne attacked Indians They signed the treaty of Greenville, and gave Americans most of modern day Ohio.

Jays Treaty

1795 treaty between the United States and Great Britain that is credited with averting war

Haitian Revolution

Revolution in Haiti, people in power thought it might give slaves in America ideas.

XYZ Affair

French Official wouldn’t meet with Americans, but sent 3 people known as XYZ.

Alien & Sedition Acts

A series of acts passed by Federalist Congress to stop criticism. Sedition made it illegal to criticize President or Congress. Congress passed 2 Alien Acts. You had to take a test after 14 years. Secondly, In time of war, President can deport any foreigner.

Thomas Jefferson

Louisianna Purchase, smaller gov't, and agrarian farmers.

Midnight Judges

When Adams put a bunch of f*cking federalists in the supreme court. Led to

Judicial Act of 1801 - Reduced size of supreme court.

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson purchased it from Napoleon, and sent Luis and Clarke to explore.


British soldiers were capturing Americans and forcing them to join British navy.

Barbary Wars

Barbary pirates used privateers to attack Americans who wouldn’t pay a tax. Jefferson said f*ck no and sent a naval fleet in to attack.

Embargo Act of 1807

Jefferson closed all foreign ports. Hurt American economically, and Jefferson lost lots of favor for this.

James Madison

President after Jefferson, drafted constitution. Helped with federalist papers.

William Henry Harrison

Died in office early, made people wonder who takes office next.

Tecumseh's War

War between US and natives. climaxed with William Henry Harrison's victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811.

Henry Clay

Warhawk whoproposed Missouri come in as a slave state. And introduced the 36’ 30 line.

War of 1812

War between US and British. Cause was British trade restrictions. Resulted in star spangled banner.

Hartford Convention

meeting in Hartford, Connecticut where federalists expressed dissatisfaction with war of 1812.

Era of Good Feelings

Term from newspaper, time when Madison was president.

Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay proposed Missouri come in as a slave state. And introduced the 36’ 30 line.

Monroe Doctrine

Any time European trying to colonize North America was an enemy of the federal government.

Andrew Jackson

President in 1829, led Seminole war. Killed the banks.

Adams-Onis Treaty

a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the boundary between the U.S. and New Spain.

The “corrupt bargain”

When John Quincy Adams become president instead of Andrew Jackson by promising another candidate to become vice president.

Spoils system

Giving office to political supporters.


State rejecting a law.

Black Hawk War

War in 1832 between US and black hawk indians.

Worcester v. Georgia

Stopped Americans form taking Indian's land without gov't approval.

Trail of Tears*

Andrew Jackson forced natives to march to west of Mississippi river.

Seminole Wars

General Andrew Jackson attacked natives near florida.

Force Bill

Allowed president to enforce laws with military.

Martin Van Buren

Dealt with economic depression.

Lowell Mill

textile factory that let women work. Challneged gender norms.

Panic of 1819

Banks were failing, foreclosure was happening. Widespread unemployment.

John Deere

Invented steel plow.

Cyrus McCormick

Founded harvesting company.

Samuel Morse

Invented Morse code, and single write telegraph.

Panic of 1837

Unemployment went up, economy went to sh*t.

“American System”

Henry Clay proposed a new way of federalism. Called for roads, private bank, and canals.

Free labor

Idea that labor results in wealthy distribution.