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61 Cards in this Set

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Officials in the executive branch of government.

President's Cabinet

Advisers to the President who serve as he as of the Executive Departments.

Judiciary Act of 1789

Established the federal court system, 6 Supreme Court justices, and defined the Court's powers.


Taxes on imported goods.

Loose Construction

Interpretation of Constitution which allows actions which are NOT specifically prohibited.

Strict Construction

Interpretation of the Constitution which only allows action which is specifically detailed in the Constitution.

Bank of the U.S. (BUS)

Proposed by Alexander Hamilton to establish financial stability for national treasury.

Whiskey Rebellion

Pennsylvania corn farmers protest of high excise taxes on their product led to this event.

Political parties

George Washington warned that these would divide the country.


Political party started by Thomas Jefferson which wanted to limit the federal government.

Neutrality Proclamation

Declared the U.S. would be impartial toward France and Great Britain.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Anthony Wayne won a decisive victory over the Miami's and Shawnee Indians (Little Turtle) at this battle

Jay's Treaty

Deal in which Great Britain agreed to leave forts in the Northwest Territory and pay for damages to U.S. ships in exchange for the U.S. paying off her war debt.

Pinckney's Treaty

Negotiations in which Spain gave the U.S. the right to use the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans for commerce purposes.

XYZ Affair

Diplomatic controversy in 1798 in which French officials demanded bribes of American diplomats.

French Revolution

Republican uprising against the French monarchy that began in 1789.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Declared the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional.


Government departments and workers.

Judicial Review

Supreme Court's right to declare a law unconstitutional.

Marbury vs. Madison

John Adams appointed William Marbury as a midnight judge. Secretary of state James Madison refused to install him. The court went in favor with Madison and declared the midnight judges unconstitutional.

Louisiana Purchase

Deal was secured April 30, 1803 which doubled the size of our country.

Barbary War

War between the Barbary States of Northern Africa and the United States.


British sailors forced American sailors to serve in the British Royal Navy.


Prohibited exports from going to certain foreign countries.

Battle of Tippecanoe

1811 battle between Indians and U.S. military in which Native Americans were defeated and forced out of the area.

War Hawks

Members of Congress who wanted to declare war against Great Britain in 1812.

"Star Spangled Banner"

Poem penned during the War of 1812 which eventually became our national anthem.

Battle of New Orleans

Famous battle during the war of 1812 which was actually fought after the war was officially declared over. It made Andrew Jackson famous.

Treaty of Ghent

Signed at the end of the War of 1812 in which all the land captured by either side was returned to pre-war status.

Hartford Convention

1814 meeting of Federalist's from New England who opposed the War of 1812. Demanded a constitutional convention

George Washington

The first president of the United States. He won the election unanimously.

John Adams

Nations first vice President; only Federalist president who served from 1797-1800

Thomas Jefferson

Served as Washington's Secretary of State resigned before Washington's presidential term was over.

Alexander Hamilton

Served as our nations first Secretary of the Treasury. He was later gunned down in a pistol dual.

Little Turtle

Indian chief who signed the treaty of greenville

Anthony Wayne

Revolution veteran who defeated Little Turtle in the Northwest Territory.

John Jay

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who traveled to Great Britain to negotiate a treaty.

Aaron Burr

Democratic Republican candidate who lost the tie-breaker to Thomas Jefferson murdered his political enemy.

Thomas Pinckney

U.S. Diplomat who negotiated a treaty with Spain in 1795.

John Marshall

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who ruled against Marbury; Established Judicial Review.

William Marbury

Midnight judge who took his case to the Supreme Court.

James Madison

Jefferson's Secretary of state who refused to deliver the final 17 commissions of midnight judges.

Meriwether Lewis

Jefferson's personal secretary who kept a journal of notes on the Core of Discovery.

William Clark

Served as navigator and cartographer on the Core of Discovery.


Native American chief who was killed in the battle of Tippecanoe when he allied with the British in the war of 1812.

John C. Calhoun

South Carolina Congressman who led the War Hawks in demanding declaring war against Great Britain.

Henry Clay

Speaker of the House in 1801. His dream of American expansion into Canada and west caused him to lead cheers for war.

Andrew Jackson

He won a decisive victory at the Battle of New Orleans.

Francis Scott Key

He penned the Star Spangled Banner while being held captive on a British ship near Fort McHenry.

Judiciary act of 1801

Created new positions in the Judicial Branch in a last-ditch effort to maintain control.

12th amendment

Electors must cast separate ballots for president and vice president.

Alien Act

Allowed the president to order foreigners considered to be a threat to national security to be jailed or deported.

Suddition Act

Made it a crime to speak out against the government.

James Monroe

The main negotiator sent to France to negotiate the purchase of the New Orleans and West Florida.


Shoshone Indian guide for the Core of Discovery.

Midnight Judges

42 judges appointed by John Adams in an attempt to maintain control of the Judicial Branch by the Federalist Party.

Treaty of greenville

Signed in 1795, the Native Americans (Little Turtle) agreed to give up large grants of land in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.

The Chesepeak

U.S. ship from which British impressed 4 American sailors and forced them to serve in the British Royal Navy.

Dolly Madison

She saved valuables from the original White House including a famous painting of George Washington.


French leader who sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S. because he needed the money to fund his war against Great Britain.

Prince Talleyrand

French heir to the throne who insulted America by sending three minor diplomats to meet with the three American diplomats sent to France.