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25 Cards in this Set

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Harlem Renaissance
African American cultural movement centered in Harlem, NY
Women's Changing Roles
More political(right to vote), independent( could own businesses) , Socially active (flappers)
Equal Rights Amendment
This was a failed constitutional amendment for equality for women
Women who wore short skirts and their hair in bobs who pushed the social boundaries
illegal making, transportation, and consumption of alcohol
Organized Crime
underground organization centered around illegal activities, like bootlegging
The First Red Scare
1920's fear that communism would invade U.S.
Immigration Quotas
Limit on the number of immigrants let in U.S. (especially Asian and Southern and Eastern European nationalities)
Political movement favoring "WASP's" (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants)
Palmer Raids
Raids led by US attorney general Palmer against suspected communists
Sacco and Venzetti case
Italian born men convicted of murder with no solid evidence
Anti-lynching Campaign
Campaign started in North to end illegal hanging of African Americans in the south
Jim Crow Laws
Specifically to keep races segregated
Ku Klux Klan
White supremacist organization to keep African Americans down
Marcus Garvey
Early civil rights leader started the back to Africa movement
Warren Harding and "Normalcy"
Harding president after Wilson started "normal" moral views of US
Calvin Coolidge
30th president who cleaned up Harding's scandals (aka the do nothing president)
laid back, hands off government
Scopes Trial
Trial dealing with teaching evolution over creationism (Scopes taught this way)
Assembly Line
Streamlined production, allowing factories to produce more goods
Henry Ford/Effects of automobiles on society
Ford's perfected assembly line process which allowed for greater mobility for the US citizen
Electrical Appliances
allowed more free time for most housewives
allowed for faster travel nationally and internationally
Motion Pictures
allowed for growth of national culture
national phenomenon allowing for the transmission of news, sports, and entertainment