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110 Cards in this Set

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Patrick Henry
"give me liberty or give me death" speech.
He was an anti-federalist who pushed for a bill of rights to be added to the constitution after its ratification
Continental congress
a body of reps from the British NA colonies who met to respond to England's intolerable acts.
They declared independence and drafted the articles of confederation
Declaration of Independence
1776 document expressing the desire and intention of the American colonies to break ties with britain due to the injustices perpetrated by king george 3
Thomas Jefferson
3rd pres of us
Author of Declaration of independence
author of the Virginia statue for religious freedom
James Madison Book Ch 2
talks about his life and governship
was strong about declaration of rights
common ideas and friendship with thomas jefferson
at age 28 he launched a career in national politics
A form of gov where most or all political power effectively resets with a small segment of society, typically the most powerful, whether by wealth, family, military, strength, ruthlessness, or political influence.
Republican Problem
the question of how the benefits of self-government can be enjoyed without incurring its inherent problems
constitutional structure
the nature and arrangement of mechanisms in a constitution that organize the gov
constitutional drift
when power in the gov does not remain where it was originally placed
defensive alliance among sovereign equals
articles of confederation
document outlining an alliance of sovereign, equal states in which there was a weak central governing continental congress.
state sovereignty
when ultimate political power resides in the state rather than in the fed gov
John Adams
Founding father and proponent of a bicameral legislature
he served s the second president of the u.s.
Bicameral legislature
A legislature in which there are two separate divisions or houses
James Madison
Fourth pres of the U.s.
Founding father
:father of the constitution"
Co-Autored "the federalist" with Hamilton and Jay
Helped Jefferson create the Democratic-Republican party
Gouverneur Morris
Pennsylvania rep at the constitutional convention
credited with authoring large sections of the constitution, including the preamble
Charles Pinckney
Rep at the Constitutional convention
Strong promoter of federalism
helped persuade ratification of the constitution in South Carolina
George Mason
Virginia rep at constitutional convention
refused to sign constitution because it did not contain a declaration of rights
Declaration of Independence
1. all individuals are created equal
2. gov. endowed each individua with unalienable rights
3. gov. with power from the pple, should secure these rights.
4. if gov. fails to do this, it should be removed.

it was set up to provide "good society"
It abolished previous gov
states were advised to create new govs.
virginia plan
presented during the Constitutional Convention in which each state would have proportional representation in the congress
New Jersey Plan
plan presented during the constitutional convention in which each state would have equal representation in the congress.


Upper house
equal rep
william paterson
new jersey rep. at the constitutional convention who presented the new jersey plan, which gave equal representation to states regardless of size or population
The Great Compromise
proposed by Roger Sherman, it brought together the New Jersey and virginia plans by having the upper congressional house representation equal by state and the lower house rep proportional by population
Roger Sherman
Conneticut deligate to the Constitutional convention, sherman proposed the great compromise of one legislative house having proportional rep. while the other had equal rep.
popular sovereignty
the idea that power is created by and subject to the will of the people.
It was the basis for Madison's proportional pre. in Congress and justification by the south for the continuance of slavery
Benjamin Franklin
one of the most well known founders
he was a leading printer, scientist, inventor and diplomat.
he helped secure france as an ally during the revolutionary war!
dividing powers between the national and state governments
Three fifths compromise
part of the compromise on slavery where 3 out of every 5 slaves were counted as part of state population for taxation and representation
Compromise on slavery
1. slave trade could not be abolished for 20 years
2. slaves counted s 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation
3 fugitive laves were to be returned to their owners
Auxiliary precautions
structure in the gov to make it more difficult for power to become concenrated in any one group's hands, seen by the founders as a backcp system to virtue.
constitutional mechanism
parts of the constitution that help organize and control power
Brutus 1
people interested in results
if gov goes corrupt, it could take away liberty.
*Leg. power is competent to lay taxes, duties, imposts, and excises....there are no limits to this power, unless there is a direct reason (legislation should provide for the common defense of the u.s. (if federal govs interfere with leg. then they will find it impossible to raise money to support govs. without money, they cannot be supported and their powers will be absorbed)

*when federal gov exersizes the right of taxation, legislatures of states will find it impossible to raise money to support govs.

