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29 Cards in this Set

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What territory in the US did British own after the French and Indian War?
territory east of the MISS River, Canada, and lad West of the APP MTNS
What is Salutary Neglect?
The British had laws in the books about collecting money fromt he colonists, but these laws were not enforced
What is the New Colonial System?
The British begin to enforce the laws that were in the books from before
Who is Pontiac?
A Native American chief leader who was worried that the whites settling in their land West of the APP MTNS would soon kick the Indians out of their land
What is Pontiac's Rebellion?
Pontiac got some Indians together to rebel against the whites pouring into their land in 1763
Proclamation of 1763
The British, not wanting to have to keep peace betweent eh new settlers and Pontiac's Rebellion because of its costliness, made a pact that was not obeyed by
What is the Proclamation Line?
an imaginary line that is drawn along the western edge of the APP MTNS which seperated the territory saying that white cannot settle west of the MTNS
Who, after the French and Indian War, was Britains PM?
What did Greenville belive?
he thought that the colonists were too independent
What did Greenville do concerning his beliefs?
He passed the Writs of Assisstance and got permission from Parliament to pass taxes
WHat was the reasoning for passing all of the taxes to the colonists?
To show that Britain still was in charge and to raise mmoney that was l ost in the war
What is the Writs of Assisstance?
a the right for British to have unlimited search warrants
Sugar Act
1764- only allowed colonists to buy sugar from British imports whichw s more expensive
Currency Act
1764- banned paper money making colonists only able to pay with silver and gold
Quartering Act
1765- colonists had to allow British soldiers, anytime, to stay in their homes and give them food and shelter. This gave the soldiers a chance to see if families are rebellious against the British
Stamp Act
1765- made colonists put a tax on anything they sell which was a direct tax (you know that you are paying more because the stamp is there). This led to "No representation, no taxation!"
Who wanted Direct Representaion and what is it?
colonists- when the Parliament has a representative that is from the place that they are representing
Who was for indirect tax and what is it?
British- when every representative in the Parliement, no matter where they are from, represent every British subject
What is the Stamp Act Congress and what did they do?
1765- 6 out of the 13 colonies organized it to try to get closer in getting independence and it was dominated by radicals called "The Sons of Liberty" and they boycotted stamps which made Parliaments, who had stock, sotck go way down
The Sons of Liberty and their leader and what do they do and where were their headquarters?
dominated the Stamp Act Congress and their leader was Samuel Adams and they took violence to anyone whol sold the stamps and they were headquarted in Boston (the center colonial hatred toward the British) and they established the COmmittees of Correspondence
When was the Stamp Act cancelled and why?
1766- because of the boycott of the Stamp Act COngress
Declaratory Act
1766- stated that just because we cancelled the Stamp Act does not mean that we can't collect money from you and to prove this point, Parliament passed the Towshend Acts
What are the Townshend Acts?
new taxes on colonies including the "small" Tea Act of 1767
When were the periods of calm?
1767-1770 and 1770- 1773 when no new taxes were made and everybody calmed down and when everybody was deciding what to do
Boston Massacre
1770- reignited the unclamness once again- the first person killed was Crispus Attucks- this is the first time during this period that shots had actually been taken and violence had taken place- this event hardens colonial hatred toward the British
Boston Massacre told by colonists
In 1770, it ws snowing and a group of British soldiers were marching downt eh streets. A group of colonists decided to throw snowballs at them, and the British opened fire on the coolonists and killed several of them
Boston Massacre told by British
The colonists were threatenning them by throwing rocks at them and then the colonists opened fire on the British, so to defend themselves, the Britich opened fire on teh colonists
Crispus Attucks
the first person to die in the Boston Masscre
Committees of Correspondence
established by the Sons of LIberty during the period of calm in 1770-1773 and the purpose was to establish one in every colony so that the sons of liberty could communicate to the other colonies what happems in their colony- POINT: to communicate between the colonies