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36 Cards in this Set

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agenda setting

determining the subject of a conflict

checks and balances

each branch check each other

ex: -congress can veto override

-judicial review

*TIP: pick two from each

primary election

happens before general election

*determine candidates for general

midterm/congressional elections

-HOR every two years

-1/3 Senate is election

*between presidential elections

general election

president, senator, congress

*who wins office position


ability for one branch to oversee other branches

*check and balance


type of gov't where you vote who represents you

direct democracy

govern themselves

judicial review

deem other two branches acts unconstitutional

supremacy clause

national gov't is supreme gov't of land


-wrote federalist paper

-in favor of new constitution

-large national gov't

3/5 compromise

slave counted as 3/5 of vote

great compromise

created senate= equal rep

HOR= based on pop.

*between large/small states

equal protection clause

every person got same protection

necessary & proper clause

amend/interpret constitution

14th amendment


due proces

shays rebellion

needed stronger gov't

*after revolution war couldn't pay soldiers


budgeting money

(-what money goes where

-appropriate funds

-done in committees)


separation between national/state gov't

separation of powers

each branch has powers

natural rights

principles of classical liberalism

* life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

due process

way right are taken away

*15th & 14th amendments

congressional committee

-write laws

-division of labors

-gate keeping/agenda setting



direct democracy

people are involved in election

conference committee

looks at bill= think of one bill

*inter=HOR + Senate

pork barrel spending

representatives sending money that helps them (constituents)


delay vote


national gov't split into HOR and Senate

Speaker of the House

3rd in line to proceed president

civil rights

collective rights (group)

civil liberties

individual rights

separate but equal

segregation is okay

Jim Crow Laws

laws used to keep slaves from voting

-literacy tests

-poll tax

equal rights amendment

not official amendment (gender equality)


make gov't more accountable

- ex: women voting

*turn of the century to make things better

jacksonian mass democracy

-shift power back to people

-states and people to have power

*decentralized gov't