Judicial courts are totally independent of the states- state govs overpowered by legislature
* Judicial deals with the Supreme court
* a free republic cannot succeed...each person is too interest in themselves...
*people don't always have confidence in their leaders
and if they give them power, the leaders aren't always willing to give it back!
Brutus 2
reducing the 13 states into one gov would destruct liberty

rules need to be formed to regulate
Worries about authorities using power for private reasons

no man should be held to a crime unless he knows of it

the constitution is an original document of its own.

anything of the states that is contrary to national gov should be abolished

power to make treaties is vested in the president by and with the advice of 2/3 of the senate.

brutus argues that anything that is gov not under the states (like national gov) that they are willfully being deceived
Federalist Speech of James Wilson
the constitution is urged because it includes an army in the time of peace. they wanted to maintain the appearance of strength, even when times were peaceful.

it's important to inform the enemy of your intention and to be ready for an attack even before you're ready to defend yourself.

2 senators from each state, chosen by legislature
members are chosen every second year by the people of several state.
Legislature appoints delegates to congress.

Taxation has likewise been treated as an improper delgaion to the federal gov; but to provide national safety,

taxes should be for emergencies

2/3 congress can make changes

2 senators from each state
Ammendment 1
Amendments 1-10 were initially drafted by James Madison in 1789. Known collectively as the bill of rights. They were ratified by 3/4 of the states on February 15 1971

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment 3
No soldiar shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment 4
the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment 5
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment 6
in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously attained by law; confronted with the witnesses against him; have compulsory process for obtaining witness in his favor, and have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment 7
in suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the u.s. than according to the rules of the common laws
amendment 8
excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted
Amendment 9
the enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
amendment 10
the powers not delegated to the u.s. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people
amendment 11
the judicial power of the u.s. shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the us by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state
amendment 12
the voting ballots changed because of this amendment

electors meet in their states and vote for president and vice president

the person with the greatest number of votes as president gets president, 2nd gets VPres

Washington's Farewell Address
the country has a right to concentrate your affections

always exalt america in patriotism

carefully guard and preserve the union as a whole; your union ought to be consideed as a main prop o your liberty, and that the love of the one ought to endear you to reserve it

there will always be reason to distrust, bc of geographical discriminations (north and south, western) etc, we should all be bound together by fraternal affection; the reason why we are all in the u.s.

respect authority and laws, establish government and obey it.

"a fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent it from bursting into a flame, lest instead of warming, it should consume. (danger of excess, by force of public opinion)
cultivate peace and harmony; extend our commercial relations with foreign nations (political connections) as least as possible.

do not get attached with other nations or have favorite nations

no greater error than to expect or calculate real favors from nation to nation...just a pride ought
Reflections on the Founding
challenge of avoiding tyranny and anarchy in order to build an orderly free and good society.

declaration of independence is to the right of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

founding is associated wih the constitution and the structure of it's articles. it needed to however; include enumerated rights to protect the people from the new gov. what they made was a bill of rights for that

marbury vs. madison- an american founding judicial review- set the supreme court as the final interpreter of the constitution
Deep change
fundamental alteration in the way life is lived.
usually unnoticed because it is a slow process
promoting one's town or city, sometimes in an excessive or exaggerative manner; in order to increase both its quality and its public perception
karl marx
German philosopher who wrote 'the communist manifesto" championing communism and socialism and attacking market economics
popular government
"government of the people, by the people, for the people."
Democratic Revolution
change in political power by the voting of the people
a business entity created to monopolize and dominate a market
theodore roosevelt
26th pres of the U.s.

he was known for boisterous personality

known for trust-busting championing environmental causes and promoting his "big stick" foreign policy that called form American policing of the Western Hemisphere to protect its economic interests
Franklin Roosevelt
32nd pres

served for 4 terms, the only U.S pres to serve more than 2 terms.

