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57 Cards in this Set

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Amicus Curia
"Friend of the court" individuls are groups who are not parties to a lawsuit but who seek to assist the supreme court in reaching a decision by presenting additional briefs.
22nd amendment
No person shall be elected to the office of president more than twice and no person who has held the office of president or acted as president, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of the president more than once.
25th Amendment
In case of the removal of the President from office or his death or resignation, the vice president shall become preident. Providing with the disabilities dealing with the president. The vice president and congress can vote the president out of office
The process occuring after every decennial census, that allocates congressional seats among the fifty states.
Articles II
Executive legislation. The powers of the presidency are outlined in _____ of the U.S. Constitution.
National Security Council
The ____ was established by law in 1947 and is composed of the president; the vice president; the secretaries of state; defense, and the treasury; the attorney general; and other officials invited by the president.
Articles I
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall be compossed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states and the electors of each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the legislature.
pocket; cannot
A ____________ veto can occur when the president is presented a bill during the last ten days of a legislatve session and ________ be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses of congress.
Bt the end of 2007, President Bush had issued about _____ executive orders.
In 1973 congress passed the war powers act which
attempted to limit the president's use of troops in military action without congressional approval
The practice of allowing the party's congressional delegates to nominate presidential candidates is known as the
Executive Orders
The presidential power to make rules and procedures for the executive branch, which have the effect and formal status of legislation, is called
Which branch of government has the constitutional power to declare war?
the U.S. Supreme Court is made up of one chief justice and _______ Associate justices.
writs of certiorai
Most cases reach the Supreme Court through_______
99, state
More than ______ percent of all court cases in the U.S. are heard in _______ courts
Dessenting Opinion
Justices who disagree with the majority decision of the Court may choose to publicize the character of their disagreement in the form of a .......
Marbury vs. Madion
Judicial Review was established in the case of _________
File an Amicus Curiae bref
If you were an outside interest group and wanted to influence the Spreme court ruling on a case it will hear next month, what action would have the most influence?
Open Primaries
A primary election in which the voter can wait until the day of the primary to choose which party to enroll in to select candidates for the general election
Having a legislative assembly composed of two chambers or houses.
opposite of unicameral
A proposed law that has been sponsored by a member of Congress and Submitted to the clerk of the House or Senate.
Brief primaries
A primary election in which voters can participate in the nomination of candidates, but only of the party in which they are enrolled for a period of time prior to primary day.
A rule allowing a majority of two-thirds or three-fifths of the membrs of a legislative body to set a time limit on debate over a given bill.
Conference Committee
A joint committee created to work out a compromise on House and Senate versions of a piece of legislation.
The reidents in the area from which an official is elected
The one against whom a complaint is brought in a criminal or civil case
The individual or organization that brings a complaint in court
Divided Government
The condition in American Government wherien the presidency is controlled by one party while the opposing party contols one or both houses of congress
Electoral College
The presidential electors from each state who meet after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. except for Main and Nebraska
Executive Agreement
an agreement, made between the president and another country that has the force of a treaty but does not require the senates advice and consent
A tactic used by members of the Sente to prevent action on legislation they oppose by continously holding the floor and speaking until the majority backs down.
Foreign policy powers
The President shares foreign policy making with Congress.
Free Rider Problem
Those who enjoy the benefits of collective goods but did not participate in acquiring them.
Apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one racial or ethic group or plitical party
The forml change by the House of Representatives that a government official has committed "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and Misdemeanors.
A candidate running for re-election to a position that he or she already holds
Iron Triangle
The table cooperative relationship that often develops among a congressional committee an administrative agency and one or more supportive interest groups.
A strategy by which organized interest seek to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on members of the legislature.
A legislative practice wherby agreements are made between legislature in voting for or against a bill vote tradition
Midterm elections
Congressional elections that do not coincide with a presidential election, also called off-year elections
Order of Succession
After the president and vice president orders next in line
Party Identification
An individual voter's psychological ties to one party or another
Party Platform
A party document written at a national convention that contains party philosophy, principals, and positions on issues.
Pork-barrel Legislation
Appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but that are created so that local representatives can win re-election in their home districts. GET SPECIFICS OJECTS fOR THIEIR DISTRICTS
A prior case whose pincipes are used by judges as the basis for their decesions in a present case.
Retrospective Voting
Voting based on the past performance of a candidate
Rules Committee
Determines the time and structure or delegates in the House
Selective Benifits
How an organization give benefits if you join there group
Signing Statements
Announcement the president mkes about an congressional in actment he is signing into law.
Sociological Representation
Representatives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious or educational backgrounds as their constituents. One could correctly represent the others views.
Split Ticket Voting
If you voted for two different parties. like democrate for one and republican for something else
Stare Decisis (is latin)
Literally "let the decision stand" is reasoning from precedent
Supreme Court Makes Up Rules
The highest court in a particular state or in the United States. this court primarly serves an appellate function.
Attorney submitt briefs to supreme court
Veto-General Pocket Override
Congress can over-ride it by two-thirds vote. The President constitutional power to turn down acts of congress
Pocket Veto
The preident has ten days to act if not its considered a.....
Vice Preident Job Duties
Has to have all the same requirements as a president. Break a tie in the Senate. To cast a tie breaking vote in the Senate.