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60 Cards in this Set

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the management of conflict over who shall rule and what oplicies shall be made.
According to Locke, what is the source of the government’s authority?
The consent of the governed.
The limit of private property set by the law of nature is:
no one may take more than he or she can eat before it spoils.
In Locke's account of government, if the king or other government should generally cease to act for the common good
the people, as a whole, may invoke the 'right of revolution.'
In class it was argued that, just as an internal combustion engine uses dangerous fuel, gasoline, to accomplish a desired goal, Locke and Madison's view of human nature and politics uses ______________ to achieve a common good.
passions like greed and ambition
Montesquieu believed that the most essential requirement for popular participation in ruling was:
an active, educated, dedicated citizenry who put the country first.
In the common view, before 1787, a confederal form of government seemed to combine the advantages of:
small republics for internal rule and a large nation for defense.
What was the general failure of the Articles of Confederation?
The weak central government could not effectively coordinate the states.
One rule that made the debate at the Constitutional Convention more like a good philosophical discussion was that:
only one person could speak at once and no other distracting behavior was permitted.
The central issue in the framing of the Constitution, which dominated the first five weeks of the debate, was:
how strong to make the central government.
James Madison believed that the causes of faction were rooted in:
the nature of man.
The institution that with a monopoly ion the lawful use of power can make decisions binding the while society.
Political sys. where the people rule.
direct democracy
political system in which most citizens make policy as in a town meeting
representative democracy
political sys in which policy is made by officials elected by the people.
a form of democracy in which power is vested in representatives selected by means of popular competitive elections.
political authority supported by public opinion.
parliamentary sys
a government that vests power in an elected legislature that chooses the chief executive.
presidential sys
a government that vests power in a separately elected president and legislature.
articles of confederation
a constitution drafted by the newly independent states in 1777 and ratified in 1781(created a weak national gov)
a governmental unit that has supreme authority and is accountable to no higher institution.
unicameral legislature
a lawmaking body with only one chamber, as in mebraska.
Shays's rebellion
a rebellion in 1787 led by daniel shays and other ex revolutionart war solders and officers to revent foreclosures of farms as a result of high interest rates and taxes.
a form of democract in which power is vested in representatives selected by means of popular compeitive elections.
judicial review
the power of the courts to declare acts of the legislature and of the txecutive to be uncomstitutional and hence nnull and void.
separation of powers
a prinviple of american gov whereby constitutional authority is shared by three separate branches of gov. the legislatative the executive and the judicial
a political sys in which ultimate authority is shared between a central gov and state or regional gov.
Checks and balances
the power of the legislative executive and judicial branches of gov to block some acts by the other two branches
according to james madison a group of people who seek to influence public policy in way contrary to the public good
supporters of a stronger central gov who advocated raticication of the constitution. after ratification they founded a political party supporting a strong executive and alexander hamiltons economic polices.
opponents of a strong central gov who cmpaigned against ratification of the constitution in favor of a confederation of largely independent states. Antifederalists sucessfully marshaled public support for a federal bill of rights. after ratification they formed a political party to support states rights.
federalist papers
a series of eighty five essays written by alexander hamilton james madison and john jay (publius) that were published in new york newspapers to convince to adopt the newly proposed constitution.
an alliance among different interest groups (factions) or parties to achieve some political goal. an example is th coaliton sometimes formed between republicans and conservative Democrats.
1st Amendment
feedom of religion, speech press assembly right to petition the gov.
2nd Amendment
Right to bear arms.
3rd amendment
troops may not be quartered in homes in peacetine.
4 amendment
no unreasonable searches or seizures.
5th amendment
No double jeopardy
no one can be forced to testify against oneself.
no loss of life liberty or property without due process.
6th amendment
right to peedy public inpartial trial with defense counsel and right to cross examine whitnesses.
7th amendment
jury trials in civil suits where value exveeds $20
8th amendment
no exvessive bail or fines no cruel and unulual punishment.
9th amendment
unlisted rights are not necessarily denied.
10th amendment
powerw not delegated to the united states or denied to states are reserved to the states.
Civil liberties
rights chiefly rights to be free of gov interference accorded to an individual by the constitution; free speech free press etc.
civil rights
the rights of citizens to vote. to receive equal treatment before the law and to share equally with other citizens the benifits of public facilities (schools)
bill of rights
the firt ten amendments to the us constitution countaining a list of individual rights and liberties such as freedon of speech religion and the press
due-process clause
protection against arbitrary deprivation of life liberty or property as guaranteed in the fifth and fourteenth amendments.
equal protection clause
the provision in the fourteenth amendment to the constitution guaranteeing that no state shall deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.
a doctrine whereby the supreme court incorporates that is , includes many parts of the bill of rights into restrictions on state gov actions.
prior restraint
the traditional view of the press's free speech rights as expressed by william blackstone. the great english jurist. accourding to this vview. the press is guaranteed freedom from censorship.
injurious written statements about another person.
symbolic speech
an act that conveys a political sessage such as burning a draft card to protes the draft.
free-exercise clause
a clause in the first amendment to the constitution stating that congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exervise of religion.
establishment clause
a clause in the first amendment to the constitution stating that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
Wall of separation
a supreme court interpretation of the setablishment clause in the first amendment that prevents gov involvment with religion even on a nonpreferential basis
separation of powers
a prinviple of american gov whereby constitutional authority is shared by three separate branches of gov. the legislatative the executive and the judicial
a political sys in which ultimate authority is shared between a central gov and state or regional gov.
Checks and balances
the power of the legislative executive and judicial branches of gov to block some acts by the other two branches
according to james madison a group of people who seek to influence public policy in way contrary to the public good
supporters of a stronger central gov who advocated raticication of the constitution. after ratification they founded a political party supporting a strong executive and alexander hamiltons economic polices.