His exuberant public personality helped bolster the nation's confidence as it struggled through the Depression and then entered WW2
New Deal
Plan by Franklin Roosevelt involving the creation of various gov. agencies and programs designed to stimulate the economy and help the U.S escape the great depression
big stick
part of Theodore Roosevelt's phrase: "speak softly and carry a big stick" which represented the military might of the u.s.
Woodrow Wilson
the 28th pres of the U.s.

he helped frame the Treaty of Versailles ending WW1 and proposed 14 points that included the formation of the League of Nations
Fourteen Points
Moralistic ideals of Woodrow Wilson that were to be implemented after WW1 in an attempt to have a lasting peace
League of Nations
One of Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points at the end of ww1;

it called for the creation of a group of nations to help ensure peace.

the U.S. never joined bc of a veto by Congress after ww2, the united nations was formed with similar goals
Gibbons v. ogden
Supreme court case in which the power of the fed gov was expanded y broad interpretation of the commerce clause
McCullough v. Maryland
Supreme court case in which greater federal power was established by maintaining in national bank
Judicial activism
when the courts use judicial power to achieve social goals
The Generation
* the opposing forces that wanted america to go down.
* the British could have taken over the u.s. if they pushed harder in the beginning

*we need to remember the hindsight and the far-sight as a nation
* the purpose of the constitution was to give framework to our country

*the civil war was a direct consequence of the decision to evade and delay the slavery question during the most vulnerable early years of the republic.
*what makes the american rev. from most, if not all subsequent revolutions worthy of the name is that the battle for supremacy for the "true meaning" of the rev, neither side completely triumphed.

8 best political leaders in early repub:
1. John adams, aaron burr, ben franklin, alexander hamilton, thomas jefferson, james madison, and george washington
Problem of the west
trust and loyalty with self-governance...the eastern states didn't know if there would be enough gov in the western expansion of the states
ordinance of 1874 (northwest ordinance)
Thomas Jefferson's plan to organize the national domain into discrete territories along with a three stage dev of gov institutions
land ordinance of 1785
called for the systematic survey and division into mile-square plots and organization into townships
northwest territory
lands north of the ohio river
Northwest ordinance of 1787
called for the governmental development of the est based on creating self-governing republics that would be systematically added to the union
Louisiana Purchase
land purchased by thomas jefferson from France. Consists of much of the midwest united states (he negotiated it with Napoleon)
Napoleon Bonaparte
French Emperor and European conqueror who sold France's north american holding to the U.S as the Louisiana purchase
Andrew Jackson
7th pres. Championed the U.s. as a democracy.
Pushed for more political envolvement by comman man.
Vetoed the u.s. bank charter and made other reforms to keep the fed gov small
battle of new orleans
jackson became a hero, he defeated the Brittish at this battle and british diplomats had signed the official peace treaty.
public togetherness
aspect of party politics in which groups of political party members would gather together in order to have more solidarity and support
party newspaper
a journal used by a political party for disseminating party information to and encouraging more active participation among the grass roots voters
popular campaigning
promoting candidates as being from and representing the common masses rather than as elite gentlemen-politicians
political convention
large meeting of party delegates for the purpose of nominating candidates often held with much pomp and ballyhoo
Get out the vote activity
aspect of party politics in which voters are systematically rounded up and helped to get to the polling place
political machine
group of party loyalists organized to deliver the vote on election day.
Historically they often used questionable or illegal means such as buying votes or intimidation at the poles (like in Italia!! :()
John Quincy Adams
6th pres
known for formulating the monroe Doctrine
daniel webster
leading american statesman and senator during the pre-civil war era
Henry clay
american statesman and congressman who founded the whig party
Fredrick jackson turner
studied and wrote about the American experience and what made it unique!
Robert E. Lee
confed. general and commander of the army of Northern Virginia during civil war.
He urged reconciliation with the north after Appomatox
alliance of southern states that seceded from the union over slavery
George B Mc Clellan
union eneral who failed to press his advantage at the battle of Antietam and was later relieved of his command by pres lincoln
Severe civil war battle
it was the bloodiest day in American history.
After the battle, Lincoln issued the Emancipation proclamation
Emancipation proclamation
presidential order issued by lincoln on jan 1, 1863
freed slaves in the areas of insurrection (violence)
Northern states & territories
Southern states
* northern states and territories: "the union"
Pro federalism

