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43 Cards in this Set

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any period of at least two consecutive quarters in which the economy is not growing
John L. Lewis
identify the person who headed the united mine workers
Henry Morgenthau
identify the Roosevelt cabinet member who favored balancing the federal budget and cutting spending
deficit spending
identify the term for roosevelt’s method of paying for his new programs during his first two years as president
Union Party
long’s supporters joined with those father Coughlin and francis townsend to form a new party. identify this party
John Maynard Keynes
identify the british economist who argued that governments should spend heavily during a recession to jump start the economy
NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel in 1937
this case declared that the National Labor Relations Act was constitutional
the court ruled that the federal government had the constitutional authority under the interstate commerce clause to regulate production within a state.
Wickard v. Filburn in 1942
the court used a similar argument to allow the federal government to regulate consumption in the states
full employment
less then 5% unemployment
Emergency Banking Relief Act
identify the bill which required federal examiners to survey the nations banks and issue treasury department licenses to those who were financially sound
Glass-Steagall Act
identify the bill which separated commercial banks from investment banks and created a federal agency to provide government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount
Fair Labor Standards Act
established child labor laws and established the 40 hour work week and minimum wage
National Housing Act
identify the bull which established the US housing authority, which received 500 million to subsidize loans for builders willing to buy blocks of slums and build low-cost housing
Works Progress Administration
identidy the government agency headed by harry Hopkins. it built highways, airports, parks, public buildings and bridges. most controversial section was federal number one which offered work to artists writers theater people and musicians
Public Works Administration
identify the federal agency which involved a series of construction projects to build highways , dams, sewer systems, waterworks, schools, and other government facilities, in most cases awarded contracts though construction companies
Securities Act
Identify the bill which required companies that sold stock and bonds to provide complete and truthful information to investors.
Civil Works Administration
identify the federal agency which hired workers directly and put them on the federal governments payroll. their workers built airports, roadway, schools, playground, parks, and playing fields.
identify the political system which is a kind of aggressive nationalism in which the nation is more important than the individual
identify the person who began a massive effort to industrialize his country. he tolerated no opposition and this effort resulted in the deaths of 10 million peasants.
1. Italy a former schoolmaster and journalist named _______________, returned from WWI convinced that his country needed a strong leader
1. a fervent anticommunist and an admirer of Mussolini
2. his party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party or the Nazi party
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
which act declared by the supreme court to be unconstitutional
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation
identify the federal agency which purchased outstanding moprtgages of homeowners who were behind in their payments. it then restructured the mortgage with longer terms of payments and low interest rates.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
identify the federal egency created to provide government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount
Civilian Conservation Corps
identify the federal agency which combined conservation with jobs. men age 18-25 were given the opportunity to work under the national forest service, planting trees, fighting fires, and building dams.
National Industrial Recovery Act
identify the bull which suspended antitrust laws and allowed business labor and government to cooperate in setting up voluntary rules for each industry
Harry Hopkins
a. the leader of the FERA was _____________ whose nervous energy and sarcastic manner put off many people
Frances Perkins
Roosevelt appointed the first women to a cabinet post secretary of laber identify the women he appointed
the efficiency of a company’s out put of goods or services
Father Coughlin
this man believed Roosevelt hadn’t gone far enough, he wanted heavy taxes on the wealthy, and nationalization of the banking system
Huey Long
Louisiana democrat who was gov, started the share the wealth program
Wagner Act
the national labor relations act
Committee for Industrial Organization
the organization which was responsible for organizing unions in industries where none existed
Securities and Exchange Commission.
federal agency which was created to regulate the stock market and prevent fraud
Periods of prosperity
- a time when the economy is growing
Economic contraction
a period when the economy slows
National Recovery Administration
created under NIRA, it was created to make codes of competition, to stop negative business, but was declared unconstitutional in Schenk v. U.S.
Francis Townsend
a former public health official, proposed the federal gov. pay citizens over 60 a $200 pension
Federal Trade Commission.
federal agency made to eliminate anti-competitive business, and promoted consumer protection
American Liberty League
started to uphold the constitution when it came to business, and give every American the right to “work, earn, save, and acquire property”
Social Security Administration
the federal administration set up to distribute social security benefits to those eligible
The third group supported new freedom of Woodrow Wilson and what did they believe
a. they blamed large trusts for the depression but they believed the government had to restore competition to the economy
when people are employed but they are taking jobs that are benieth them we call this