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37 Cards in this Set

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The auto industry was ______________
key in making the economy strong.
Psychiatry began to spread the ideas of _______ and _____________.
Freud and Carl Jung
Commercial travel by _______ increased
New form of media
Welfare Capitalism (small percentage of population)
higher wages
shorter hours
paid vacation
Ads played a major role in ______
The U.S. was a __________ society by the 1920s.
Three technical colleges
MIT, Purdue, California Tech.
John Watson wanted to use _____________ and ______________ to treat the mentally ill.
observation and therapy
After WWI, women looked to these people for help in motherhood and child rearing:
doctors, nurses, trained educators
John Scopes trial
John Scopes was fired for teaching evolution. He was defended by the ACLU. He lost.
Harlem Renaissance
outburst of black artists, musicians, etc.
Harlem Renaissance
outburst of black artists, musicians, etc.
D.W. Griffith's movie ____ helped to ______ the KKK.
Birth of a Nation; revive
Volstead Act or 18th Amend.
stopped all alcohol in the U.S.
Margaret Sanger
wanted birth control available to working class women
religion was divided between ____ and ____.
modernists and fundamentalists
Modernists favored _______.
Fundamentalists favored ________.
M - modern science and darwinism.
F - traditional faith.
Immigration Act of 1921:
had 3% of a nationality based on the census of 1910
National Origins Act of 1924:
had 2% of a nationality based on 1890 population.
The KKK expanded hate to ____________.
The KKK expanded into ________ and _____.
Catholics, immigrants, and Jews.

North and Midwest
(a) were upset over the modern society
(b) ridiculed democracy, politics, art and religion
a book by Sinclair Lewis that criticized the Bourgeois society.
women with new clothing, hairstyles, language, and behavior
William Jennings Bryan
famous politician who represented TN in the John Scopes trial
New developments of the 20s - fueled by electricity
electric appliances, nylons, aluminum, oil, plastics
first commercial radio station out of Pittsburgh
Therapy was held in curing ____, ____, and ______.
phobias, alcohol, and drug addictions
Teapot Dome Scandal
famous scandal of the Harding Admin.
Policies of Sec. of Treasury Andrew Mellon
reduced inheritance taxes, reduced corporate taxes, reduced income taxes, paid off WWI debt
Coolidge believed in Laissez-Faire. This means
letting businesses be alone with no government interference.
Famous authors of the 20s:
Fitzgerald, Hemingway, O'Neill, Eliot
_______ and _______ helped expand black racial heritage.
Langston Hughes and James Johnson
Gangs in the 20s:
smuggled liquor into the US and were rich and powerful
Volstead Act split people between _________ and ___________.
Wets and drys
Immigration laws were aimed at ______ and ________ Europe.
South and East
No immigration limits on ________.
Northwest Europeans