*Southern states: "The confederacy"
Pro slavery

West virginia separated from virginia to become a union state
group of individuals who share the same specific political agenda
when a city-state or nation has multiple factions that compete against each other.
*madison felt that an extended republic would prevent factionalism from leading to tyranny bc no faction could be large enough to dominate
factionalism on a larger more regional scale with fewer, but larger factions

*sectionalism during slavery issue nullified the benefits of Madison's extended republic and led to the Civil War

West= Frontier
Midwest- Conventional farming
South= plantations
Northeast: manufacturing
Missouri compromise
agreement between slavery and anti-slavery factions in the u.s. that regulated slavery in western territories, prohibiting slavery above the border of Arkansas (except Missoui) and permitting it south of that border
Stephen A. Douglas - democrat, north
illinois state man who ran against lincoln on a popular sovereignty platform for slavery.

*authored the Kansas-Nebraska act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise and heightened the slavery debate
John Brown
controversial abolitionist who tried to start a slave rebellion and used sometimes violent guerrilla tactics in fighting against the institution of slavery.
Republican party
political party that stems from the controversy over slavery.
It was dedicated to keeping future territories and states free from slavery
Dred Scott
Slave who sued unsuccessfully for his freedom because he had lived w his ownder in several states where slavery was illegal.

*dred scott v stanford determined that slaves were property and could not e freed by state laws.
The ruling essentially nullified the Missouri compromise and was a major factor contributing to the civil war
Roger Taney
ruled in Dred Scott v stanford that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
John Breckinridge- Democrat, south
Ran against Lincoln, bell and douglas in 1860 residential election on an extreme pro-slavery platform
John Bell- constitutional union
wealthy slaveowner from Tennesee who also ran for pres against Lincoln, breckinridge, and douglas with the constitutional union party on a moderate pro-slavery platform
Lincoln- republican
sought to end slavery and preserve the Union.
He signed the emancipation proclamation and delivered his famous "Gettysburg Address"
Selections from the frontier in American history
by frederick Turner
*american social dev. has been continually beginning over again on the fronteer
*true point of view in the history of this nation is not the Atlantic coast, it's the Great West
*meeting pts btwn savagery and civ.
*The wilderness masters the colonists
*Moving westward= becoming more american
*the mostimportant effect of the fronteir has been the promotion of democracy here and in europe. INDIVIDUALISM
*So long as free land exists, the opportunity for a competency exists.
*The national problem is how to save and wisely use timber, government, population is bigger than supply
*both legislation & preserving democracy & individualism must be preserved if the nation would be true to it's past and fulfill its highest destiny
An american Tragedy: slavery in a land of liberty
by Mary Stovall Richards
* Slavery is old human history
*mortality rates of Africans transported was 62%
*slavery was an "unthinking decision"
* black africans were more easily captured than indians bc indians knew their territory and the whites did not...
*Taxation w-o representation= tyranny bc it deprived of liberty
*Northern states- not as much slavery
*3/5 comp. was where slaves only counted for that much of a vote :(
*Civil war= north against south
*slaves rebelled and burned owners homes (Tueller's uprising, 60 whites killed) After that, blacks were not prohibited the privilege to read and write
*Owners took advantage of slaves and slowed down for no one
* most southerners were NOT slave holders.
*Eli whitney- cotton gin- allowed slave expansion to be possible.
*not all slaves lived on plantations.Many were in industry, domestics, or artisans...they still were not given proper treatment
* in secession, the south continued to insist on liberty for white men denying it to four million blacks held in bondage. THIS WAS NOT FREEDO
Federalist party
founded by Hamilton and Adams that envisioned a great western empire with a strong federal gov and a broad interpretation of powers
Democratic-republican party
political party led by Jefferson and Madison that championed a society of self reliant individuals to protect rights, a smaller fed gov and narrow and strict interpretation of the constitution
single representative districts
each region elects its one rep independent of outcomes in other regions
proportional representation
party rep in the legislative body is closely tied to he national or regional vote of that party (entire state, instead of counties of the state)

largest block of votes cast in a pie chart

more than half of all votes cast in pie chart
" The Divinely Inspired constitution"
- Dallin H. Oaks
* Oaks talks in story form
*he talks about the constitution and the success of the convention--the leaders of the 13 states

* inspiration in the separation of powers, bill of rights, division of powers, and popular sovereignty