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21 Cards in this Set

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Media Clip Reconstruction
after war, lots of sadness, suffering; North-loss of life; South-loss of life and bitterness of defeat
Media Clip Reconstruction/ South Bitterness
song "I'm a Good Ol' Rebel"
13th Amendment
abolished slavery; extended/letitimized Emanc. Procl.; wiped out most important property in U.S.
14th Amendment
citizenship for all, regardless of race; requires states to abide by Bill of Rights; removes states power; flow of power to nat'l gov't
15th Amendment
enfranchised all black men (contagion); William Lloyd Garrison opposed
Media Clip Wealth in American after Reconstruction
Rockefeller(oil), Vanderbuilt (RR), Morgan (bank), Carnegie (steel) --Robber Barons, monopolies emerged
What was the impact of the Railroad?
-time zones (thus business influencing gov't)
-"railroading through Congress"
Media Clip demonstrating Poor Working Conditions under big business
Workers feel like machine, long hours, no safety, Ira Stewart: "wage slavery"
Media Clip demonstrating Poor Working Conditions under big business
Charlie Chaplin -such a part of the machine that he can't stop factory work
Impact of Big Business
-business bigger than gov't, so no regulations "laissez-faire"
-workers suffered, poor conditions, debasement
-mass wealth of capitalists vs. poor workers: Gap growing
-monopolisitic power/inequality threaten democracy/American ideals
Media Clip demonstrating impact of robber barons, big businness, monopolies
the rich are the focus of nat'l attention (the celebrities); the rich flaunt their wealth; "Gilded Age"
Worker Americans' Response to Big Business:
-organization/cooperation replaces individualism
-unions call for legislation (child labor, convict labor, conditions, hours, etc...)
Media Clip demonstrating Poor Working Conditions under big business
Song "Coalminers" low pay, dirty capitalists, organize!, pay $1 for company store...utilizes the rhetoric of slavery
Farmer's Problems
-machines cause surplus
-crop prices thus down
-RR held monopolistic power over shipping crops
-Banks control credit
-Nat'l $ supply tight
Media Clip demonstrating Lincoln's brilliance with Emanc. Procl.
Lincoln wrote Emanc. Procl. by himself, his own idea, convinced to wait for a major Union victory to release
What were Lincoln's concerns with Emanc. Procl.?
-Constitutionality: wanted to keep it Constitutional
-Border States: didn't want to lose
What convinced Lincoln to issue Emanc. Procl.?
-pressure from slaves
-miliatry necessity
-length of war
-to save the Union
-to assure freedom to the free (for all of mankind: light on a hill)
Limits to Emanc. Procl.
-only freed slaves in Confederate territory
-military measure only (could end after the war)
Why were Emanc. Procl. and Linclon's efforts such a big deal?
-Lincoln's determination to see it through
-brought about 13th amend which reshaped Union
-brought Const. and Decl. of Indep. into harmony
-changed nature of the war
Who were the Populists?
Farmers, coalminers
The Populist Solution
Gov't should:
-manage and own RR
-expand credit
-expand $ supply (silver standard)
...wanted gov't power to be answerable to the "plain ppl"