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46 Cards in this Set

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Spokesperson for Englishman Rights, Country party, Party of Parliament, Anti-Tyranny, Anti Democracy, anti capitalism, opposed Torries

Classical Republicanism

Civilian Participation, anti-capitalist, self-governed

Montesquieu's political science

Republic-Democratic or Aristocratic
Monarchy-Despotic or Rule of Law

Locke's State of Nature

Pursuit of Self Preservation, Unpredictable, people are free and equal, must be left to achieve happiness

Four possible bases of society according to Locke

God, Consent, History, Nature

Locke's Basis of Civil Authority

Consent: Consent to self preserve, equality=self preservation

The End of Lockean Society

Comfortable Self Preservation

What would Montesquieu think is necessary in a Monarchic, Aristocratic, or Despotic government




Montesquieu's Problem with Republics

Function best when are small, but small can't defend selves. Must come together.

Aristotles View on Regimes

Polity is the best regime- All depend on virtue
Living in an Oligarchy defends freedom
Living in a Democracy defends property

System of English Monarchy

Crown- Barons- Knights- people (serfs, middle class_

American Conservatives (1750)

Defending traditional rights

Mayflower Compact

Covenant between God and the People, went the Whig Route, Whig tradition reinterpreted to represent people

Education of Founding Fathers

Cicero, Aristotle, Montesquieu, Locke, Classic Republicanism

3 Competing Elements leading up to Constitution Constructing

Republican, Whig, Covenant Types

Law of Spoilage (Locke)

you have to leave as much and as is good for other people (can't collect every apple because they will spoil when you can't eat them in time).

Gone when money is introduced

Where does value in Nature come from according to Locke?


Parental Power (Locke)

Authority lies with the Male, Authority over children because they are necessary when parents can't take care of themselves anymore

Natural Imperative

1. Stay Alive 2. Keep species alive

Connection between Democracy and Physics

Move in the way the biggest force is moving

Lockes View on Federate Power

Power to conduct foreign affairs

Executive Discretion/Authority

Executive applies laws, Locke grants very strong executive authority- When legislature passes bad laws use Executive Discretion/Authority

Declaration of Independence

July 4th 1776, Rights of Nature and Nature's God, nations have a right to be a power of the earth (like France, England, Spain), mostly not Lockean, Authority comes from God, Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness-Broader than Locke

Articles of Confederation

Sovereignty is in hands of states, States come together at war time for defense. Influenced by radical anti-monarchy sentiment. Liberties threatened by a weak central government. No separation of powers. Montesquieu.

May 29th 1787

Proposal of Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan*, Paterson Plan*

Virginia Plan

Madison+Randolph. Balance between State and Federal power. Two branches of Federal power, first picked by people, second picked by first and Executive picked by Legislature. Debate between state representation (equal or proportional) VP leaning towards proportional

New Jersey Plan

Paterson. Wanted only to revise Articles of Confederation. Small State Plan

Where does Hamilton say the greatest concern for Tyranny comes from?

The people (the majority)

How does Wilson say the President should be appointed?

Using electors. This was voted down.

What happened on June 5th 1787

Amendments, House of Reps, Senate, Executive w/ veto, one court, judiciary

House of Reps elected directly by people

Senate by States

What is a legislature composed of?

Assembly (house of reps) and Senate


Presented Hamilton plan that proposed almost monarchy. So far from New Jersey plan it pulled people back to Virginia plan. Wrote executive article of constitution. Commercial over landed interest


Proposed Virginia Plan, bicameral legislature

What are the 2 inalienable rights

Life and Property (Locke and Rousseau)

What does Article 3 of the Confederation say?

that if one state attacks another, the federal Government cant do anything about it

What did Franklin say about payment of the executive?

They should not be paid in money but in honor. This was rejected by Hamilton.

Interests seen in Government

Commercial vs Landed

Elbridge Gerry

Massachusetts. Didn't sign Constitution because it didnt protect individual or states rights enough. Against Democracy/National Government

Robert Yates

Strongly opposed strong central government. Did not sign Constitution. Hated Hamilton

James Wilson

Strong Central Government. Signed Constitution.

June 18th

Hamilton shares his plan (echos monarchy) as a reaction to questions of not creating a national government

June 25th

People are divided as Professional, Commercial, and Landed interests

Great Compromise

Jersey gets a vote, Patterson type give up

Locke's State of War vs State of Nature

State of nature=people living together governed by reason, without a common superior

State of War=when people make designs of force upon other people without a common authority

Charles Pinckney

Signed Constitution. Commerce interests, wants slaves

June 15th

New Jersey Plan proposed